The Christmas Angel disguised as a Baby


Looking into my baby's eyes I saw God. I saw her gaze, the gaze newborn babies have moments after they are born… the strong steady glazed over stare… that seems not to focus on anything nevertheless absorbing everything. She looked at me and her gaze pierced me to my soul. I put my hand to my mouth, gasped, "How is it that I became your mom? You are the older soul…teach me to be your Mother."

Chelsea was born 10 pounds and 300 years old, or maybe older.

Chelsea started calling me Mommy when she was four years old, before that she called me, "Corey." She called me Corey probably because when she said, "Maman," I didn't recognize the word as Mother in French. A child knows how to get their Mother's attention.

One of my tenderest memories of Chelsea was when Sacha was born and I had ovarian cancer. French Husband had moments earlier left for work, he told me he was leaving but instead of getting up I had fallen back to sleep. Only for a moment… but when you have a baby and a two and a half year old a moment can be a lifetime. I woke up with a start, knew I had overslept, shook my head and tried to focus. Chelsea (2 1/2) was sitting inside of Sacha's crib (four months old). She had a bottle in one hand and a diaper in the other. She whispered to me, "Sleep little Corey, it is okay. I am taking care of Sacha."

Happy Twentieth Birthday Chelsea Baby (As I call her now and never thought of her as before.)


58 responses to “The Christmas Angel disguised as a Baby”

  1. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter
    My precious son’s birthday is in December as well. Our Christmas blessings.
    So sweet and tender are your stories of love
    Love you

  2. Oh wow! What an amazingly story. I feel like my son has taught me everything I know as well, he seems so old and wise…What a beautiful story, I have tears in my eyes. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    Thank you Corey x

  3. Children teach us what we did not know about life.
    Happy Birtday to your baby,
    may her life filled with happiness and joy,
    and congratulations to you too!

  4. A Big birthday wish from Texas, Chelsea!

  5. Just GREAT !!!
    ‘love it !!!
    Bon et heureux anniversaire, Chelsea !!!

  6. Happy,Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    Corey, you put the words to my heart music! The sweet memories
    of a little face looking to us for life, is always a good start to any day. Happy Birthday to you Mom!

  7. Happy Birthday Chelsea! Corey, the fact that you told this sweet story shows that you recognize what a rare treasure your Chelsea is. You are so richly blessed! Thank you, as always for sharing such intimate and beautiful moments..

  8. A very precious story. As is often said, “out of the mouths of babes”. Happy Birthday to Chelsea.

  9. Ok, I’ve read, re-read and read again…did I read that right????? Did you say ovarian cancer? Did you mistype? Mistake? Is that what I read? Ok, I’m going back to re-read……….
    ………yes, I read it correctly, it says OVARIAN CANCER. Please tell me this is a mistake. I’ve never met you and now I am afraid for you, and sad for me……that my very new friend, whom I’ve never even met and don’t know, is in danger…mon coeur…

  10. Julie Ann Evins

    That is an incredibly touching story. Chelsea is indeed an “old soul” and how could she not be with such an “old soul” for a mummy. She is also very beautiful Corey and of course doing a Corey funny face ! Happy Birthday dear Chelsea, enjoy your celebrations, Jx

  11. Bon Anniversaire Chelsea!

  12. Happy Birthday to Chelsea. There is something very special about her.

  13. Lieselotte

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ALL OF US , BIG CHELSEA GIRL ( Is it 20 ? What a wonderful age to be )and CONGRATULATIONS for being born into such a wonderful family …. and enjoy the party !

  14. What a sweet story about your little daughter! I stumbled across your blog this morning while procrastinating over those Christmas cards I’ll never get mailed. I loved the story about Shelley too… she puts us all to shame! I too have that closet under the stairs, but I don’t keep my decorations there. It’s for the vacuum, the buckets, light bulbs, etc. and a year or so ago I opened the door to it and came face to face with a SNAKE! Seems my plumber forgot to put the cap over the water heater’s drain… no, I haven’t forgiven that plumber or invited him back! Have a lovely holiday with your sweet children… with or without decorations!

