The Gentle Palette of Swedish Antiques

French antique chandeliers

Crystal chandeliers sparkle like stars above A. Tyner's Swedish antiques booth in Marburger.

The Antique fair in Roundtop, Texas is a sight to behold even if you don't like antiques. The amount of foreign antiques, museum like quality, history that you can touch, feel and soak in is literally mind boggling. The dealers are knowledgeable, passionate about their business and share their wealth of history freely.

Swedish antique clock A. Tyner

A. Tyner Swedish antiques

Swedish Antiques religious piece

Most of the items I cannot afford. But that does not stop me from going in, asking a million and one questions. Antique
dealers love to talk shop… how lucky I am to gain from their wealth
of experience and to stand amongst such beauty. What amazing craftmens
and women walked before us, leaving such elements of a life once lived
with grace and elegance, a worthy path to follow.

Swedish antique clock

Swedish antique style

Angie and Rex Tyner are one of the largest importers of Swedish antiques in America. They have been in the antique business for over fifteen years. Their stand in Marburger is an incredible wealth of beauty. Painted furniture is something I adore, so stumbling into their booth felt like I had fallen into an eighteen century Swedish home finding myself happily at home.

When I dared pick myself up and back into reality, I asked if I could take a photo, I found myself happily engaged in a most interesting conversation about Swedish antiques and their antique business. Thank you Angie and Rex for your allowing me to peek into your world.


French antique printed silks

French eighteen and nineteen century printed and embroidery silk panels.

Due to the storm last night some of the tents leaked, worse, had water running through them. Some rugs, fabric, and upholstered items were soaked.

Though most things were protected, the dealers were fretfully worried that their pieces might be ruined.

Antique floral textile

Antique textile pillow

French tapestry

Antique tapestry upholstery

French silk

Interiors with Provenance specializes in antiques from around the world, including antique
oriental carpets, textiles, furniture, decorative
accessories, and fine art from purveyors, Deborah Gott and Ken March. Their booth is right behind Lynn's so I often peek inside.

French printed linen

Their collection of printed linen, silks, tapestries is worthy of a trip, they have something for every pocket book and are the kindest folk to talk to.

French antique globe de mariage

Usually these globe de mariage (Napolean the III with a glass dome and a painted black wooded base) contained a bride's wedding wreath and other marriage tokens surrounded by gold leaf styled symbols. Fete de Fleur describes it best…

Though the globes (glass domes) also were used to guard other souvenirs: Flowers, birds, butterflies and religious artifacts.

I think I might have to have a couple of those globe de mariage … as big as a house please to store  my souvenirs of Marburger!

Tomorrow I will share the booths of my new found friends: Judy, Shelley, Teresa, Gwen, Terry, Linda, Sherrie, Kathy, Lisa, Liz…. Oh my god, make that Glass Dome the size of the earth!

Also thank you to all of you who came by to say  HELLO   What a HAPPY surprise it is to meet those of you who read my blog.


33 responses to “The Gentle Palette of Swedish Antiques”

  1. gorgeous photos of such beautiful things!

  2. Fabulous indeed
    I love you

  3. Does the world still have such craftspeople?
    These treasures should be treasured. Thank you Corey.

  4. oh. my. god. I wish I were in heaven, I mean Texas right now. Who would ever have thought. Your photos are stunning. I want to live in Angie and Rex’s tent!! Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy!! the news of the storm and vendor’s gorgeous treasures getting soaked made my heart stop when I read that.
    Thank you for (as always) bringing us along on your fabulous adventure!
    xo Isa

  5. Every post makes me think I am going to go in the spring no matter what!!! Thanks for sharing such wonderful eye candy!!! Swedish antiques are so beautiful!!!

  6. I had such fun chatting with you at Marburger! Isn’t it a wonderful show??? My favorite of all the ones I attend. I am back home now–arrived LATE last night and have not even unpacked all my goodies. I will work on that most of the day today–it wil be like Christmas for me! Thank you again for my special treat–I appreciate it!!!

