BMX Dirt Trail Riding or Ballet in the Dirt

BMX dirt trails

The dirt.
BMX riders
The riders.
BMX Dirt trails France
The jumps.
Dirt trails France BMX Jumps BMX dirt

Riding BMX dirt trails means you will fall before flying over the jumps.


Calculated risks.
The taste of dirt.
Costly repairs.

All in the name of The desire to fly on wheels.

BMX dirt jumps trails in France

It is beautiful to watch.
Ballet on an earthy stage, leaves for tulle, steel for grace.
When watching it, I catch my breath. Their music: the sound of the bike’s chain hissing with speed, and their voices echoing fear and doubt, mingled with swear words and glorious hoots.

train trick on BMX dirt

BMX is about training. Hours and hours of finding the right landing
spot, how to hold the pedals, how to fly with the bike and not over
it. Like ballet, the riders make it look effortless and graceful… they tempt you to grab a bike and soar.

dirt riding BMX trails france
BMX dirt in the forest France

The ballerina knows the pink satin-toe shoe is not just a pretty thing.

Her toes bled before they took her to new heights.

BMX dirt riders see the price of the dance as the taste of dirt.

However, Sacha has reassured me that concrete has a more complex taste.

riding with the wind

French BMX Champion

BMX jump France

building up speed BMX dirt trail

Sacha BMX DIRT trail

Building up to these vertical jumps is a series of little bumps and turns
to build up speed (photo above). Once you go over the first major bump,
you rarely pedal again. Gathering speed, therefore, is most important. Once the rider goes over the jump he must hold his feet on the pedals a certain position or risk having them broken off on landing. Also, you cannot land on the peeks when riding (or flying) over these sharp, steep dirt jumps. You must go over them.

Landing is everything.

Sacha dirt jumping BMX trail france

sacha jumping BMX

Sacha loves riding BMX dirt, as it is called. Last weekend, he was determined that it was the day to face a new challenge. The vertical parallel: Two jumps side by side, when the rider goes up the vertical side he sways over to the opposite landing, verses going over and straight down. A rider must have all the elements in place and a helluva great deal of sped height and guts.
Sacha told me that in this jump, you have to have “the balls” (his words)
to take the leap of faith. Or, as the NIKE ad says: Just do it.

As he rode, I saw in his eyes that he was going for the parallel vertical jumps. I knew he did not know where he was going to land… the jump is angled, so it is hard to know until you are up in the air the first time you do it; you gotta go for it. I took one last photo (above) before the lead into the parallel jumps, and then I put my camera down; I wanted to see it without my lens in front of my face and watched.

He did it.

He went UP and over, then crashed on landing.

Sprawled out, bike twisted, dirt on his face. I cheered! I assumed and was right that the pain from the fall was worth every bit of the agony of his glory. He did it! Broken handlebars and broken brakes, but not a single bone broken, nor ego bruised. He beamed happiness. Everyone went running over to him. I clapped!


Sacha BMX Dirt trails

I loved it. Strange but true, I was proud and thrilled for Sacha. I could taste the dirt in my mouth. I wish I had known about BMX dirt riding when I was young(er). I think I would have had the balls to do it, too. Ballet can keep its tulle and pink satin shoes; give me earthy dirt.

Watch out Chase Hawk.


23 responses to “BMX Dirt Trail Riding or Ballet in the Dirt”

  1. Wow! You are a brave Mum to be able to see past the danger and understand the thrill. Sasha is a lucky son!

  2. My heart was pounding just seeing your fabulous photos!!! Wow he makes it look beautiful…..great job Sacha!!!

  3. Wow Sacha! Congratulations! Wow Corey! – you are such a great mother to watch and understand!

  4. jend’isère

    Brave you! Watching this is more difficult for my maternal instinct than caring for a toddler.

  5. Parisbreakfasts

    Boys Day..
    I’d rather put on those toe shoes and keep my feet firmly planted on the ground thanks very much.
    I don’t understand men – maybe I need a shot of testosterone…

  6. Well done Sacha, great stuff and fab pix Corey.
    Karon x

  7. It’s wonderful that you can do this. As I was a bit of a dare devil in my youth I understand the thrill, but as a mother I’m not sure I could watch.

  8. Much love and many blessings

  9. I’m sure Sacha just loves his mother being so proud of him for such a ‘guy thing’. And his friends must think you are the coolest! I loved this story.

  10. Wow, that does look like a lot of fun. My husband rides fourwheelers up the sand dunes. Too scary for me!!! Although I would pick dirt over ballet anyday, being raised in the country and all…
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Vicki’s Bit-o-Earth

    Being the Mom of 3 boys… I totally relate! (:

  12. Julie Ann Evins

    I agree with Gina ! That last picture is superb. You have such a talent with the camera Corey, Jx

  13. Proud Uncle Brother Mathew

    That a kiiid.

  14. Good for you for letting Sacha take the challenge. Good for Sacha for “Just Do It” attitude. As a former Nike employee, I can appreciate the attitude.
    I have the same feeling for skateboarding. If I were younger I would be doing it too.

  15. Corey you already know I have 3 boys but did you know that I am a tomboy too? Yep grew up riding dirt bikes with my brother and uncles. I am with you on this one give me a bike over a pair of ballet shoes any day! Now I know why the good Lord blessed me with boys. 🙂 Kimberly

  16. Boys will be boys. It looks like great fun.

  17. My aunt used to go to each of my cousins’ football games (four boys, each about a 1 1/2 yr apart from one another) at home or out of town because she had to be on watch for their wins, losses, and most importantly any injuries (and there were some dooseys (sp)). I reckon your cheering on Sacha runs in much the same vein and I am sure he appreciates the bolstering and the awesome pics.

  18. We have a huge BMX dirt riding park at our fairgrounds. It is amazing!

  19. Ida from South Africa

    Great action photos! “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.” I think you’ve blessed him with both. 🙂

  20. Volunteer India

    The bikes up in the air look very graceful. I love it but I wouldn’t dare to try it.

  21. c. los angeles

    OMG! They are a dare devil. That is so scary. But it looks awesome.

  22. I love this celebration of youth. The fearlessness, the focus without self-consciousness, the exhiliration of flying with your partner. For me that partner was (is) my quarterhorse, Buffy, not a bike. Still, the “dance” takes two. Steep in every aspect of your child’s youth before it goes.

  23. u r a awesome riter

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