Spending the night with Chelsea we had plenty of time to girl talk.
Our conversation wove clothes, hair, movies, food, future dreams and boys (two boys to be exact) into a warm cozy blanket that wrapped itself around us.
Drifting off to sleep next to my little girl who is now taller, firmer and way smarter than I, She said (in reference to my moving to France to marry French Husband), "I could not have done what you did."
This morning after she left for class I thought about what my daughter had said. I found myself surprised, curious and a bit confused…. Of course she could do what I did because she would have done it differently and it would have been easier. She would have learned the language, she would have made choices with clear boundaries, she would have expressed what she needed and found solutions to ease the loneliness… as I was telling myself this list of why my daughter could do what I did: Leave home and follow love in a distant country. Three paths burned clearly in front of me:
1) She could fall in love, leave home and do what I did– because there is another way to climb a mountain rather than straight up. Looking back shows us paths we did not see in front of us.
2) She is on the path. Life is before her with its balancing act of holding on and letting go. Scary sometimes, beautiful most of the time, and full of surprises constantly.
3) Love is the net.
Please Lord let me be strong enough to show the way, and to catch her if she falls.
Note: Photo of Chelsea and Mr. Espresso last summer from an unknown source.
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