What you learn by Sleeping with Someone


Grabbing a bite to eat before racing to the train to go home, Chelsea said to me,
"Daddy is right."

"Right about what?" I asked.

"You snore and not just a little bit. In fact you beat Vavie (my mother who can bring the house down with her snoring)."

"Oh. Really?" I put my spoon down, "That bad?"

"Yeah, I woke up to what I thought was the train coming through my apartment! Scary!"

"Oh. Sorry. Daddy says he use to gently tap my shoulder and I would stop. But now he pushes me… and, well, it doesn't help."

"Yeah, I noticed that," then she laughed, "I guess it is best to fall asleep before you do and wear earplugs too."

"Well Chelsea," I added, "When looking for Mr. Right add to your list… Must not Snore."


What is or was on your "Mr. Right List"?

One of mine was: Must Dance.


55 responses to “What you learn by Sleeping with Someone”

  1. I never had a “Mr Right list” but the snoring I know what Chelsea means. My husband snores and I need to fall asleep before he does or I always have ear plugs close by. And they do work, I don’t hear a thing.

  2. Must make me laugh…. and he still does after 12years….and a good kisser… i am so very blessed *

  3. Mr. Right………To have a great big heart of gold,
    be loving and kind and genuine
    I am truly blessed and so are you ♥

  4. Must dance is also on my list! My grandmother always told me marry a man who can/likes to dance. I did not. I’m divorced. She was a wise woman.x

  5. Mr. Right, (who I have been married to for almost 21 years).
    A great sense of humor
    Likes meeting people
    He does not snore much but then I make up for it 🙂

  6. True,must dance so must love music.
    Generosity and respectful.
    Love poetry,love reading.
    Believe in God.
    Do things with passion,have a hobby(me!:))
    Well,a man i can learn from ,a man that can be teach.
    Unrealistic? maybe,but who knows!
    It’s said that the mental picture is important.

  7. Julie Ann

    I think Chelsea may yet eat her words. Her maternal grandmother and her mother snore like trains. Wonder who will be next ?! Better watch out in case Mr R has a list….
    For me kindness & humour win hands down but K would say loads of money and an unceasing willingness and ability to do endless DIY tasks would be essential ! Luv Jxx

  8. It has been my experience that he/she who falls asleep first SNORES!

  9. Lucky you to have a beautiful daughter. If I had one I would tell her, Mr. Right has respect, consideration for others, faith, love for you like no other and wakes up happy wanting to start this thing we call life. I believe everyone snores – some sleep right through it, so they never know it. LOL

  10. Kindness and a sense of humour. Two things I feel you must have to survive the rollercoaster of life. Working on our 34th year!!!!

  11. Nancy Naylor

    My Mr Right List went out the window when I met Mr Right. After 32 years of marriage he is still Mr Right – many wonderful qualities but patience, kindness and a great sense of humor are a few. Come to think of it maybe I am the one who helped him learn patience.

  12. 1eyedmonkee

    The trick isn’t the list because little do we know when we start those journeys where they will lead. It has to start with some huge imperfections that are unconditionally loved regardless. I’m not saying there isn’t room for each to change and improve but that deep abiding love needs to be weather-worn by surviving unexpected storms. She’d move to Mongolia (I moved to Spain) – she’d deal with the snoring (we both snore and sleep with a white noise machines) – and best of all, she’s got loving parents that will teach her all her life long how to be tolerant, flexible and laugh alot along the way.

  13. Mine was…must make me laugh and be able to flirt with me…we are still going strong after 20 years….

  14. My husband snored and it used to be irritating. Then he had a heart attack and by-pass surgery. Now his snoring is music to my ears because I know he is still sleeping next to me and that makes me very happy. Going on 42+ years.

  15. Since I can remember, the one constant on my
    “Mr. Right list” is that he has to be taller than me. I’m 5’10” and well dancing with shorter male friends always put their faces in a delicate spot on my anatomy. If you get my drift.

