The Scarecrow Contest


There was a Scarecrow Contest in my small childhood town. 

My mom and her friend Holly decided to enter. We knew without a doubt that it wouldn't be you typical Wizard of Oz type of Scarecrow that they would come up with. No, no, no, it wouldn't be typical– that was certain. They are far too creative for that! We couldn't wait to see what kind of scarecrow came up with.

The wicked Witch of the West's shoe

I do not know about you but certain images conjure up certain songs. When I was in Austria I couldn't help but belt out songs from the Sound of Music. When I saw my mother's and Holly's scarecrow I started to sing tunes from the Wizard of Oz. How sad that my voice does not resemble Judy's… I think I might have scared off some of the judges and other voters.

Toto and the ruby red slippers

Toto, the Ruby Reds and those long, green nose-picker fingernails.

the witch with Toto

The Wicked Witch with Toto, the red slippers and a black bike to boot.

Scare Crow contest

Amy Doll checking out the Wicked Witch of the West Scarecrow at the contest.
I thought I heard her say, "I"ll get you my pretty!" or something like that.

(Amy Doll came to visit me from Oregon.)

We later learned that My mom and Holly won the contest!!

a witch on a bicycle

Sound effects needed (insert cackling, and the songs sung in the poppy fields please!)


There is no place like home

without the Wicked Witch that is. 


30 responses to “The Scarecrow Contest”

  1. jend’isère

    The cyclone brought more than stunning photos, it hurled us all to OZ!

  2. “Oh my!”
    : )
    Julie M.

  3. Oopsie, where am I???

  4. Stunning in its own way!!

  5. Marie-Noëlle

    Will not scare only crows, I bet …. !!!

  6. Julie Ann Evins

    Im humming the “wicked witch” song !! Jx

  7. Corey,
    That’s awesome!

  8. Fabulous and Best Witches
    Love Jeanne♥

  9. Just wonderful!

  10. Thant is great! Congratulations to your mom!

  11. A well deserved win!

  12. Now THAT’S a real scary scare-crow to scare ALL sorts of things away..

  13. Please give them my congratulations. Was the contest held in Sycamore? I can’t tell.
    If you see my dad hug him for me!!!

  14. what an amazing scarecrow.

  15. Well done!!

  16. That will definitely keep the crows away! Very intimidating. Awesome job ladies. Blessings, Kimberly

  17. She looks like she’ll ride/fly away any minute!

  18. Carolyn Mallin

    Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!! She’s wickedly scary.
    Great that your Mom won the contest.

  19. Michelle M in KY

    Looking at the photos from yesterday…I would have swore that you were in Kansas and then today…the witch…are you sure that your plane went to California? I am glad you are having fun and I know that leaving and returning home will be bittersweet. Safe travels to you my friend!

  20. Lieselotte

    Looking at your scarecrow pictures I thought that woman must be Amy – not the scarecrow, the blond one! She looks very well ! But how did you two get together ? That scarecrow on the bike looks marvellous, and her ankle boots are just the latest fashion. When I shared a room in England with my French friend Helene, we used to hang up our washing on a funny wooden zig-zag stand that we borrowed from our landlady, and when our clothes were hung out on that thing in the garden, we used to call it “our scarecrow”. It might have frightened off some burglars, who knows ?

  21. Conratulations to Dolores. I wish my mom and I had known..we would have been there. Wext year Dolores and Holly could make those creepy flying monkeys…They gave me nightmares for years. Sorry I missed you at Nantucket. I have been remiss in checking your blog because I am making oodles of sculptures for the Baltimore ACC Show. I hope I get to see you this trip!!! Janet Coshow

  22. Very well done Mrs. Amaro and Amy. Congratulations on your well earned win.

  23. priceless ingenuity and joie de vivre!

  24. Tamara ModernGear TV

    Aaahhh that is utterly amazing! If I was walking or driving and saw that from behind, I’d probably squeal the brakes by slamming on them, and hightail it the other way!! OR, try to screw up some courage and approach it slowly for a better look. I knew from the first look that they would win!! They should do store window displays!

  25. Your mom is AWESOME!! Kudos to Holly as well.

  26. Bob from San Luis

    I can hear it now…
    doo doo-doo do do dooooooooooooooooo
    I’ve got you, my pretty! And you little dog, too!
    and this the 7oth anniversary of the Wizard of Oz!

  27. Reprising yesterday’s comment, since it feels à propos again today: “Toto, I have the feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

  28. Happy travels! Love the witch. Of course, they would win.
    in Oregon

  29. Brrrr … that witch still sends shivers up and down my spine. What a costume! And yay for your Mum & Holly.

  30. Did this wonderfully wicked witch blow in the day after the storm that blew down the huge limb of the tree? Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my – and congrats.

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