THe REasOn I aM in FRaNCe ThESe LAsT 22 yEArs.
Snowing very much. White wonderland, falling steady. No boots, no gloves. Oh golly gee… I guess we must stay in bed. Too bad. La Madone Heaven.
Note about the photo: Growing up in a large family, in a small rural town meant I went to at least 3000 weddings before I was grown up. At every cousin's wedding I couldn't hardly stand to wait for three things:
1) The kiss.
2) The cake, and if they would smash it or not against each other's face.
3) Throwing a ton of rice, and I mean a ton of rice on the couple.
When French Husband and I were married:
1) We did not French Kiss on the altar.
2) We did not smash the cake in each other's face.
3) My cousins took revenge and I still have rice embedded in me to prove it.
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