A Few Things we Found

silver dome

napkin rings

bugs under glass


Bugs under glass, guess who bought these? I'll give you a clue… the girl likes pink.

trading marbles 

Trading and bartering instead of fighting.

holy cards and rosaries 

Holy cards and rosaries. 





"Whatever you buy you must carry," that is my rule.. Poor poor girls who buy this much and only have two arms to carry it with!


24 responses to “A Few Things we Found”

  1. Lovely finds and the holy card is beautiful, What wonderful memories you all will take home with you.

  2. I see your “Empire” expanding Corey–I so look forward to “Tongue in Cheek Brocante Tours” soon! Sign me up! What fun.

  3. Jeanette Mc.

    “Why” indeed. Seriously, did someone buy or bring that instrument? I’m confused.

  4. Looks like you girls had a successful hunt!!! And loads of fun!!!

  5. the pick-tures of all of you in pre-hunting and post-hunting satiety are worth so much. each photo is worth many thousand words. your group’s expressions seemingly range from excitement and jiggly nervousness to a very satisfied look (dare i suggest canaries may have been eaten?). i am delighted to get a ringside seat at this long distance event. thank you for sharing. again. xow.

  6. All I can say is…fun…fun…FUN!! Oh…and I am sooooo jealous! 🙂

  7. Oh be still my brocante yearning, beating heart … where do I sign for a brocante please?

  8. … OooWaaa the comment box was playing up. Please know I meant “a brocante tour”. xo

  9. oh it must hav been fun! ;))

  10. Is that a cello or a guitar?

  11. That would be me the girl trying to carry everything! Glad you had a great brocante trip.

  12. P.S. that napkin ring would look lovely on my wrist. Its a great find.

  13. Why, I wondered too! Oh so much fun, love seeing what you bought and bartered.

  14. Shari Greenfield

    So much fun, good to see the pictures of what you bought.

  15. I call the bugs and napkin ring! Did you think Vanves was expensive? I did.

  16. ::gasp:: Rosaries! How I love them so….

  17. Looks like you all are having a great time.

  18. Love those bugs! Looks like lots of fun. I’m planning a trip to France next summer for a friend’s wedding. Can’t wait!

  19. love the pictures and love your blog….

  20. FrenchBlue

    UH! I want those bugs something BADLY!!
    I wish I could be there with you too:(

  21. Did one of you REALLY buy a bass???

  22. Massilianana

    I love the bugs under glasses ! So special ! For a Tim Burton-themed diner ,they’d be just right !

  23. Gosh, I love your loot.

  24. I so love your blog! You lead a very interresting life –and have a great sense of humor. Thanks for entertaining me. When I’m not reading a blog for inspiration–I’m making santas. I just finished a french santa. ( Pere Noel) My son teaches French in high school–and thus my interest in anything french. Would you like to see a photo?

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