
Nantucket by Corey Amaro

Growing up in Willows, a small town in Northern California, we had one or two places to go to if we wanted to shop, or if we wanted to see a movie, or go out to eat… Willows was, and remains a small farm community with one main drag and a few places to peek into. The nearest "big town" is Chico, a University town which offers a bit more dazzle. Going to Chico when I was a teenager was an all day event, it gave me the feeling that I was groovy, especially when in need of a fix for shopping.

Nantucket (a home furnishing shop in Chico), opened its doors in 1975, one year before I graduated from Willows High.

Nantucket store in Chico

Mercury glass candle holders

Nantucket, got its name when the owners, Rick and
Nan Tofanelli, visited Nantucket Island.

In the beginning they sold Crabtree and Evelyn's
and other varied specialties with fragrant names such as: Jojoba, Wheat, Cucumber, Patchouli… I felt so grown up when I would purchase something beautiful, even if
it were just a bar of cucumber soap.

It was years later when I met the owners Nan and Rick, I was far too shy to do so in the beginning.

Whenever I went to Willows, I would visit their shop. Their "look" never disappointed me. Soon the soaps and candles gave way to home furnishing, rugs, and interior elements.

hemp and linen covered pillows 

Reproduction styled antiques at Nantucket 

Nan has an incredible eye, especially for color, layering with texture and mixing reproductions with old furnishings. I am impressed with her inventive sense and use of space when I see her interior displays.

Nan's and Rick's Nantucket has been a destination for over thirty five years.

displaying color and textures in interior design

Cement wall and cutouts and firplace, Nantucket designs


Rick and Nan take a hands-on approach of the store’s image and
personality. Most days Nan is the one in the back ground creating
ambiance for their shop or the interior for a client. Rick, on the
other hand, is
usually found talking about pretty much anything, he is the master of
small talk, the extrovert, happy go lucky, face of Nantucket. I don't
believe I have ever seen Rick not talking to someone.

Nan and Rick are equally delightful and extremely talented. Their children have followed their lead.

gears as wall art 

Stacked rock interior wall 

knotty pillow

art against art 

chunchy slab for a table top

Several years ago when I was visiting their shop Rick came up to me
and asked, "Where are you from? Nobody around here dresses like that?"
I did not know if it were a compliment or slap in the face… anyway we
got a talkin' and eventually Nan and Rick came to France– we did the
brocante thing together (I bet you saw that coming, huh?)

they heard that I was going to be in town this month, they set up a
wine and cheese party in their new shop and asked if I would speak
about living in France and how to avoid eating escargots.

Nan's photo of me

Photo from Nan and Rick.

Here I am pretending to know what I am talking about, standing with
my feet apart (so not ballerina like), holding a glass of water in that
black dress that has be to here and back. 

I was happily surprised, as a wonderful group turned out! Readers of Tongue in Cheek stopped by: Mindi, drove over three hours, AND made her husband stop harvesting to help her drive to Nantucket! Plus Amy Doll came over from Oregon, and Ladelle flew in from L.A. with her friend Marina. Tessa came over, my mom, many cousins and Nantucket's clientale did too!

Everyone who came over that evening to Nantucket's I want to say thank you. Thank you Nan and Rick for inviting me to speak, and for the delicious party! 

Nantucket's design 

"Nantucket has developed into more than a husband and wife
team; now all three of Rick and Nan’s daughters, along with a wonderful
12-person staff, take part in Nantucket Home’s management and future." 

Nantucket's style 

Bedroom and burlap light. 

Nantucket's interior

Nantucket Home

Chico, California


Tuesday – Saturday 10 to 5:30

Sunday and Monday 12 to 4pm


33 responses to “Nantucket”

  1. The shop is beautiful It would have been a lovely venue for your talk. To think, once you were too shy to meet the owners.You give us all hope. thank you.

  2. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    C’est magnifique !!! What a wonderful shop, I can imagine you talking !!!

  3. What a beautiful shop – and a lovely story as well. I love the way you tell a tale and bring it all together in the end. Thank you.

  4. WOW, this is a great store. I love the aesthetics. Just beautiful with a great blend of old and new. Wish I lived around the corner, I will look for them on line!

  5. gorgeous shop
    Would love to see the photograph of you
    I love you my darling
    Love Jeanne♥

  6. Julie Ann Evins

    oooooooooo I can’t open the picture of you speaking which I would love to see. The shop looks gorge though, Jx

  7. Unfortunately I can’t see the photo neither….I guess a new career is starting?
    Hi Gracie, Julie Ann, and Jeanne,
    Hum I can see the photo, though it is best if you cannot ;), on my browser (firefox) though I could not see it on Safari… does the make sense?
    Gracie, no no no not a new career, but it sure was fun.

  8. I bet you looked adorable. I lvoe the look of this chop- it must be quite a feeling to have some many people come to see you!! You rock star, you! PS- I like escargot.

