Can you help me with a Name?

stack of papers

I am under a stack of papers.
And it doesn't help that I cannot read them.
Have you ever noticed that when you clean out a closet you find things you weren't looking for? Which sidetracks your intentions, causes your well laid plan to derail? I am digging my way through stacks of buried memories, unfinished projects, baby clothes and brocante finds.
If you had been in my home yesterday you would of heard a many, "Oh this! and Oh that! and Oh my God! and Look at this! and I didn't know this was here!"

vintage art

Yesterday when I offered the French Bundles I did not think about how many papers 25 bundles X 40 bits of paper would include, or if I had enough papers to make them, or how much time it would take to select, wrap and package…. Talk about jumping in head first and finding yourself in deep ocean of fun!

French Husband and Sacha came home to a dining room table stacked with paper a mile high. When they asked what was for dinner I looked at them like duh paper can't you see? When they turned up their noses not amused I offered cereal.

No, just teasing I made dinner: Coconut, roasted red pepper and garlic sauce over sauteed zucchini, mixed grains and prawns (yes we are vegetarians that eat fish.)

French engraving

After dinner I cleared off the dishes from the table and re-stacked it with the paper bundles.

Twenty seven of you ordered Paper Bundles! Thank you! Today I am off to buy supplies to  package and send the bundles, stamps, and hopefully setting up a new site to sell my brocante stuff.

I randomly selected three winners (because I feel so very grateful for your kindness!!)
Will the following please send me your name and addresses and I will send you a  bundle of papers too.

Shelley Noble


Jamie V.

Bookshelf without books

(A photo of the rickety bookshelf that I mentioned the other day.)

I need your help… I need a name for my Brocante online shop. I have thought of a few… but as you know I am not good with naming things (just look at the name of my blog: Tongue in Cheek! What does that have to do with living in France, French Brocante or anything other than cheeky?)

If you have any name ideas please add them in the comment section.

Now I must get packing those French bundles! I am swimming in paper I tell you.


108 responses to “Can you help me with a Name?”

  1. Hmm…je ne sais pas…but I’m sure you will come up with something lovely.
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. Linda Tunnell

    Actually I think Tongue in Cheek is perfect for your always gives us a smile.
    Sorry I’m no good about coming up with names, but, here’s my husbands suggestion:

  3. “The Flying Brocante”? -)
    “Brocante Now” – “Corey’s Brocante”


    I have a tongue in cheek idea…..”If it ain’t Brocante” and a more serious one “BrocanteTIC” the TIC of course being for Tongue in Cheek!! Hope that helps?
    Cheers Jennifer, Nelson, New Zealand

  5. Lieselotte

    What about bric-à -brac ?

  6. Parisbreakbrunch

    1.Trésor Perdu
    2.Tongue in Cheek
    Yeah I agree, if it ain’t broke…
    why change it?
    That’s yr brand.
    End of sentence.

  7. I think you have just said the perfect name – “Corey’s Brocante Finds”
    Love the rickety bookshelf!

  8. Tongue in Cheek Brocante
    Easily recognized as yours….which is important and differentiates between your blog and your online shop
    I have started an Etsy shop(although haven’t listed any items yet) and just added “Market” to the end of my blog name.
    That’s my contribution! Good Luck Choosing and I look forward to my paper bundle…whenever it hurry!
    🙂 Laura

  9. Dinah Soar

    I like French Finds as suggested above..why? has the word French in it, indicating you are a purveyor of French–or French inspired–goods. “French/France” is a huge draw I whatever you decide it should perhaps be part of your store/shop name.
    Playing around with French–
    French Finds
    French Shop
    Shopping in France
    French Chic
    Brocante Francais
    Tres Francais
    French Shopkeeper
    Corey Amaro’s Made in France
    French Husbands Wife
    French Tongue in Cheek…
    For starters…

  10. Elizabeth Ferguson

    To the right of the comment box I am reading “Life outside my door.” That wouldn’t be half bad.

  11. French Finds. Found in France. French Memories. A Bit of France. French Delights. Brocante Browsing. Outside my French Door. Linen, Lace & Memories..if I can think of any more… best wishes
    Linda C.

  12. all good suggestions – since you sell it, how about something with the word ephemera?
    Tongue in Cheek Ephemera
    Brocante Ephemera
    Ephemera Finds
    just a thought.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  13. michelleb.