  15. Shirley M.

    Happy Birthday to Chelsea from Atlanta, Ga.
    She is a beautiful young lady?

  16. Happy Birthday Chelsea!!! Enjoy your day together!!!

  17. Happy Birthday to your Chelsea Baby!
    What a lucky young woman to have you for a Maman.
    Thinking of you as we decorate our tree today.
    Always a time for reminiscing.
    Is yours up yet?
    Happy Christmas!
    Judy O

  18. Old soul and beautiful, your Chelsea! How could she not be, look at you and FH! It is so precious when babies help their mommas. Happy Birthday beautiful Chelsea.
    Your story touched my heart – your angels were watching over you the whole time.

  19. Happy Birthday Dear Girl!!!
    She sounds just like my niece, who I couldn’t babysit her brother without.
    What wonderful stories you have. The love that flows out from your words warms my heart.

  20. i had tears in my eyes while reading this.
    Have a wonderful Birthday, Chelsea!

  21. Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHELSEA! We certainly learn daily from our children.

  23. Children are so perceptive – this is a wonderful story. Happy Birthday to your “baby.”

  24. Beautiful! And a Christmas Baby too!
    HaPPy bIRthDay ChElSeA!!!
    Blessings from California

  25. Your sweet memories of Chelsea have reminded me of the days when my son Everett was small. I had migraines and often had to lie down and try to sleep, and each time he would tiptoe into the room, tuck one of his tiny stuffed animals next to my neck, and pull the blanket up tenderly around us both before tiptoeing out again.

  26. So beautiful ~ what a wonderful gift: to become the mother of such an amazing person. Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  27. It’s bittersweet as they move into adulthood, isn’t it? That was a beautiful story. What a lovely daughter you have. A precious gift.
    Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!

  28. What a touching story–she’s one of a kind. Happy birthday, Chelsea!

  29. Ed in Willows

    SHE WAS 10 POUNDS ?????? I know how small you are. OMG!!! Happy Birthday Chelsea

  30. Chelsea is such a beauty and I can tell she has tons of personality just looking at that photo!
    Happy Birthday, Chelsea!

  31. Dear Corey, my daughter’s 16th was three days ago . . .your post today is very familiar to me. Now don’t laugh, but when Caroline was born a bright light shone down from above (there was no source for it) and she cried until she heard my voice. She, too, is so much like Chelsea. Taking charge of everything from such an early age. She helps her indicisive mother make decisions, plans family meals, gets me places on time (a real miracle!),and knows what she wants for the future. My daughter, through her early wisdom and knowledge IS raising her mother!
    I thank God each day for my incredible daughter. I hope your family has a wonderful celebration together.
    Happy Birthday Chelsea from Maryland!

  32. Happy Birthday, Chelsea! Corey, that last paragraph you wrote reminds me so much of my Abigail. What a blessing to have such take-charge little girls (big girls now, Abigail will be 18 soon). Thank you for such a sweet post, love the pic of Chelsea too!!!

  33. Happy Happy HAPPY Birthday, Chelsea! Here is to many many more wonderful years!
    Happy Birthday to you too, Mom 😉

  34. Gina Baynham

    What a beautiful story! Happy birthday Chelsea!

  35. OMG what a beautiful post. Yet again you have brought a tear to my eyes. Happy day, Chelsea.

  36. That is SUCH as sweet story about Chelsea. Happy Birthday!!!

  37. This post made my eyes tear – what a beautiful, tender story. But of course you would have such a wonderful daughter. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.\
    Blog: Capers of the Vintage Vixens

  38. linda@LimeintheCoconut

    That was a most touching and tender post. Beautiful.
    Happy birthday to beautiful baby and her equally beautiful Maman!

