French Brocante Shopping Online

French brocante find

If there is anything that you know about me, there is one thing that you certainly know- and that is that I have got a thing for the brocante (French antique fair.) Yes I gotta feeling or two for that French man of mine, and my family too. But I do not mix them in the same pot. You know, people & things stand apart. So with that clarified– it stands to reason that I have too many things. Brocante things that is.

fountain pen tips 

I am seriously thinking of opening an online shop. It will help me, really it will:

° Unclutter my cupboards and drawers.

° Give me new reasons to chine (French for "go antiquing'.)

° Which will hopefully be a win/win solution to my habit and for those who want a piece of French brocante.

Small silver chalice for after dinner drinks 

I know and you know everyone needs some small silver chalices to drink after dinner drinks in.

Everyone knows that.

old French document

Do you think I should do it? Small, non breakable, easy to mail, inexpensive, light weight things..

Easy Huh?


134 responses to “French Brocante Shopping Online”

  1. Absolutely. Sounds like a brilliant idea!!!
    Cannot wait to see!!

  2. Passementerie

    Sounds like a wonderful idea. I’m sure you have lots of readers/followers so your initial marketing is well under way and then all you need is a chic website – I really hope you do it!

  3. sounds like a great idea to me.Good luck !!

  4. Hi Corey, you must have a treasure trove of wonderful things to sell ( how are you going to choose which ones to say good-bye to). I am not a collector, I just love to look at beautiful things, but if perchance something caught my eye, would you send items to Australia?
    p.s. Is this the “thing” you hinted at a few blogs ago when your head was bubbling over with ideas? Linda C.

  5. YES YES YES please do, it is a great idea.

  6. Natasha Burns

    YES you should! (and international shipping too?!!)


    YES…sounds like a fabulous idea… long as you can post things all the way downunder to New Zealand!! Look forward to seeing the first items for sale before long….grreat idea!!
    Jennifer, Nelson, New Zealand

  8. Twinkleberry

    Absolutely! It’s a wonderful idea.

  9. michelleb.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Please do. I’ll be one of your first customers.

  10. Debbie in New Jersey

    Yes, PLEEEASE…..

  11. YES YES YES!!! Is the “post office” close by?

  12. jend’isère

    An idea that many would like to unfold.
    And this way you could still keep your barbells!

  13. Oh my goodness, YES. Do it!

  14. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS… please!!! 🙂

  15. Need you ask? Yes!

  16. Corey- PLEASE do, I think it will be fabulous!!!! I can’t wait to see what you would have!!! Becky F

  17. Sounds like there are more of us down under then I realised! I wonder like Linda C if this is the seed that was germinating under the trees with FH? i myself do not buy things online but I’m sure many people would.
    I’m sure i would be a successful idea, just hope you keep this blog for the love of it.
    xx Katie (Melbourne, Australia)

  18. I would love to buy things from you! I am always drooling over your pictures of your brocante finds!

  19. so is this what you were hoping to learn with a blink of an eye? Do it! One more reason why you HAVE to go brocanting!!

  20. I think it is a great idea! You would be doing something you love and providing a service for those who can’t go over to France themselves.

  21. Paula S In New Mexico

    OMG, IT IS ABOUT TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I’ll take some of the sheet music.
    BRING IT ON…….

  22. Thought you would never ask…it is a definite Qui!!!!! You have an exquisite eye!! Do it and the sooner the better!!!

  23. Oh, yeah!!!! Spread some of those lovlies around!
    You are a girl after my own heart.

  24. Maureen Blair

    Oh, YES! A thousand times YES! It will give you something fun to do when the children have left the nest. It will give all of us out here a little shot of France. AAAAAND, I think you should sell your exquisite photographs, Corey.

  25. Julie Loeschke

    Yes,please. 😀

  26. Just Do It!

  27. I think you would do well if you had a shop online……I know I would be looking in the “cyber windows” with the hopes of finding that special item.

  28. Need you hear more my dear… count me in! starting with those fountain pen nibs with the birds… I would love those… not only could we have coffee with you in the morning, we could have afternoon tea, as we open our packages with the French post… oh how grown-up it all sounds. Love Linda

  29. Christine E

    Absolutely. A fantastic idea. I’ll certainly be checking it out and will forward to friends. DO IT. x

  30. Oh, most definitely yes!! I would be your favorite fan. Please do consider it.

  31. my heavens, here is my full on pleading for another little bit o’Corey! i think everyone wants more, more, more! i drink your photos in with my eyes, so the real thing would be very cool. YES PLEASE!!!

  32. Dee/reddirtramblings

    A splendid idea! Yes, just do it, but you must ship overseas. I’m just sayin’.~~Dee

  33. sandra blanks

    oh my goodness, yes, absolutely! I’m so excited…I’ve wished you would do this for sooo long! Can’t wait

  34. waiting on pins and needles for when you start! yes yes yes…

  35. linda/lulu

    let the wild rumpus begin.