    I love Eliabeth’s suggestion, “Life Outside My Door”. I’m not creative enough to come up with my own idea.

  14. Natasha Burns

    I had to look up babel fish the translator for this one, how about “Plage Nue”? !!! hehehehe!!!

  15. How about “Corey’s Cupboard” ?

  16. A name…hmmm!I looked in your archives and you have there a post called “tongue in cheek french antiques”,i think it goes very well!
    good luck:)

  17. I think you got some good ideas! I’ll go with them. I can’t wait for the shop.

  18. Fabulous French Finds
    Fine French Ephemera
    Transient Treasures
    Abundant Brocante
    Vintage Advantage
    Beautiful Brocante
    Serendipity Gifts
    Petite Antiques!
    (I like that – you are short like me yeah? and it describes the small packages and there’s a French reference – yes that wins so far) I know maybe…
    Divine Finds!
    Ummm, i like that too.
    What are your favorite letters, what do you want it to say. How? funny, friendly, fancy? You need a brainstorming session (maybe this is it) The rules are anyone can say anything of the top of their head, but no one is to criticize or comment till its over. Try it with your family, you’d be surprised!
    You’ll feel it out Corey.
    Tune into the ether…

  19. Maiden France

  20. somepinkflowers

    so exciting you are opening
    an email shop!
    i have often thought
    i want 2 buy THAT!~~~
    i feel confident the Best Name
    will make its way
    to you.
    in the meantime—>
    happy american thanksgiving
    2 U tomorrow.
    {{ i am thankful you carry me
    2 your little corner
    of the world.
    sometimes on the back
    of a motorcycle!
    so stylish and carefree… }}

  21. waftbyCarol

    corrie’s Collectables
    Cheeky Chic
    Good luck with your new enterprise , whatever the name !

  22. Evelyn Jackson

    The corporate world is all about ‘branding’ these days, you know! I think “Tongue in Cheek” is your brand; how about Tongue in Cheek Chic?

  23. waftbyCarol

    oops I mean Corey’s Collectables

  24. Bric-a-Brocante?

  25. Jeanette Mc.

    I’m with quite a few other people. Nothing other than “Tongue in Cheek” would do. It got you here, it’s how we all know you, it’s elegant not kitschy or cute. Perfect – just like your blog.

  26. Well, since your blog is so well known, it will be recognizable on sight when people come upon the name on an online shop.
    So either stick with only “Tongue in Cheek” or try to incorporate it in the name.
    Like choose an above suggestion of your other commenters and add it to Tongue In Cheek.
    Tongue in Cheek Brocante is a great name (as Laura suggested).
    Simple is always better. (These are tips I learned as an Advertising major in college).

  27. ‘Tongue in Cheek French Antiques’ rolls off the tongue beautifully I must say…or what about Cheeky Antiques! I dont think you have to worry about sticking to the same name, best to find something that feel right, though related is good.

  28. herhimnbryn

    ‘With Love From France’.

  29. Niki Weippert

    Brocante Bliss
    Everything you pick out looks wonderful to me! I’m so excited to get my package!!! Wish I was there to help you. You may soon need a little shop space somewhere to keep everything. Just think of all the American shoppers you would have. Work with a wonderful place to stay and you could design shopping trips to France. Sounds good to me.

  30. I would stay with what we all know… Tongue in Cheek Brocante. Would love your recipe for the vegs/prawns!!!!

  31. mary lou/TX

    “Willow Wings”
    “Waves from Willow”
    “Willow Aires”
    You get my drift? 😉

  32. Wow, Corey, 27 orders on your very first day. Perhaps I should engage you to sell my book translations, too, since you have such a flair for…

  33. Mary Ellen

    I also like to stick with Tongue in Cheek….but based on your latest finds….Buried Treasure? Ha ha I know exactly what you mean with the closet explorations……
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Mary Ellen

  34. linda marcov

    Corey … stick with the branding thing and what you are known for …. that is the best info people gave you…. Ikea… changed their font lately and it put things in a tail spin for them, who would have thought… lots of people use, treasures, finds, antiques.. etc… yours is yours and no one else would sell from a site call Tongue in Cheek….

