Wild Mushroom ride without buying a Ticket


Deep in the Cezannes French Husband and his friend Thierry went on their annual wild mushroom picking adventure.

Last year they picked over 12 kilos of those cute little things, fat ones skinny ones and wiggly ones too.

Last year French Husband made omelettes with wild mushrooms and while we had our mouths full of them, his partner called alerting us that he found one bad mushroom in the bunch, and he said, "Throw them away..DO NOT EAT THEM."

Like I said our mouths were full when he called. I barely slept that night. Fear hung over my head and the next day I swore I would never eat wild mushrooms again.

Last night French Husband prepared pasta with the wild mushroom he collected. He was so proud. I enjoyed seeing him glow. The aroma of his wild mushroom sauce filled the kitchen enticing me. By I held my ground, even when Chelsea, and Sacha joined French Husband and licked their plates clean. "Mom, you sure missed out!" Rubbing it in my resolve they added, "If we all die tonight you will have wished you ate some!"

Last night somewhere around two in the morning I woke up with a pounding headache, I knew if I had ate the wild mushrooms I would be swearing it was their fault. But I hadn't.

The headache continued causing a violent storm within me… through the night and up until about an hour ago… I hung on to the side of the bed wishing headaches would leave me alone. I am on the other side of the the storm, barely, heavily medicated like a ride on mushrooms without the trip.

Hell I missed out and still got sick. Lucky me.
But I will not eat those mushrooms no matter how cute they are, or how loving French Husband prepares them.

P.S. I do not know why this underline thing is on and I am too pooped out to figure out why.


35 responses to “Wild Mushroom ride without buying a Ticket”

  1. Ed in Willows

    I’m with you,,, if I don’t buy them in a store……I’m not eating them either.

  2. Hope that you feel better as the day progresses.

  3. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Cory,
    I wish I could help you feel better…sending you healing thoughts! I hope by the time you read this you will feel like yourself again.

  4. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    There is nothing worse that waking with a horrible headache. I so feel for you. I hope it subsides soon.

  5. Massilianana

    Hope you are already much much better !
    It is funny , to read someone can be “pooped out” , not that I see anything funny in you having this headache full of anguish ,mind you , but the words alone sounded very funny to me !Take care ! Tudo de bom pra voce !

  6. g coughlin

    dear c
    as an extreme sufferer of headaches too i know exactly the feeling you describe. i hope you are feeling more like yourself with every passing minute. i have been scared of mushrooms ever since my mom was watching that clint eastwood movie, i think it is called beguiled , and the girls poisoned him . that was it and i swear i was 7 or 8 at the time! no shrooms for me. g

  7. You will probably remove this post, but I could not resist…. what if husband asked and you replied ..”Not tonite honey, I have a headache!”

  8. Twinkleberry

    Oh, Sympathy Corey, Headaches are debilitating! The underline suits your post….!

  9. I’m sorry for your headache. I too suffer migranes. But on the bright
    side, I always feel so light,and the world seems fresh when the headache passes.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  10. Brother Mathew

    Love the P.S.

  11. Theresa – Garden Antqs Vintage

    Corey, hope you are better and well. The text is probably underlined if you load your pics first then type sometimes this happens. I’ve found if you will type your text then load pics it doesn’t happen, just a thought.

  12. I feel for you with that lousy migraine. You know how I get them too.
    I hope you feel better really soon.

  13. jend’isère

    Posting the shades of mushroom grey wall adds to the empathy of the moment. Which I hope is over by now.

  14. OH poor Corey, hope you are feeling waaaaaay better by now <3

  15. I loved that your post was underlined…I thought “oh, there is some mystery here, can’t wait to find out what it is!” I laughed when I came to the p.s. but I am sorry you feel so badly.
    Do people still bring mushrooms to the pharmacy to be checked out by the pharmacist? Just wondering.

  16. I hope your headache is getting better quickly. I am sending positive thoughts your way.
    in Oregon

  17. I hope you will be better soon!

  18. Lieselotte

    Dear Corey,
    last night must have been the night of headaches. Well, Georg started it – he needed a pain killer and felt very sick all night. In the middle of the night, AH woke up with a burning headache. I tell you, there must be something in the atmosphere! I can share your fear of eating mushroms, I once had a meal ( Strudel ) with mushrooms in a restaurant and I felt sick all night- it´s because mushroom dishes must never be re-heated, and I´m sure they were. But very nice of FH to go pick them and cook them- can´t you send him over to us to be chef in our kitchen while we are at work ?