  36. Nancy from Mass

    I can buy French Linens!!!!!!

  37. How can you NOT do this? I thought that you did sell a little, way back when … this is such a natural progression. But here’s another related idea … how about personally shopping for specific things that your customers are seeking? Only problem I can imagine is that it will be hard to let go of some of the amazing things you find …

  38. Most Definitely! Until I can get to the brocante some far away day, it would feed the need:)
    Can’t Wait:)

  39. corey,
    i don’t know if you remember me…actually i’m sure you do. you are so good about these things. i wrote you early this summer to help me find a small hotel in paris for a over night after my trip in italy.
    you were a big help. and i loved my little hotel.
    i’ve LOVED your travels this summer. and SO LOVED your tales of your early years and falling in love in france.
    thank you so much for sharing…your sharing in every way.
    …and it’s exciting to see how this new online possiblity may come about.
    best to you…sorry i don’t comment more, but i read everyday!

  40. Why wait…the sooner the better!!!

  41. You Frivolous Mommy!

    you have such a good taste and eye for beauty…it would be a capital sin not to share…even for a small profit! Yes,do it!

  42. ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!
    You would be so wonderful at it.
    ~Debra The Capers of the Vintage Vixens

  43. Absolutely. I think it would be a big success. You take such beautiful photographs of your antiques. Just be sure to charge enough for them and for shipping and handling. Your time is valuable. ..It’s a good way to find new homes for things you value and it will allow you to chine without worrying where you’ll put what you buy.

  44. Definitely YES!!!! I want to be your first customer—YAY!!!!!!!!! Hurry hurry!!!

  45. GO FOR IT!!!!! YEA COREY!!!! YOU MUST!!! HONKER POWER!!!!…ooops, sorry about that. I got carried away ♥

  46. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Did I say YES? I have tried to snag some of your offerings for the special sales at Somerset but they are snapped up before I can click the buy button! You are sure to be a huge success. OK, so how much is the tin of pen nibs? See, I could be your first customer!

  47. I’ll be in line to be your first customer!

  48. Yes Corey! and look into using PayPal for payments

  49. Yes of course,,you go girl!

  50. Elizabeth Harper

    I’m only surprised that you’re just now considering it.
    I’d be happy to shop there.

  51. As night follows day, I think this is a no brainer…….Brilliant!

  52. Absolutely!!!!!

  53. Yes! And I also think you should come to Round Top, Texas once a year. I loved seeing you here at the last show!

  54. oh yes, lovely! yes!!!

  55. missy from the bayou

    Oui, oui, whee,whee,whee!!!!!!!

  56. Oui, Oui, Oui!!!! Please do! You love it and have an amazing eye for it-it just makes sense! And you will make so many people happy!! Will you be taking requests? 😉

  57. Carolyn Mallin

    It’s a fabulous idea. I think you should do it.

  58. Cara Maddox

    duh :)of course you should, and it makes perfect sense. It would be the best!

  59. Beth Evans-Ramos

    Yes! Oh pretty please yes!
    Beth of Salvage Studio

  60. If you love to shop…you will need to start an online shop…it is a that needs to be completed. The bonus is that you will bring happiness to others in a unique wa

  61. Linda Tunnell

    Oh, please! I want old books so badly my teeth hurt! Its a great idea (at least for me being the selfish person that I am)

  62. FrenchBlue

    Missy Corey
    YES YES YES YES YES!!!! My prayers would be answered by the girl who once worked for a Catholic church!!! I CAN NOT WAIT! Clearing out and making money and buying more treasures is a perfect combo for you! Right?

  63. My knees just went WEAK…yes, Corey, please, I am begging you…..for us stuck here in the states.

  64. Hi Corey…Wonderful idea!

  65. YES you should!

  66. Not sure why its taking you so long??? Go for it girl!

  67. marsha danosky

    I agree with everyone else…it is a perfect fit for you! And to think how far I have to fly,drive,search for my brocante when traveling to France.You have it all right in your backyard….lucky girl!!

  68. Well, since this is the 68th comment it appears other commenters have stated what I will. YES please start an online store. Of course I will expect you to deliver my orders here in person this summer.

  69. well corey it looks like the shopping frenzy has started already! I am in the q too! The sooner the better say i just what we need in the deep mid winter here in ireland, shopping at the brocante- online!