  39. Oh my goodness Corey, You had O.C. with a two year old AND a baby! You are obviously a survivor how wonderful and blessed you/we are.My best friend is fighting O.C. right now,such a battle.
    I love your tales of your happy,peaceful,fun and antiqued filled life.
    Blessings and peace during this holiday season

  40. Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  41. my 20 yr old and yours poles apart! I did not hold mine immediately and she spent a long time on the other side of the hospital room. I knew that she should have been in my arms but that was not to be, ( traumatic delivery) and it seems that that distance has remained despite the love that has consumed my world for 20 years, that somehow eludes her to this day, the distance seems to still be there every now and again we connect but the barrier is still there. Happy birthday Chelsea.
    love your love for your family Corey.

  42. Shelley Noble

    “…teach me to be your Mother.”
    Oh, God, Thanks for the good cry. Any woman prays for such guidance is already a Mother Supreme.
    Happy Twentieth Birthday to you both.

  43. Happy Birthday Chelsea! That is a beautiful story. Blessings, Kimberly

  44. ~*~ Happy Birthday to Chelsea! ~*~

  45. Happy Happy Birthday Chelsea Baby – here’s to all the special first borns who taught us to be mommies……What a delightful tender story on this snowiest of days in Boston.

  46. happpppppppy birthday!

  47. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter Chelsea. What a beautiful story it is so sweet and now I have tears running down my cheek.

  48. This story is SO beautiful!
    Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  49. Happy Birthday Chelsea from another Saggitarian – my birthday was on the 19th December. What a beautiful story.

  50. Beautiful … how lucky we are … Huge Happy Birthday Greetings to Chelsea from Moi & My ‘MY’. xo

  51. Happy belated birthday to Chelsea!

  52. Corey
    What a beautiful story– it makes one wonder about past lives — and our connections to one another,,so now Chelsea gets to play daughter and be nurtured by you — wonderful,
    I use to look in my son’s eyes when he was a baby and see ancient Egypt it was the strangest feeling.
    When my son was just learning to talk– I was driving the car with him in the backseat in his car seat, when we passed an old church – old for this part of the North West, when he started to say “I use to go there with my mother” and started to describe it inside — I had never been in that church and quite frankly never really paid too much attention to it before,, I pulled over and turned around and asked my son — Your mother and you use to go there? this made him think and he had a confused look on is 2 1/2 year face for he knew I was his mother but it was not me he was talking about — We did go in and the stairwell was in an odd place just like he described, actually he knew there were two different stairwells… a similar situation happen on two over occasions when he knew the inside of a few different buildings — none of which I had ever been in before, There was another church located 60 miles away that has a bell tower, another building I never was in this was the only building he still remembers for he had reoccurring dreams about when he got older –they were not nightmares just strong connections– all unexplainable Yes he is my son DNA and all…

  53. sorry I got carried away with your story and my story
    Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    You are going to have a wonderful life you come from a wonderful family line…..

  54. Elizabeth Harper

    That is the very sweetest story! I hope she had a great birthday.

  55. parisbreakfast

    Story teller Corey-
    “I’ve always wanted to be able to tell stories, you know, stories that came from my soul. I’d like to sit by a fire and tell people stories – make them see pictures, make them cry and laugh, take them anywhere emotionally with something as deceptively simple as words. I’d like to tell tales to move their souls and transform them. I’ve always wanted to be able to do that. Imagine how the great writers must feel, knowing they have that power. I sometimes feel I could do it. It’s something I’d like to develop. In a way, songwriting uses the same skills, creates the emotional highs and lows, but the story is a sketch. It’s quicksilver. There are very few books written on the art of storytelling, how to grip listeners, how to get a group of people together and amuse them. No costumes, no makeup, no nothing, just you and your voice, and your powerful ability to take them anywhere, to transform their lives, if only for minutes.”
    –Michael Jackson,
    in Moonwalk
    where’s the %^$# Kleenex?

  56. Oh, Corey! What a tender story…Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter, and many more. xo carol

  57. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Happy birthday to your wonderful daughter. Every parent would love to have a daughter just like her. One day , if I’m pregnant , I would look at her for hours just to have a child like her

  58. That is such a sweet story–I’m all choked up! My daughter called me Sara for all of her 5th year of life, I had forgotten!

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