Blowing in the Wind, The forest that landed in front of my mom’s house


autumn storm over farm land

rice crop glenn county

 A storm was predicted. The rice farmers raced to take the crop off the fields, not because it would ruin the yield but because it would be difficult to harvest a crop laid out in the mud. Most of the farmers worked the last few days around the clock. My brother and cousin Curtis managed to harvest the last field around eight last night.

rice harvest

Last night the storm poured in with a great roar and tumbled around throughout the day.
My mom's yard looked like a bomb had raced through it; chairs topsy turvy, pots strewed, plants thrashed and a general mess of leaves and debris scattered with each gush of wind.

after a storm

While I was making my mother and I some lunch in the kitchen I noticed out the window a ton of leaves fly by, it was odd and I had a funny feeling that a tree was about to fall. Have you ever had a feeling that something was going to happen and before you could claim the feeling it does happen? Well I walked over to the back door and before I could turn the door  handle I heard a terrific ripping sound, then a large branch the size of a tree went sailing by. I screamed as I watched it crash down in front of the doorway.

See the green stuff? See what looks like half of the national forest in front of my mother's house? My mother rightly calls it a very large branch…. but when it came sailing by it looked like the entire tree and then some.

My mother came running when I screamed "Oh my God a tree is sailing by!!" My mother is not a drama queen like I can be, instead she looked at the large tree branch covered with leaves in front of her front door and declared two thoughts:

1) "The green foliage kind looks good, it trims the door frame nicely doesn't it?"

2) "Well at least I won't have those leaves to rack."

tree in front of the door way

I must learn to be so matter of fact, instead of getting caught up in the drama.


38 responses to “Blowing in the Wind, The forest that landed in front of my mom’s house”

  1. Oh glory be Corey, thankfully you’re both safe … we’re having tumultuous winds down here too … your gorgeous Mum’s attitude is 10/10 😉

  2. Thank Heaven,
    that forest stopped its migration at the door,
    you wouldn’t have wanted it at the dinner table.
    I hope that storm didn’t cause more harm!
    There were two linden trees next to my parents house, almost a hundred years old. One of them fell during a storm, crashing in front of the house, brushing the front side, but ripping only a few shingles from the roof. The chapel that had stood between those two large trees was damaged beyond repair, the strong old roots tore it off its foundation.

  3. Your mom sounds great!
    : )
    Julie M.

  4. You have a very cool mom! Luckily no one was hurt.

  5. Marie-Noëlle

    TIMBEEEEER !!!!!
    Hope your favourite harvesters are good lumberers too !!!???!!!

  6. Massilianana

    Waow , your mum sounds like Bruce Willis in front of some helicopter just fallen off the sky and making a cool comment…
    The photos of the storm and its results just reminded me of Wizzard of Oz…..

  7. Yes, but your sense of drama is what creates all the great stories that you share!

  8. God’s blessings for safety and continued
    rainbows after every storm.
    Love you
    Glad your Mom is doing so well♥

  9. Julie Ann Evins

    Mummy Cool that’s what she is, I thought she looked great by the way in your recent picture. Wonderful pictures of that moody sky too. We are being treated to such variety this year Corey with all your adventures. What did the family think of your talk about French Life by the way ? Luv Jx

  10. I am quite thrilled that the branch did NOT land on the roof! What a memorable birthday for your mom huh?
    Did you lose power? My mom did for several hours and had to eat chocolate covered almonds for dinner!!

  11. beautiful captures of the fields and beyond…nothing more beautiful than the vastness of northern california. we’re supposedly in for a cold weather snap the next couple of days though…it was in the 50s this morning so i am thinking it won’t be as cold as they’re predicting.
    have a wonderful day.

  12. We’re a little south of you here in CA and we had a few limbs down as well. My first thought was ‘the garden will get more sunlight now!’ We’re at the top of a hill and what a wind!