  9. Opps- I meant “love this shop”- can’t type today!!

  10. don’t remember this lovely shop when i was in chico in the late 70s but then, i was not into decorating and such. just a poor graduate student.
    they’ve some beautiful pieces. that purple area rug…WOW

  11. Corey, when I was growing up, my mother told me the reason for so many snails in people’s gardens in Northern California was because some short-sighted idiot back in the late 1800s had decided our Mediterranean climate would make it an ideal region for raising escargots commercially. Unfortunately, the livestock soon escaped and went feral, regressing to the norm size-wise (i.e., resulting in an abundance of small snails not suitable for eating). BTW, the very thought of escargot makes me even gladder than ever to be vegetarian!

  12. P.S. I’m unable to view the photo of you speaking either, alas.
    Oh, and isn’t it a kick to get to address a group of interested listeners? I got to do this at the double book launching and subsequent presentations of my two latest co-translating efforts up and down California late last month. I just loved it, and can hardly wait to do it again. Of course that means many months of hard work translating another book first — the parties afterwards are just gravy, er, the icing on the cake (or pick your own favorite metaphor!).

  13. Just out of curiosity, what are the criteria for which icon appears next to each post here? I can’t discern a pattern yet — can you please explain it?

  14. Hmmm, maybe there IS a pattern after all, since the 2 posts I just made all have the same golden yellow icon…

  15. Margaret Bouwmeester

    What a charming store, I sure could use their help decorating!! I can’t see the photo of you but I am sure it is lovely!
    Margaret B

  16. timeworninteriors

    What a lovely shop! I long to have a store of my own, but we are in a very depressed area, I’m willing to move, but not hubby! May be some day!

  17. My neighborhood has two stores like this (on a much smaller scale)which I love. Nantucket store looks so beautiful and fun to shop at.

  18. Hi Corey,
    I am so glad we had the opportunity to meet! And, like Willows Manteca doesnt have any shopping so getting the chance to visit Nantucket was great. I can’t wait to go back to Chico, their are so many things I had wished I bought at the store. Your wonderful pictures just reminded me! Didnt you just love all of those big round fun pillows they had?
    Corey you were a wonderful speaker, I loved all of the information on France and especially your story on how you met your husband. Hope we meet again someday!

  19. a gorgeous shop

  20. lovely shop corey but i am unable to see photo too!

  21. What an enjoyable read. It’s a shame the picture of you didn’t reveal itself.

  22. Okay…so homey, gorgeous, and what my imaginary living room and dining room look like in my head. Beautiful. I want to go to there. By the way Corey, after meeting you at Marburger, my mom now reads her first blog—yours. And I have one, but as she says, she see me all the time. Love you!

  23. Sara Tofanelli-Barroso

    Corey… It was such a pleasure to have you here. We hope to do it again next time you’re in the States. The pictures turned out beautiful.
    Thank you again. What a nice treat to have some French culture mixed in to our lives for an evening.

  24. I can’t see the picture either! I thought maybe you did something to hide from us. LOL Must be the web browers. I am glad you had a nice visit with everyone and a safe trip back home.

  25. Julie Ann Evins

    I can’t see it on firefox Corey.. hope u r not hiding again !

  26. Melinda Alexander

    Corey: My husband and I so enjoyed meeting you at Round Top. We will be coming to France in the Spring and wanted a bit of info; if you were only looking for antique/vintage lighting, lamps, sconces and chandeliers, where would you go? Please ask your dealer friends for me so that I can begin planning my trip to France. This will help me get thru the winter. Melinda, The House of Tuscany, Fort Worth, Texas
    Hi Melinda
    I look forward to seeing you in France! I’ll send you some addresses.

  27. Hi Corey. I love Nantucket. I lived in Chico for seven years when I went to college and afterwards when I was a newlywed. I always loved going into their store downtown and my first house was just around the corner from their old designer headquarters off of the Esplanade and East 1st. I was in Chico yesterday for my children’s doctor appointment and afterwards we stopped at Nantucket to see my friend Marci who is a designer there. I love their new space, it’s calm, serene and every sort of wonderful. Sorry I missed your chat when you were here, maybe you will do another one day and then I will come for sure.

  28. Oh, I miss going to Nantucket. I haven’t lived in Chico for 21 years, but this was always one of my favorite stores, along with Christian & Johnson (the floral shop downtown). I can’t wait to visit there this summer! Glad you had a great time! Jamie V in MT

  29. What a tease! Telling us there is a photo of you but posting a blank! Only joking, looks like I am not the only one unable to see it. You have got my imagination working. I’m closing my eyes and trying , yes, there you are. You look gorgeous Corey! How elegant the dress is!

  30. What fun, Corey! I wish I’d known about Nantucket when I stayed in Chico with my folks on my way down to school in LA years ago… It looks like a lovely shop!
    : )
    Julie M.

  31. jend’isère

    Beautiful furnishing. Curious to see a name of East coast on West coast. Until I noted her name is Nan.

  32. Marie-Noëlle

    This new haven will be your heaven !!!

  33. please, let us see that photo of yours!!!!!!!!!

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