Setting up at the Antique Fair in Marburger Texas


Texas at last! We have arrived! We pulled the trailer from South Carolina, to Atlanta, to New Orleans, then to Houston were we traveled along the famous country road pass cows, voluptuous trees, rolling hills, small picturesque houses (a painter's dream) pass stands, tents, barns, houses, dance halls and fields FULL of antiques until we came to were Lynn will set up in Marburger Farm.

Round Top area map

Marburger farm

(You might be wondering why I took a photo of this sign on the backside. I'll give you three guesses:

  • One, the clouds were prettier at this angle?
  • Two, I wanted to show you that I was INSIDE!
  • Three, because I see things backwards most the time.

Stand at Marburger

The Antique fair at Marburger is set up in several large tents, plus in several small buildings… the rustic setting gives way to a show full of stunningly beautiful pieces. Marburger is the only place that has an admission fee. The other fairs along the route are free to the public.

Marburger window

A sneek peak inside. A small house STUFFED full of antique linens. 

Hall at Marbuger

Antiques in Marburger are in a Bingo Hall, a Blacksmith's shop, a Dance hall….

House marburger

Dance hall marburger

Antique shop Marburger Texas

As we were one of the first to arrive I took the opportunity to take some photos before the other dealers came in and set up. The out buildings are enchantingly rustic.

Marburger Antique Shop

The interiors are simply lovely as is. The walls in this building are lined with pressed tin. I am glad I was able to see inside most of these places before the dealers arrived and filled them up.

Antiquing unpacking

We unpacked. Every item was either in a box, or covered in old blankets or bubble wrap or both, or crated… the 'stuffing' (the packing material) takes up a great deal of room.  We carried each piece into the stand, then uncovered it and carried the stuffing back into the trailer.

Setting up at Marburger

Each tent holds about thirty or forty dealers. The fair offers walls and tables for a small price, and porters to hire. Each dealer must bring there own decor, flooring (the tents are set up in fields, as the ground is damp the furniture cannot stand directly on it or it will damage it.) hence, you need to bring ground covering, wall covering, electrical wiring, ladders, hooks, nails… well let's just say you need to bring everything to set up shop. Lynn covered her walls in Burlap.

Marburger setting up

Setting antiques

Set up Marburger


Marburger setting up for the fair

  After several hours, we were walking dead. Luckily Lynn brought fans, it helped beat the heat.

Antique dealer vans

Setting up antiques

It is an incredible sight to see hundreds of other dealers arrive from all over the country, and start the process of setting up for an antique show. The slow transformation of pastures in Texas to becoming a mecca of antiques in nothing short of a miracle. One thing in certain…. these people, these antique dealers are passionate about what they do, or they are simply crazy for hard work and old things.

Let me tell you we will sleep good tonight!


34 responses to “Setting up at the Antique Fair in Marburger Texas”

  1. Celeste Coelho

    Rest well deserved!

  2. Hasmin Cannon

    Glad to hear y’all made it to Texas safe and sound! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the antique fair through your eyes. I’m already eyeing some pieces that Lynn has!

  3. Fascinating to see the transformation.
    Sleep well indeed!

  4. I love you my darling♥

  5. Marie-Noëlle

    NUF EVAH !!!
    (to read backwards!)

  6. Shelley Noble

    Wow! It’s like you’re in Carnivale!

  7. Are you still sleeping in the truck? Good thing you refused to sleep under bridges this summer. You’re doing enough outdoor sleeping now.

  8. Wow it looks like you are in “Antique Heaven”. Hope you got some rest and relief from the heat!!!

  9. Corey,
    Love the tetes-de-lits (I assume that’s what they are) and the gilded mirror that Lynn has put up.
    I won’t be able to make it to Marburger, as I’m heading to LA this morning, but I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.
    I’m sure you’re going to have a great time checking out all the goodies from the various dealers there…

  10. OMG Corey, your picture of that window with all the linen stapled inside the barn made me cry! What am I doing here ? It´s very hot here too ( 26° C for end of September is very unusual, we´ve not had the heating on yet ).
    You must feel like in a dream, and I´m sure I´m gonna dream of your antique fair and stall tonight. Hope Lynn is making good deals for all the huzzle you went through. Wish I could see all the show. Hugs,

  11. Ellen Cassilly

    That was a lot of work!

  12. I am thrilled you are there! I will be there on Wednesday. I can’t wait to stop in and meet you in person!!!

  13. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi D
    I will miss you! I was looking so forward to meeting you.

  14. Ohhh Corey the way you see things through that lens is stupendous … a zillion, squillion, trillion thank yous 😉 xo

  15. roger brucker

    Are you girls REALLY antique dealers or just using it as an excuse to fiddle around? I am an antique dealer and have never worked a day in my life. It’s all fun. You get to ride up and down the road going to cool places and call it “work”. I think Lynn is a hoot. I like her wry sense of humor. Good luck ladies!

  16. Oh Corey!
    It looks like so much fun!!!! I think I may actually have to go to Texas one day and see this fair!

  17. Love, love, love the explanation on why the sign of Marburger is taken as reverse…
    To see things backwards–what an awesome new perspective–gotta try it!

  18. Oh my gosh…I so want to be there…this place is going on my calendar for next year! Have a great time…stay safe!

  19. I cant wait for tomorrow! And to see more pics of all of the dealers and the finished booth! P.S. you can drop all leftovers off at my house. Have Fun!

  20. What a special treat to have you as our guide. It is soooo much work!!! I hope they all make lots of money to keep them coming back. I do agree they must all be a little crazy or overly passionate!

  21. Something else– you are always entertaining Corey. Beautiful work. Thank you

  22. I’m getting tired reading about the setup. I’m sure it will be a huge success and something you will never forget. Great experience for those of us who just read about it, too!

  23. What a sight! I’m sending the link to my sister who lives in Texas. Who knows, she might live nearby because I saw Houston on the map and she’s about two hours south.

  24. Joan@anythinggoeshere

    Yikes. I do show so I know how much work this is! And everyone in Texas goes all out to do a fabulous display. Good luck and I hope y’all are very successful.

  25. What an experience . Next year I come with you . It is so great to see how you set up a stand , It reminds one when you helped me , my friend . The only difference is that you are in the USA . and THAT makes a difference .

  26. kaylovesvintage

    looks was it a good one

  27. What an amazing experience. Hard work too I guess. Are any tempers fraying in the heat? It must be so hard to have so many people all working so hard elbow to elbow. Do the stall holders have an easy friendship or a rivalry between them? It is such a great glimpse inside a totally different world! Thanks Corey!

  28. I knew you had probably made it in today! I went to Warrenton with a friend and was tempted to stop in! Wasn’t it hot today!! Whew! You get a gold medal for working in that heat!
    Hope to see you on Friday! I really can’t miss the chance to meet you in person!

  29. Glad you arrived safe. Now the fun begins.

  30. Christie Lacy

    I met you today while walking around with Linda (Willow Nest Farm). I’m so glad to find your blog 🙂 love your photos and great meeting you! have a happy stay!

  31. I love the photo of the interior with the pressed tin. Very nice!

  32. JanePoet ~ JP/deb

    Wish I was in Texas! When are you coming to Washington??

  33. wow the buildings are so photogenic, i always find i am attracted to photographing buildings, particuarly the old delapitated ones with grass growing out of them

  34. amazing…how small the world of blogging is ms. corey and how beloved you are by those who frequent your blog.
    thank you for sharing it all with us and some day some of us will meet up, up close and personal. until then…happy trails!

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