  70. Don’t tease me!!!!!!!!

  71. Corey,
    A resounding, eardrum rattling DO IT! YES!

  72. YES, YES, YES!!

  73. Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio & The Comforts of Home


  74. ABSOLUTELY, you should do it… I drool everytime you show a picture of French Brocante.. I want it ALL!!!

  75. I support you 100% I am sooo excited!

  76. Corey, I’d only suggest that you look into reading information (a book or some articles) re successful selling online before embarking on this endeavor, so you can avoid common pitfalls.

  77. Brother Mathew


  78. Sounds delightful.
    Corey, would you think of having a section on your blog with pictures of your home and how you have painted/remodeled/decorated? I love your style and was scrolling through old posts looking for how you re-did your bathroom and kitchen, but it was hard to find it all since it is spread out over many different posts with other things in between. I would just love to see your home!! 🙂

  79. Oh absolutely! It would be perfect for you.

  80. YES DO!! It won’t be the same as being there with you to hunt for treasures. You have terrific taste and a talent for finding the unique. Maybe even an etching or two.. The next best thing to being there!!

  81. DO IT!
    What fun for all! Will you ship to the US?

  82. Yes Yes Yes … ship overseas?

  83. Allegra Bridges

    Corey, this is what I had hoped for. So glad you mentioned it first!!!

  84. Go for it! You will have more time as your family moves on to adulthood.

  85. YES ~ YES ~ YES !!!

  86. Corey, what a wonderful idea!
    My immediate response to yesterday’s post would have been to get a job, because that’s what I did. It filled in the time I had on my hands, when my children left, provided some extra income and allowed me to add to our retirement savings.
    With your talents I KNOW you will find some wonderful ways to spend your free time. Opening an online shop could only be the beginning for you of many wonderful new adventures.

  87. yes, yes, yes!

  88. I didn’t even finish reading the sentence where you ask if you should or shouldn’t and I was screaming YES!!!! all the way from Canada! Did you hear me? I would like to put my name at the top of the list for some of those lucious melt in your mouth, heavenly old papers with the blue tinge, not that I’m picky they can be any colour you think,(I trust you implicitly).
    I am sitting here with my finger on the send button the second you release the goods!

  89. Betty Parker

    I absolutely cannot wait!

  90. Definitely do it!!

  91. Yessssssssssss!!!!!

  92. The Brocantess

    Yes, but not until I get to Provence:)

  93. Pretty please with sugar on top!

  94. ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think that is a FABULOUS idea! On many occasions I’ve thought about emailing you asking for that very thing!
    I will be your first online customer!
    Good Luck!
    Sandy in Utah

  95. Yes. Use PayPal and pack in sturdy boxes. Flimsy packing will just be torn apart in the shipping process. But with reasonable prices people will pay to ship and you will have more reason to shop at the brocantes.

  96. I was wondering if you would ever get around to doing this………

  97. do it.

  98. oui,oui,oui all the way home!!!!!! yay for you! yay for us! finally! i am so excited….hugs,ann-marie

  99. yes! And once you emmpty your shelves and declutter- you can go buy more!

  100. Corey:
    I will buy, please, please open. I need small interesting items for my shop in Fort Worth, Melinda

  101. You will be WILDLY successfu!!!

  102. YES! PLEASE! SOON 🙂

  103. Parisbreakbrunch

    Do you know the origins of the word BROCANTE?
    Something broken that it once belonged to your aunt(tante)
    Yep it’s true.

  104. DO IT!!!!

  105. Wellllllll, since you’ve already shopped for me and sent me scrumptious little beauties…of course it’s EXCITING NEWS to hear you are considering online selling. Everyday you’re thought of when I look at the lovely trinkets you chose. Happy treasure hunting…you’ll have many shoppers waiting anxiously to place their orders.

  106. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Oui, oui.

  107. Barb Alexander

    Well, DUH!
    Let’s see: empty nest syndrome, too much stuff, and a ready-made customer base–was that a no-brainer?
    Resounding YES, DO IT!

  108. YES….please soon!

  109. I know the response has been a resounding ‘YES’, but I thought i’d put my two cents in anyway.
    I would definitely buy hemp, linen and trims.
    Yes, yes, yes!! Please.

  110. Oh, I don’t know….. I mean….
    DUH! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can’t wait to see what goodies you will share!

  111. I know that you will be wonderfully perfect for this exciting venture.

  112. Yes, but will you have time to write your book?
    Seriously though, it’s a no-brainer, with all these fans, and you’ll get to take more pretty pictures.
    (I’m serious about the book.)

  113. Michelle M in KY

    ABSOLUTELY…ABSOLUTELY…ABSOLUTELY! That would be fun for us, fun for you…and perhaps create some additional revenue! Can’t wait to see!
    Take care and Happy Holidays. Do the French celebrate traditional Thanksgiving Holiday?