  13. Margaret Bouwmeester

    Good thing everyone was alright!!! Scary enough to have a storm, never mind flying trees!!
    Margaret B

  14. Yikes! What an Oz type moment with you being Dorothy. That must have been frightening to watch – let alone have a premonition something was going to happen. All’s well that ends well.

  15. anne chung

    That same storm is now here in Southern California. It hadn’t rain in so long, I forgot how rain feels and sound like. It is now falling on my roof and it is wonderful. Unfortunately it might cause mudslides in the burned areas.

  16. oh, I don’t know, TICA _ drama can be fun. Then afterwards you can be all practical 😉

  17. Corey,
    Your pictures of the clouds are stunningly beautiful – they look like Corot paintings.
    Glad you and your mom are OK and the harvest is in.

  18. Beautiful photos. I love the way your Mom sees things. That is the way I need to look at stuff more often.
    It is raining a lot here too but no falling trees.

  19. Carolyn Mallin

    Your Mom is a hoot. Glad everyone is safe and the harvest got finished.

  20. Some storm. Don’t you just love how mom’s say the most common sense wonderful things.

  21. isn’t it funny how we admire the opposite traits in other people…my mother is a very calm person too, i hope to be more like her

  22. Well, it was a very dramatic day, especially for the first rain of the season. I know that cracking sound, if it’s not doing something terrible, it’s awesome. Your Mom provided insight in a special post.

  23. So glad to here the harvest is in and the house is ok! We barely got all the almonds picked up.

  24. Here on the California coast, a few miles to the southwest of you, we had 70 mph winds that knocked out the power for hours, trees down, a similar looking landscape as your Mother’s front door and about 8 inches of rain… all within a 24 hour period! Well, I can say that we NEEDED that rain! Just not all at once. LOL
    Meanwhile at our ranch just north of you, my Dad was also racing to get the hay in!
    We love the drama Corey! LOL Keep it coming!

  25. I love your Mom.

  26. MOM”S
    Ever the calm in the storm!
    the dowsers daughter.

  27. Thank God it didn’t land on the house! Several trees were lost and power outages around California…my mom still is without phone service in Woodland.

  28. Gotta love the mama!!

  29. “Toto, I have the feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
    (Glad to know you’re all safe, except for the poor tree)

  30. Your mom is too cool.

  31. Love your mom’s attitude! We had the same storm down here– it knocked down three trees on my street! (Okay, less leaves to rake…)
    You know, all this time I’ve been getting Willows mixed up with Willits?! Big, big difference! Oops!
    hugs, Jill

  32. Oh my goodness, a similar thing happened to me. We had wild winds here (South Coast NSW Australia) a few weeks ago. I went out the front door and it blew shut behind me and locked. I raced around the side of the house as the wind started to roar much louder and faster. I reached the sliding door at the side of the house and I could here the wind coming on the other side of the trees. Oh my goodness I was scared and as I reached the sliding door it was locked. So I put my head down I knew something was going to happen and then huge cracks and wind. Branches hit the door and window either side of me, but thankfully missed me. The noise died down and I looked at either side of me. I was shaking but I was ok. How lucky was I!
    Carol xx

  33. Ellen Cassilly

    lovely storm on the horizon photos.

  34. Brenda Kula

    I’m afraid I would have taken the “drama” route myself!

  35. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    You had me on the edge of my seat with your words…What a storm! Glad you were together!
    Pictures like yours capture the moments perfectly! So glad you are all okay!
    Stay safe,

  36. I’m laughing at the computer. Do you ever wish that you can hear us all out there reading your posts? Thanks, Trish

  37. Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    Willow(s?) looks like a bit of heaven on earth, Corey… What beautiful photos you took as the storm moved in. And what a contrast between your home in the states and your home in France! Each so uniquely beautiful…
    I’d have been right there with you, screaming about the tree/branch landing right outside the door! I marvel at people who stay calm in the middle of chaos!

  38. The pictures of the rice crops were awesome. It’s too bad about your mom’s garden but it is good that your family was safe.

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