  16. Honesty.

  17. must tip well. it is consideration of others.
    must love dogs. will then like children.
    tolerates my crummy housekeeping. can pick up the slack if needed.
    must like babies.
    must be in it for the long run. a good track record helps.
    must get my humor. shares his humor with me.
    manageable parents and siblings. they always are with him.
    27 years, 3 children, 2 dogs and me. still smiling.
    (first he snored, then sinusectomy, now i snore.. what’s next?)

  18. Jeanette Mc.

    I never had a list – never even thought about one. My husband hated dancing and we never danced – didn’t even have it at our wedding. ODDLY, he gave me swing dance lessons for Christmas and we went to our first class last night. I was so very touched that he, to me the most wonderful man in the world, would do this for me when it terrified him. I’m glad I had no list.

  19. The other comments are so wise! Back when I had a “list” the top thing on it was “must not laugh/snigger/make rude comments when I respond to the Who’s your favorite musician? question”. My answer? Elton John!
    In retrospect, it seems a bit silly – not vital to a long-term relationship. I was tired of all of my opinions being put down, that was the real reason.

  20. must love – unconditionally!

  21. Must laugh was on my list. Thank goodness he doesn’t snore.

  22. Oh how i love reading everyone’s comments almost as much as reading you, Corey!
    i never had a list, but i remember ticking things off while we dated:
    ~ kindness ~ he would stop to help anyone no matter the hurry he was in
    ~he always holds my hand ~ even 27 yrs later
    ~ he truly believes i am the best thing in his life, and i know he is the best in mine.

  23. Alena Dreamer

    Respect and kindness.
    My husband also snores, I learned not to hear it.
    I grind my teeth, so I wear guard, must sleep with my mouth closed.
    So sexy! What a pair!

  24. Marie-Noëlle Roland

    No list.
    I am the snorer … I guess my husband had left his Miss Right list behind !?!?!

  25. shannon in oregon

    must be kind.
    although i never actually had a list, if i did…that’d be on it. granted i have no need for a list anymore (and he is kind).

  26. I should of had a Mr Right list…I have a snorer and a non dancer…!!

  27. Charlotte Le Den

    Must cook!!!

  28. Make me laugh..and after 20 years, he still does. 🙂

  29. Must not be a picky eater (not just a food issue, but a reflection on someone’s ability to explore the world/try something new/not be bound to one way of doing things).
    Must dance was high on the list, but I gladly gave that up when Mr Right came along 🙂

  30. Its funny when I met my husband we both had a long list! But now looking back and trying to think of it I can’t because all I think about is who he is to me and what I love about him, which is everything. (well minus the snoring, but I love that I just kick him a little and he rolls over and never remembers a thing) One Great quality- he loves me for me.

  31. Your post brought a chuckle this morning while sipping coffee. Mr. CCC snores like a train, too. It’s gotten worse over the years, but I learned to wear earplugs. Sleeping in another room just didn’t seem to be a solution ;-)We’ve been together 34 years now…through rain, sleet and snore {grin/wink}.
    Never had a “must” list but have advised son to make sure Ms. Right can cook!

  32. First and foremost and non-negotiable, must be faithful. Second and almost as important, must make me laugh.

  33. I didn’t have a Mr Right list but I sure got Mr Right!!!!
    38 years later and we still have fun together!
    And he snored until he started using saline nose spray before
    going to bed. It has worked!!!!!! Available here in drugstores, not a prescription.

  34. Faith. Also, treats me with love and respect. Employed (or willing to be employed) was right up there. A lot of things were negotiable, but those were some of the biggies.

  35. Katiebell

    spirit light…

  36. Franca Bollo

    Must love cats. There’s more to that than it seems.

  37. AmyKortuem

    Must not be intimated by my 6″ tall, dark and beautiful…concert harp!

  38. My Mr. Right and I have been married 40 years. We met on a blind date in New York City in 1967. The list, if there was one, flew right out the window as we walked across Central Park on a snowy day. Then we went to his sister’s apartment and he asked me if I liked to cook. I didn’t know the first thing about cooking but suggested we make an omelette. He went to the deli, bought all the ingredients: eggs, onions, green peppers, mushrooms. I put all of that in a blender and then poured the grey green mess in a frying pan expecting it to cook. We drank champagne and drank the omelette and he never complained. That trumped any list I may have had. I knew he would be easy to live with and ready for adventure. It has all been true.
    He didn’t used to snore but now does. He will roll over and stop with a nudge from me. Sometimes though I thrash around so much in the bed the covers land on the floor. . .and he still never complains.