  114. Muncie Hansen

    do it. it’s a great idea. me… i just love your pictures of the stuff anyway. 😉

  115. jennifer heck

    Hi, Corey- I’m a new fan of yours! Saw you speak at Nantucket this Fall… didn’t come up to say hi, I’m a bit shy, but did talk w/ some old friends from the West side that night! I lived in Willows, CA for about 28 years!! & purchased “stuff” from your sister in law, Diane, & your Mom when she worked there! I’ll go see your mom’s new shop one of these days soon!
    Love the idea of your on-line shoppe. Your style is superb- elegant, fun, not too precious… better than many other brocante sites I’ve looked at.
    What is the www site for your friend Amy Doll? I hope to bring a few friends to France in 2010 for a “just brocante” trip! One of them lives in OR & wants to start a shop w/ French brocante…. she’d love to talk to Amy & see what’s in store for her! Thanks for your inspirations! j

  116. Yes! You must! You’ve got such a great eye for the good stuff!

  117. Melissa L.

    DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!! You know you want to. And you know WE want you to. Too. Toute suite.

  118. I’m adding my YES to all the others. Love your take on the provenance of the pieces you’ve mentioned in your posts.

  119. You ABSOLUTELY should do that Corey! I will “go” to your online shop for sure! even if I live in France I can(t chine as well as you do.
    And you really find so many treasures!

  120. going to france in may next year and going to find some antiques of my own hopefully, but in the meantime YES YES so long as you will ship OS ok…..

  121. 2 rules before opening your e-shop :
    – Ask La Poste for another post office agent (or get that “charming lady” registered on a training course : how to smile to customers).
    – Get very friendly with the next-door butcher.
    JUST DO IT !!!

  122. Jacqualine-Marie

    I followed you several years ago. I moved across the US, my computer crashed, life happened; when the dust settled, I found myself searching for so many bits of info from my computer, and went blank as to the name of your blog….french, I kept thinking…antiques…lovely writer…brocante…..ah, that was the word I could not remember….but your name, Corey, I remembered and searched and nothing…so I’ve been reading blog rolls on every conceivable french related blog and FINALLY, there you are – its like finding a photograph I’d taken on vacation, one of a lovely local who had been kind, but all I could remember was their eyes and so I kept searching….and now, “Tongue in Cheek” at last. I will not lose you again. I’m so extremely happy you are still blogging. You are so freaking inspiring. Thank you, Jackie

  123. bsolutely, I’m sure it will be a lot of fun too……..

  124. Julie Ann Evins

    My first thought – no because “brocante” and “online” don’t immediately work together – no thrill of the chase etc. My second thought Yes – hand picked by you – absolutely !
    I will certainly be a customer, good luck with another project Coco, Jx

  125. Go for it.
    My parents go to estate sales to buy antiques and collectibles to sell on Ebay. They make a tidy bundle because they buy everything so cheaply at the estate sales when those items are worth so much more.
    You’ll make a fortune with your finds. You might want to do something through Ebay so that you can get the best price through bidding. Etsy is another good website to display your goods. Good luck!

  126. Am I allowed to send in 2 comments? I’ve jsut had an awful (and selfish) thought. Everyone is so happy & wanting you to open your on-line shoppe….but,if you do, does that mean we won’t get our daily joy of “Tongue In Cheek” any longer?
    Quelle domage…Linda C.
    Hi Linda
    Oh no I won’t give up my blog.
    I will have a separate page for my online shop.
    Thanks for encouraging me to keep on blogging.

  127. YES…open…open…open!

  128. Yes, yes, yes! An online store would be wonderful! 🙂

  129. Judith Taylor

    Judging by the response above, my guess is you’ll be taking on staff from day one, to deal with the rush! If it gets out of hand, maybe you could open shop only at weekends – though I don’t know how you ‘close the doors’ to a cybershop, but I guess there’s a way, otherwise orders will just pile up while you’re shut.
    Padded envelopes will do fine for lots of things, I imagine, those that won’t actually break, like linens and papers, and that charming little box of pen nibs which I want to buy. I’m all for PayPal too, even if you don’t use eBay. It’s so much easier to BUY with PayPal, as you don’t have to get your credit/debit card out of your purse to enter all the boring numbers which you can’t memorise.
    Oh, didn’t I say? I’m absolutely and entirely in favour.

  130. Phillipa Marshall

    yes do it, also send to Australia, I’ll be watching.

  131. OMG!!! YES, YES, YES……PLEASE!!!
    Love everything about your blog and I am always wishing I could buy some of the great stuff you feature.
    I am a HUGE fan!!

  132. Alice and Jay

    Yes!! If I can be the only guy who reads an “all girl” blog, YOU can open a fantastic online store. Alice and I enjoyed meeting you at Marburger. Best of Luck to you. Jay

  133. louboutin

    Just one question: how to add your blog into my rrs reader, thanks so much.

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