  35. i always liked that you called your blog
    ‘tongue in cheek’
    rather than
    ‘foot in mouth’
    there are so many cute one’s
    my fav:
    “If it ain’t Brocante”
    but i agree
    stay with what people know and you will always be
    one thing i thing you should add:
    a sign i have seen often at little boutiques
    ” Your husband called, and said to buy whatever you want.”
    much love

  36. I have to agree with many of the comments…Tongue in Cheek is the perfect name for your online shop.
    When I awoke this morning I was thinking about all the amazing things you may be selling one day (and I will hopefully be buying!) when it dawned on me how you were carrying on your mother’s tradition of selling vintage items…just in a different type of shop. 🙂


    I played around with Willow and Cheeky and on and on to suggest a name. But settled on something simpler for your shop:
    Because that is what I get from your blog–that each post is from your heart and that each thing you purchase is unique to you and your style/taste/heart. No one else would have put those bundles together just as you had. You aren’t offering mass produced items, we are buying the attitude and essence of Corey when we purchase from your shop.

  38. Tongue In Cheek…
    brocante with a wink.
    Whatever you name it, we will come. 🙂

  39. I love the last line of your post today and would like to suggest:
    Swimming in Papers (and other French bundles)
    PS Congratulations on your successful maiden voyage as an online business.

  40. katherine robertson

    what about “Brocante de Corey”
    or is it “du”???
    great first day sales! way to go…

  41. I do the same thing, I find lost items in my studio re-organizing for the 100th time. My man just shakes his head and laughs at me.
    A name for your online shop, Brocante Passion comes to mind.
    I’m picturing you going through all those papers…..for the love of ephemera.

  42. Olga Granda-Scott

    27 orders from one blog post–that’s brilliant! I agree with the business school acronym KISS –keep it simple stupid! Tongue in Cheek has become who you are whether you picked it or not! I think we all “grow” into our names. Much luck and my only piece of advice is read ALL the fine print on Ebay, Etsy, Paypal, etc so that you know exactly what they are charging you for comparisons, etc.

  43. Margaret Bouwmeester

    Corey, here is my name for you,
    “Trouvailles de Français”
    I am sure you could just stick with Tongue in Cheek Brocante, there are so many good suggestions!
    Margaret B

  44. Congratulations on your first sales! I’m no help with the naming but tend to agree with others on Tongue in Cheek (or is it Chic?) 🙂
    It matters not, people will be beating a path to your virtual door.

  45. The Brocantess

    You already have a strong brand with your blog name. Putting on my business hat 😉 you should use the strongest identifier to your clients when starting a new segment of your business. We will follow you any way!

  46. Kimberly C.

    I kind of like “French Bundles” or “French Bundlings” from the last lines of your blog.

  47. I’m a reader not a commentor but I can’t help coming down in favor of two of the suggestions already made by Dina. I Love Bocante Francais–you could do a fabulous monogram with those letters, B and F. Then I also adore the idea of The French Husband’s Wife. He is such a part of the blog and it adds that, je ne sais quoi, that Frenchness, to your project. Hey, could you combine the two and have, wait for it, wait for it . . . . . Bocante Francais by The French Husband’s Wife.

  48. Many good suggestions. I think it needs to be a name to identifies with you. 27 sales the first day is truly amazing. You make you world some enticing, everyone wants a little part of what you find. My husband soon learned the word “brocante” when we were traveling in France, as I was always looking for one after reading so many times about them here at Tongue in Cheek.

  49. Tongue in is such a memorable name and people can find it when they google for your blog. If you have a French name for the place, people will think you just have French things. With the TICA title, they will think you have items from all over (in case you get any English or American items to sell).

  50. I’d keep it simple and call it Tongue In Cheeks’ Brocante or Tong in Cheek’s Brocante Finds
    Keep your name in it, the name of your blog. It’s what people will remember

  51. FrenchBlue

    Hi Corey!
    OMG I think I am going to wet my pants! I am SO HAPPY you are really doing this! I know we will all be beating the DOOR down for sure! Here are some of my thoughts…
    Through My Door
    From My Shelves
    Willow Tree
    The Willow Door

  52. Ed in Willows

    Ok…..I’m with the majority…”Tongue In Cheek” is so recognizable as being “Corey”. I think it will definitely have to be part of the name…..good luck.

