Marburger, How do you say that in French?

French antiques aubusson and candlestick

French antique bird house and aubergine chair

French antique sun bursts

French antique urn with fall foilage

 Everything  IN    France

         you can find in  Texas,

even Paris.

I now know where to buy French antiques…. I have never in my life, not even in St. Ouen, in Paris seen such an array of fabulous, knock your socks off, unbelievable, make me want to cry French antiques. I am Awestruck.


Star burst

Auduze pot

French antique aubusson textile

If the Texans give up their cowboy hat for a beret…. and their boots for a bauguette…

The Eiffel Tower might be next!


28 responses to “Marburger, How do you say that in French?”

  1. I’ll see you there next September,after another trip to France.
    …love to see your linens.

  2. Kristin Wight

    Have you heard of Paris, TX? Its closer to Dallas…. and the Eiffel Tower is there!
    Would you really expect anything less from Texas?

  3. and people don’t think us Southerners are cultured! HeHe. Glad you are enjoying yourself! Don’t forget to have a margarita while you are there–Texans make the absolute best!

  4. Your photos left me drooling…..

  5. Who knew? I never would have thought!

  6. Boxwood Cottage

    Corey do you know what I really think?
    I think it is kind of wrong that all the french antiques (cultural things!)are brought out of the country, out of the continent even, it makes me really sad to see *sigh*
    I don’t know if you understand this sight of things. When I was in Athen Greece at the Acropolis last September I learned that lot’s of the beautiful statues of the Acropolis are not there anymore because some rich British people have brought them to England, long time ago and they are now in a British museum instead of the place where they belong to. That really made me sad and I have this same sad feeling when I see all the French antiques in Texas, it looks so wrong to me.

  7. Splendid sights, Corey!
    I can only imagine that the French as a whole must have been immensely rich during past centuries – who was able to afford all that splendor, I ask. I see splendid old things here too, but they are in antiques shops and not affordable by the average Joanna!
    Have you seen the movie “Paris, Texas”?
    I love it.

  8. Jill Harris

    Now I’m suspicious that you may NOT be in Texas after all ; )
    The photos are wonderful!
    …and a BIG thank you for answering my questions from yesterday about the “Gypsy Dress” sighting … and the mention of my little brocante was MUCH appreciated!

  9. well…the thing with knock-offs are you don’t have to worry about shipping them across the atlantic. and if they are quality knockoffs why would you…
    so happy you are enjoying your adventure.

  10. Jealous, jealous, jealous! Wish I could be there — maybe some other year. As it is, I’m 2000 miles away with a new baby… not the ideal conditions for antique shopping! I hope you keep having a wonderful time; it’s always great to hear your stories.

  11. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    I have always wanted one of those sunburst mirrors. The ones in your photo are gorgeous! And the earlier comment on taking things out of a country to sell — I’m originally from an old German community in Iowa that was full of craftsmen making furniture, baskets, tinware,indigo block-printed fabrics, etc. Very little is there any longer. As the older people died, their children took what they wanted and sold off the rest. My father always told me, things just can’t stay the same. Hopefully all of the items sold are in homes where they’re really loved.

  12. Oooh that chair with the plum colored upholstery! Are you buying any items to take back to France?

  13. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
    We wish we were there!
    When I heard that you were going there, I told your Mom… “Let’s meet her”.
    I said “We could fly out and bring a U-Haul back”.
    She told me not to even mention it.
    I’m sorry now that I didn’t!
    How many bags can you carry?
    D is so delighted to watch you everyday!
    She has learned how to scroll really well…
    I stand amazed as I try to see your pictures she tells me about each and everyone as the page flashes by!
    Can’t wait to see you!

  14. Wow, and how I crave a sun mirror!

  15. Carolyn Mallin

    Such amazing things, so artfully presented.

  16. OMG, that CROSS!!! Third picture down. Divine (and pun very intended).

  17. Marie-Noëlle

    I have right now the same feelings as “Boxwood Cottage” …
    What’s your name, B.C. ???

  18. Corey,
    Beautiful stuff. Nicer than St. Ouen is really saying something!
    Sorry I missed it.

  19. Just imagine bringing some French antiques back home from Texas to France = from the New World to the Old World. But that´s the course of history, I mean Europeans who went to live in North America centuries ago took their stuff withem, and that´s not stealing.

  20. Wow and wow! I am still trying to wrap my head around that- all in Texas?! Dang, I am going to have to give up some of my opinions of Texas. lol
    Though let’s be real, there is no way Texans would trade in their cowboy hats for berets. It’s just not going to happen.

  21. Love you

  22. Joan@anythinggoeshere

    Isn’t that amazing. Don’t you wonder how they all got to Texas!!!

  23. I want to CRY! I WANT that mirror and the giant birdcage-two items on my top ten that I have been in search of!!! How were the prices in Marburger-is it still a good excuse to go to France? Oh how I wish they would send me those items for my poor boring house!!! I will trade you chocolate chips any day-LOL!

  24. Yes, we Texans do understand sophisticated culture. It is the provincial “north eastern” Americans who are totally surprised about us because they are so isolated. We in Texas have probably traveled to more countries than anyone else in the world.

  25. Corey, I love that CROSS! Bring it to Willows!! Love Toni

  26. Katy in Fort Worth, Texas

    Well, ya’ll! Let’s not forget – Texas used to belong to France! It was the only one of our Six Flags that my family didn’t live under.

  27. Corey
    I wonder if the old west- Indian artifacts and long horn’s and cowboy gear and saddles are sold in France — you know the Robert Redford’s Sundance lodge look?

  28. Ok, Marburger may have great French antiques, but I’ve been to St. Ouen and sorry girlie girl, there is no feeling like a “French Flea”. Being surrounded by the language, little cafe’s with delicious cafe au lait and cocoa. I think Texas is fabulous but give me Paris any day!
    Glad you’re having fun!

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