  39. Laugh! I love to laugh and my hubby of 20 years can still make me laugh. Blessings, Kimberly

  40. Please forgive me if this offends you but your snoring and habit of falling asleep suggests sleep apnea…I know this because I have gone through it…I used to fall asleep everytime I rode in a car, I remember you talking about not being able to stay awake on the motorcycle…Please get checked, there is a very easy solution and you will feel so much better…you can google sleep apnea!!!
    Hi Becky
    No not at all..in fact my Mother took a sleep apnea test…and when I read the questions I answered most of them as if I had Sleep Apnea.
    I suppose I need to get myself checked out.
    New Year’s promise.

  41. Must put me before his mother. (Requirement after having married and divorced a mama’s boy.)

  42. Good sense of humor.
    Enjoy watching movies.
    Must love my kids.

  43. List….
    Corey, does Yann have a single brother? LOL

  44. I never had a list. But 4 weeks before the wedding we took dance lessons so we could do our solo dance in style. We barely got through the lessons – I love to dance and DH is behond help on the dance floor. We almost didn’t make it to the alter – every week at our dance lesson we were so stressed and pitiful. We practiced at home, drew feet images on the floor where to step next. However, he is perfect in so many other ways.
    My suggestion…..don’t make a list and let the heart decide on Mr. Right. The heart will look into a person’s soul and any wish list simply melts away.

  45. i think “must not mind snoring too much” would have to be on my list…

  46. must have a sense of humor….
    must kiss like he means it

  47. Although I loved my father dearly, I wanted Mr Right to be nothing like him. My patient, calm, helpful wonderful husband was from the start and is the man my father eventually turned out to be. 37 years and I still look forward to him walking through the door every single night. Don’t get me wrong my father was not a bad man, It just took him longer to get it right.

  48. Must make me laugh! I’ve been laughing for over 22 years now. As for the snorning, my husband only snores when he falls asleep on his back. I usually just poke him and tell him to roll on his side and that does the trick.

  49. I made a list of all of the characteristics of what I wanted in a husband and then put it in a drawer and forgot about it. Then, when I was packing to move with my new husband, I found the list and everything single thing was him. It was sort of magical. One of the things I listed was love to travel. We’ve certainly done that since being married.

  50. The Little Red Shop

    Mmmm….God knows! : ) I’m just fine with snoring…I grew up with a daddy I could hear snoring away down the hall, and I used to live in Downtown Los Angeles, 15 flights above a nightclub….fire engines…helicopters…drunken banditos….etc…I slept just fine.
    But if you do meet any tall, brilliant, beautiful, witty, and wonderful Christian guys out your way…feel free to send em’ on over to The Lil’ Red Shop!
    : )
    Julie M.

  51. Well, it’s not a problem for me, I can sleep anywhere, anyhow, but I snore too and it’s a problem for my husband, he has a light sleep and can’t stand any little noise…..

  52. although I loved my father very much I did not want to marry a man like him. My gentle, patient, loving, easy going husband was at the time and is now the man my father eventally became. Still very much the man I look forward to seeing walk through the door after 37 years of marriage. My father was a good man, It just took him a little longer to get there.

  53. Hey, Corey. My husband uses those narrow breathing strips across nose at night. It really cuts down on his snoring.

  54. My Mr.Right List when I was a teenager included white sneakers and tight jeans. Nowadays, I appreciate my sweetie’s independent, adventurous spirit. And that he’s thoughtful when it comes to older women – opening doors for them, helping them with their groceries, even holding their grandchildren for them when they need to look in their purses. The last one cracked me up laughing – and filled me with pride.

  55. …mr right had to be able to put up curtains and drapes and christmas tree lights…and be in a good mood doing so…had our 40th christmas tree this year…and he is still passing the test…and i am keeping him…

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