  19. Julie Ann Evins

    I hate mushrooms ! Get well soon, Jx

  20. Hi Corey — I, too, kept reading your post and thinking, “wow, she’s underlined all of this so there must be something big at the end…” and then laughed when I read the real reason. You’re too funny.
    But not funny with those headaches. Terrible, terrible. I have stinking headaches sometimes but never like the stinking headaches you get. So sorry you suffered and hope you bounce back soon.

  21. Get better sooon!

  22. Elizabeth Harper

    My husband picks them and eats them too…I’m with you though someone has to be able to administer first aid so I say NO to all mushrooms not purchased at the store.
    I hope that headache goes quickly on its way.

  23. Blessings my sweet friend
    Feel better soon
    I love you

  24. Shelley Noble

    Feel better soon dear, Corey.

  25. I’ve just reached the end of a migraine that started 5 days ago. For 5 days I have swallowed tablets to attempt to join in with my family. My sister told me about a magical anti-migraine spice tea. I went out to buy the ingredients but was unable to find one of them and went to bed without making it. I woke up headache free. Imagine if I had made the tea? I would have proclaimed it a miracle?!

  26. Roxane Stoner

    I believe that the underligning was to accentuate your discomfort. I hope that you are doing better. There is a famous french movie about a whole family eating granny’s mushroom. They all die, except the youngest of the family who is the only one living to tell the tale. Can’t remember the name. Do you know it?

  27. I hate headaches, I get them often. Try an ice pack. Sometimes that helps ease some of the axe in the side of my head feeling…
    Just the thought of those delicious mushrooms makes my head spin.

  28. Corey, you are so funny with the underline thing….cracked me up. Genuine people are the Best !!!! 🙂 Feel better Best wishes.

  29. My gosh, they are crazy brave (emphasis on crazy). There is a certain poetic INjustice at you getting sick and narry a ‘shroom in your tummy. Fate can be a five letter word sometimes.

  30. Oh Corey, my favorite mushrooms were Pfifferlinge (who knows what these are in english or even french). I was working in Switzerland about 4 years ago (or longer?) and they were on the menu. about 2:30 am i thought dying would be a better alternative. I have never been so sick in my life. I have not eaten a fresh one since then.. i am so missing out.. and so are you.. is this like having babies that eventually you forget how painful it was?

  31. I hope you are felling better by now. I am slowly getting over a migraine myself. I hate that I often miss a day a week suffering with a pounding headache. It is a no fun!

  32. Dear Corey, I hope your head feels more normal now & your family has you back…That heavy, pooped out feeling is such a drain… The underlining just showed what you were going through, migraines emphasize EVERY darn thing, can’t control it and it seems never-ending. Take care.

  33. I know we cannot ‘blame’ God for headaches or stuff like this but do you ever think that sometimes God may have a sense of humour ~ prodding you that you should have eaten and enjoyed the mushrooms? saying ‘take the plunge Corey.. eat those mushrooms’ but of course, God does not give headaches not even in jest…
    hope you are feeling better..xo
    we are off on a fantastic adventure for two weeks on the bike.. but I have decided to leave my laptop behind to escape the internet.. I am so looking forward to that Zen zone i get while riding along on the back.

  34. Cheryl at Casual Cottage Chic

    Hope you’re feeling better…maybe the headache was from NOT eating anything?? My dad used to “hunt” for mushrooms in the woods behind our home when we lived a few years in Ohio. I think he picked just one kind…we never got sick…I’m still here…LOL! He would saute them in butter…yummy! And once I even grew my own white mushrooms. My mother sent us a Christmas gift…it was a box of mushroom seeds (?) in rich black soil. All you had to do was water the dirt, put the box in a dark corner and viola! white mushrooms were popping up like weeds. It was a delightful experience.

  35. Hi there – been reading your blog for a while – had it bookmarked for the day when I get to go to France – the day has now come – I have a 3 day trip to PARIS planned – any great tips you can give me on sight seeing and/or flea marketing – I am going thru your entire blog but I thought you might have a list locked away somewhere that I can’t find ; )
    LOVE your blog

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