  53. Michelle M in KY

    I, too, like Tongue in Cheek!
    Recognizable to only YOU!
    Congrats on your sales so far.
    I think this is an awesome idea and I wish you nothing but success!

  54. All the suggestions are so good. Tongue in Cheek is such a great title/brand (hee hee)that I would vote first for that or Tongue in Cheek Brocante/Ephemera. But of course I want to force my two cents on ya too:
    Brocante Fabulous
    The French Husband’s Wife (that was a cute idea)
    French Ephemera
    Provence Brocante
    I guess also thinking that if anyone “googles” for brocante or French antiques your site would come up, that having either of those words in your store name may help.
    by the way Happy Thanksgiving lovely French American and Blessings to you and your generous family. I thank the Lord that I had a chance to meet you this year and I thank Him too for the bright spot your blog has been throughout this year when health setbacks kept me at home and your daily intrigues encouraged and delighted me. God Bless you.

  55. you sure get a lot of help. i wish i had something clever to say, but “tongue in cheek brocante” is the most fluid move from the blog to a store.
    sometimes folks use a part of their address.
    like “pine cone hill”
    your following will have a built in transitional staff making the opening of a store much easier. folks will use a link from the blog to a store often, regardless of the name.
    if you want to play, “chine-shaque” or “annie’s neighborhood” or “french -american brocante” or “an american in paris”
    you have a very clever mind, you will find just the right thing.
    xoxox. congrats on day one.
    now where do i go about getting that brooch from the 3rd from last photo(tagged vintage art)???

  56. Many, many great name suggestions!
    How about Tongue in Cheek’s ~ French Brocante, it has name recognition and is descriptive of what you’ll be selling.
    Oh, yes, the closet can indeed be a treasure chest of wonderful memories.
    Congratulations, Corey, on all of the orders it looks like you’re off to a roaring start!

  57. This is so exciting! I hope you will offer antique linens in your shop someday… 🙂

  58. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    I think you have a winner. Everyone seems to be in consensus with Tongue in Cheek Brocante. I think it is a good idea too for name recognition. Congratulations! The response was incredible.

  59. Cheryl at Casual Cottage Chic

    Hope I’m not too late on ordering a FR bundle of vintage papers! So happy you added a PayPal link to your blog. And am very excited that you will be offering up some of your brocante finds online. How about calling the online shop FRANCOPHILE ??

  60. Lisa Oceandreamer

    I didn’t look through all the suggestions but I put this on your FB note as well…how about
    (Seeks and Finds in English)
    It’s exactly what you do AND it sound so much more exotic in French, especially since you ARE in France “seeking and finding”.
    Good luck with this Corey, i’ts going to be a huge success!! I hope you’ll be selling textiles at some point too!

  61. I love the name Tongue in Cheek. And, I also love that photo you took of a truck mixing brocante and antiques- brocantiques?
    Tongue in Cheek Brocantiques??? I know you are going to do so well.
    I love your bookshelf it looks great with all of your finds. I see myself getting in trouble with this new online shopping 🙂 Thanks so much for choosing me!!!

  62. How about The Cheeky Brocante?

  63. Franca Bollo

    How about “Tongue in Cheek”? Or maybe “Tongue in Cheek”? Then there’s “Tongue in Cheek” …

  64. AmyKortuem

    How about French Bundles? In honor of your first dive-in-headfirst offering.

  65. Precious Past
    Presently Past
    Hunt and Pack

  66. Cheek and Chic
    Cheeky chic
    cheeky chick

  67. roxane stoner

    “Wistful Willow”

  68. roxane stoner

    or “A Wistful Willow in Provence”

  69. On an entirely different topic…
    Corey, will you be holding a traditional Thanksgiving Day tomorrow? Do tell!

  70. Victoria Harrington

    My suggestion would be “Brocante Toujours”, although I really liked Amy’s suggestion of “French Bundles” too.

  71. A daily moring lurker that has just commented for the first time…

    Good Morning,
    Perhaps someone has mentioned this already, if not, how about a play on your current blog name? Thus keeping the ever so important branding intact but also adding a twist, so your blog and shop can be named similarly but still have different branding.
    eg. Tongue in Chic
    Tongue in Chique would look nice (though “chique” (nf) in French doesn’t mean elegant, nor does “chiqué” (nm).
    Chiquement (adv) however does, but then you lose the rhythm….
    All that, just to say; an inter-linguistic play on words and meaning could be a way to keep the blog name and infuse it with newness, besides, such play with words is terribly tongue in cheek!
    Bon courage!