  7. Lainey Ouellette

    Corey – I have been following your blog since you left Bluffton. My best for you and Lynn – enjoy each moment – you are both wonderful women!!! Hugz-z-z-z, Lainey

  8. Thank you for sharing! Beautiful items, I especially love the birds & flowers needlepoint with short and long stitches!
    How awful that some items got wet. hope they are not ruined.

  9. Stephanie C

    absolutely lovely! wish we were there. I’ve been following your blog for about a month, and I always want to just jump right into your blog. Love all your posts, and that you post every day. Thank you so much for all your inspiration!

  10. Beautiful 🙂

  11. Wonderful photos and thoughts. Thank you so much for taking the time to show us around. Really wish I was there! Trish

  12. Absolutely stunning stuff you have there! And I agree with you, back then people knew how to live surrounded by elegance and class.

  13. Love, love, love the chair with the tapestry upholstery!
    And A. Tyner’s web site is amazing – I found a dozen things on there I wanted.
    I’m so glad this has been a fun trip for you.

  14. Ithink I need to go to the next show.

  15. Ok, I’m curious, are you selling lots of stuff?

  16. In my office, w my morning cup of blog coffee– the audible oohs, and aaahs–I wish you could hear Corey. Yes, you need a great big dome, but it seems like you already have one.

  17. Check!
    Ok that swedish clock is on my top ten list also! I Guess I will have to go to Texas next year! Are you coming too?
    Anyhow glad your having a fabulous time and thanks for sharing!!!

  18. O Corey, this is a TORTURE!
    So beautiful, I just want to cry!

  19. Oh…I NEED that Swedish clock, the gorgeous shelf in the 2nd photo, the settee in the 3rd, and any chandelier 🙂 All so beautiful! I told my husband last night that we have to attend the show next year. Your photos are gorgeous & represent so many styles–thank you!

  20. Joy Hendricksen

    Oh my goodness! Those Swedish antiques and pictures are TO DIE FOR! They are some of the most gorgeous items I’ve seen! I WANT THEM ALL!
    Just an aside, I have been reading your blog daily for three or four months and LOVE IT! I have now started in the archives and, although at work (don’t tell!), I read a year’s worth yesterday!
    P.S. The French Husband is a real hunk! Does he have an older brother?

  21. Franca Bollo

    That Swedish day bed/bench in Photo 3? Very Gustavian.

  22. beautiful, beautiful pictures!

  23. Corey
    You out done yourself with those gorgeous pictures. Wish I was there postcard perfect!

  24. Visual Vamp

    Thank you for the incredible back story and photos. It’s almost as good as being there!
    xo xo

  25. Oh my goodness! So tantalizing, you really captured the beauty of these antiques! I want them all- have no idea how I’m going to pay for them or where I’d put them, but, yes send them all my way! lol
    (kidding of course, but, hey a girl can dream!)

  26. Rhonda Fantozzi

    Great site! hope you and lynn are having a great time. Did not get to talk to you very much at the party in Bluffton, hope you will be back in town and come by and see some of my wrought iron! Rhonda

  27. LOVE that swedish palette & beautifully creative shots…tak….jani

  28. Corey:
    I so look forward to your blog each day. Seems like you and Lynn are working hard but having the time of your life. Please send pictures of both of you in your party dresses. Lonely in bluffton!!

  29. Cheryl at Casual Cottage Chic

    Have been following your adventures in Texas and loving every picture! Thanks for sharing with us that could not make the show.

  30. French Country Decor

    everything looks so elegant and sophisticated!

  31. michele jones

    Corey_ I’ve been reading your blog for about a year. I still cannnot believe that I actually got to talk with you face to face yesterday! It was surprising to me that I felt we were old friends meeting up. Blogging is incredible! Enjoy the rest of the week. michele jones

  32. Such temptations!

  33. Marie-Noëlle

    When will you be at Willows ???

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