  72. Gretchen Baldauf

    What about “Tongue in Chic?”
    Gretchen in Buffalo

  73. Congratulations on your first days sales I am sure you have made the right choice to go on line.Keep to your Tongue in cheek name it’s worked to date.Thank you for giving me my daily dose of France we have only been back for 29 days but it seems much longer.

  74. Corey, I really think that the reason you went to France is because you were in love with French Husband. So I think you should name your shop…
    Le Mari Français or simply Mari Français
    It seems fitting to honor him because he is the love of your life.
    I don’t speak French, but I went to a translator, and that’s what came up. I hope that doesn’t say The French Wife instead. LOL! 😉
    If you name it after him, you know you will love it, and so will your clients who will likely start out coming from your readers.
    Either way, I wish you much success. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog SO much.
    I also want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving from across the pond. May you, your family, and your business be blessed…
    Sheila 🙂

  75. Congratulations Corey on your successful first day in your new venture, I am sure you will do well. I agree with other suggestions of just keeping Tongue in Cheek and just adding French Brocante. Why change something that is already a great name?

  76. Marlene Brady

    From Me-To You-From Paris
    Come Shop Paris
    Treasures from Paris
    or Parisian Treasures

  77. Oh, I’m so horrible at naming things!
    But…if you want to stick with the Tongue in Cheek theme…then we wouldn’t forget how to find the shop!
    Just a thought…

  78. Hi Corey!
    Aw shoot! I’m missing all the fun! I’ve been otherwise engaged with my dad’s 91st birthday and now Thanksgiving.
    I don’t know whether you still celebrate it or not but I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving though!
    Happy happy happy! 🙂

  79. Hi Corey! Best of luck with the launching and here’s my offerings:
    The French Heart
    Heart of the Brocante
    The Cheeky Brocante
    Corey’s Collection
    That’s all I’ve got for now , off to check the pies! Happy Thanksgiving, traditional or not!

  80. Tongue in Chic gets my vote!

  81. FrenchBlue

    I thought of a couple more… I can’t stop thinking! What about,
    Tongue in France
    France in Cheek
    French Husband in Cheek

  82. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Hi Corey, soon to be owner of a “shop”. I have often imagined myself selling beautiful things…
    French Husband
    Mes Trésors
    Ma Provence
    Coco’s Treasures
    Coco en Provence
    Les trésors de Coco
    Coco’s Brocante
    Trésors de mon grenier
    Coco Collects
    Coco’s Collection
    Le grenier de Coco
    Tongue in Cheek Too
    I know whatever you call it, it will be just right.

  83. French Finds
    The French Brocante
    Treasure of the French Brocante
    For the love of the French Brocante
    Teasures of France

  84. Ren in Az, USA

    I came up with “What Was Is Brocante”

  85. Corey,
    I don’t have a suggestion for a name. I just wanted to tell you congratulations and to wish you Good Luck on you new venture. It has been a while since I have read your blog because I can’t get the time to read it everyday. But I wanted to add that I enjoy reading your stories about meeting Yann.
    Take care and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  86. Congratulations on your first sales – I am sure it will be the start of something truly successful in lots of ways…
    an idea for a name
    Coco’s Vide Grenier
    Good Luck – I really enjoy your blog!

  87. Yesterday’s Charm

  88. I will call it as your mother’s one 🙂

  89. Congratulations on your first successful order.
    I agree with keeping with Tongue in Cheek French Brocante.

  90. Now I’ve got onto Frenchblue’s theme…
    Romantic Rummagings
    Non-Mother Tongue
    Antique Cheek (cute huh? and better then Antique tongue!)
    French Tongue
    Lovers Tongue
    French Kiss (couldn’t resist!)
    Tongue and Groove
    Groovey Tongue
    Cheeky Tongue (yes thats me!)
    Sorry getting carried away but that was fun!

  91. (btw isn’t ‘tongue’ the weirdest word?)

  92. parishunch

    Brocante de ma tante

  93. I’m on a roll… what about
    Parcels from Provence
    Petite Provincial Packages, for that matter
    Stop me now!

  94. Your readers are extraordinary concerning names for your shop !!!
    Gretchen’s “Tongue in Chic” is my favourite, actually ! My top one !!!
    I thought about a pun in French, between “niche” (= recess) and “chine” (= brocante hunt)
    OR a pun on “nicheuse” (= nestling bird female)and “chineuse” (= brocante hunting lady)
    In my dictionnary, this kind of pun is called “spoonerism” – never heard this word before, honestly… (In French, we say “contrepèterie”.)
    BUT my French puns may be too far-fetched, especially for your hundred English-speaking readers…!!!

  95. I think Corey’s readers must be in the thousands by now M-Noelle. I have been wondering how many you have Corey, but given there is only ever a percentage that comment, I reckons there must be heaps of us!
    I really must be working but i couldn’t help myself
    Spoonerism : error in which a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words, often to humorous effect, as in the sentence “you have hissed the mystery lectures,” instead of of “you have missed the history lectures.”
    ORIGIN early 20th cent.: named after the Rev. W. A. Spooner (1844–1930), an English scholar who reputedly made such errors in speaking.

  96. Shelley Noble

    Love all the name suggestions! ACK! I can’t believe I get a Corey package!! VaoWOW! Thank you so much for including me Corey!!! I’d like to send you something special in return.

  97. touch yesterday

  98. Dear Corey, congratulations on the grand opening of your shop! (well, the first grand opening, I believe there is going to be another one later when it’s all set up.
    I keep thinking about the name for the shop whole day today while cooking our Thanksgiving dinner, but could not come with a good one yet, besides there are so many wonderful suggestions already in the comments. I’ll definitely check out your shop often!

  99. to add to my previous comment … you know what i’ll be looking for in your shop – embroideries/needlepoint.

  100. Sheila Cain-Sample

    I love the way you call your husband ‘the French Husband’ I think you should call it something along those lines.
    I love to read your blog every morning with my coffee, then I fill ‘my Canadian husband’ in on what you’ve been writing.
    You are a great writer.

  101. Happy Thanksgiving Corey!
    How about Chez Corey or Boutique Brocante?
    Hugs and blessings

  102. Miss Maddie’s

    There are so many in favour of Tongue and Cheek Brocante… but I think a new venture should have a new name.
    It wouldn’t matter what you called it because we would find it and come to visit and our hearts would be filled with desire for all the goodies it shall feature.
    So I think that it is your first shoppe so it should follow family tradition and be named after your firstborn… Chelsea’s. After all it shall be a labor of love and did she not fill that void as well.
    xo Susan

  103. There are a lot of well-meaning suggestions here; however, neither well-meaning nor clever ideas will attact the customers you need. To draw customers, you need to find a name (and, more importantly, a business strategy) that relates to your target market’s interests, and pulls them in by the lapels.
    Customers will probably find you from generic online searches, so I recommend a name that will bring ’em home from Google.
    Do they know even a word of French? For example, if your target market is English-speaking and US-based, then ‘brocante’ fails. I’ve been haunting antique markets since the 1960s, but it would be another 40 years before I used that word as a search term.
    With all due respect, there’s a huge amount of on-line material to help advise — please, before you commit any money to starting an online business, check out info on business plans and marketing.
    Your friends mean well but they are the last people you should consult for business advice. Take advantage of online advice from experienced ‘bootstrappers’ about start-ups. Others have learned these lessons the hard way, so why rely on naifs to get you through?
    My hunch is that you have a gem of a concept. Fussing over small business advice will slow you down in the short term, but speed you up in the mid-term.
    All the best. I’ll be watching via RSS.

  104. Linda Hanselman

    Tante Brocante.

  105. Hi Corey,
    Name suggestion for your on-line shop “Ciber Chinning” (Chinning – is this the French word for antiquing? I probably spelled it wrong, but you used that word a few times on your blog).
    Loved your reportage from your summer motorcycle trip. You are an inspiration to me to try new things in life. Thank you.
    Warm regards from Canada.

  106. pamelajane

    Still seeking suggestions? Perhaps “Tongue in Cheek Chic” to keep your blog identity while separating your shop from the actual blog. Best of luck!!

  107. The official term for a vegetarian that eats fish is Pescatarian 🙂 I like that. I don’t know why. But I do. It alway makes me smile

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