Let the Head Lights Shine the Way


Have you ever seen these before? Candles, but not just any ole candle. These candles were used for car lanterns. Old fashion head lights! Pretty cool no? I would have thought they were old nineteen century candles since they are pure beeswax, have such a velvety patina, and when they burn they crackle.

I am giving a pair of old fashion head lights away (candles that is) If you would like to have a pair add your name to the comment section and tell me what makes you shine? BUT do not say the classic three things: Family, friends or love. Those are a given. So is good health and making ends meet. So you gotta share what makes you shine other than family, friends, love, good health and fortune. (I will pick a winner tomorrow.)

Light the way.

And another pair for the first person who can find a photo of them online (a car with candles as headlights.) Now don't go outside and take a photo of a candle on your car!!


112 responses to “Let the Head Lights Shine the Way”

  1. Massilianana

    What makes me shine ? Me when I manage to think something good about myself ;My nose when it is red with cold;very pale golden eyeshadow;watch Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire sing and dance in The Babbitt and the Bromide; when my cat speaks to me; eat lebanese cuisine; the poems of Jacques Prévert; a nice pair of blue eyes (Mel Gibson’s or any other ); a great funny children’s book like Pomelo ; well you see, pretty much lots of things make me shine ! And of course , a daily dose of Tongue in Cheek reading !!!!
    Take care !

  2. linda marcov

    I shine when I have an aha moment and have a deep knowingness about something that I may have been struggling with, sometimes just for a day or two and sometimes for months or years. When the light finialy dawns for me, when I do SEE, and KNOW, and have the peace of the knowing, I feel my self light up, a smile appears, it is automatic, not forced, I feel lighter…. sometimes I even feel I have lost weight, as I do feel lighter…. I just recently had a big aha moment here in our coldest winter, and I feel warm and shinney now….

  3. Hi Cory
    Travel makes me shine.. stepping outside of my normal boundaries. so really that could also be just taking a different path even for a day. Fab giveaway.. If I find the image you are looking for I’ll be back

  4. What makes me shine? I love to laugh and I love to make other people laugh. I guess those moments when I say something funny that causes a person to pause, smile and then throw their head back and really, really, laugh! – Kathy

  5. I shine when I’ve created something beautiful. When needle meets fabric and the result is lovely, I surely shine then. Of course, this doesn’t happen often. Many of my projects are wadders.

  6. C,
    What makes my light shine is allowing myself to be the big, loud, smart women-the way I was born, rather than a petit, softly spoken, let-a-man-be-smarter girl I was encouraged to be.
    I found interesting information on the candle/car connection-perhaps it was used
    to keep ice from forming on a windshielf. I don’t know how to do a link so look at:
    Very interesting. J-

  7. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    Being in my kitchen and doing what I love… especially with produce from my formal vegetable garden. Best time is a beautiful summer day when we’ll be joined by good friends on our patio for dinner.

  8. Hi Corey, What makes me shine besides all the ones you mentioned would have to be my love of gardening. I can’t wait until spring when I can start playing in the dirt. I love the feel of the cool, loose dirt beneath my fingers. It’s so satisfying to be able to walk into my garden and pick the veggies and herbs we will be eating for dinner. When my husband and I travel one of our favorite activities is to go to the local farmers market. The vegetable and fruit stands are works of art. I love seeing the light shine in the growers eyes as they talk about their produce. Hurry spring! Becky

  9. Natalie Thiele

    Chocolate! the ocean, cat antics, creating a piece of art, tap dancing, free stuff (not a plug for your candles, I just LOVE free stuff), Tex Mex food, old timey music,…

  10. Blogging has made me shine in ways I never thought possible!
    And I think here’s a picture of a car lantern:
    But I’m not sure! Those candles look wonderful!! 🙂 Silke

  11. What makes me shine is dancing! At my 30th class reunion, I watched a classmate swing dance with her husband–I decided then and there that at the next reunion, I would be dancing too! The next week my husband and I started swing classes–the first time we held hands and danced a few steps it was first love all over again! We had 5 years of learning, dancing, and you know what. At the 35th reunion we danced every dance–and til this day when we dance I have the time of my life!

  12. Charlotte Le Den

    I’m not 100% sure of what you mean by what makes me shine, but what really makes me happy is:
    – Dancing/singing in my underwear in the morning in front of the mirror with a hairbrush as a microphone
    – Receiving letters (from friends and family, not the bank!)
    – Snuggling in bed with a REALLY good book
    – Planning my next project (this year: starting a masters while continuing to work + going to New York)
    – Picking up someone or being picked up at an airport

  13. michelleb.

    What makes me shine???…….I have to say it’s when I create something on a whim with cast-offs or junk and people-friends or strangers-compliment me on itor even better, want one for themselves! Can be an item I use as a house decoration or piece of jewelry.
    BTW, I purchased one of your French Paper Packs so that I could wrap them around our tapered candles we use when the lights go out – a la your your idea.

  14. Laying in bed after it rained during the night, sun now peaking out…coffee w/hazelnut cream…smelling peonies and roses in the garden…listening to the soundtrack from the movie The Holiday…getting a pretty note in the mail from a good friend…driving through the countryside taking photos of a misty haze hovering hills…eating one chocolate as if it were forbidden…everyday makes me shine since there always something new to discover…even if it’s because of a great blog that makes you feel your right there with a friend sharing their day…

  15. What makes me shine is my photography. I love learning, trying and seeing my final results.

  16. I’m not sure if this is what you were talkig about….but I did find this image of a car lantern….

  17. Ed in Willows

    I was unable to find any candle headlights. I came close like Jackie but those are kerosene burning lights.
    What makes me shine is spending time with my grandson. He reminds me what youth is all about. The innocence of not know all the bad things in the world and that life is lived day to day. I collect old auto memorabilia and would love to add those candles to my collection.

  18. somepinkflowers

    watching a new father
    kiss the top of his baby’s head…
    i glow & shine on and on with happiness
    for having captured the brief moment
    in my heart.

  19. aah, shine. I shine when I am teaching others. Simple as that. Be it when I taught HS French and German or now teaching sewing or crafts.

  20. Oh, it is quite hard, because there are so many things that makes me smiles a bit more than usual. However, if I think about it, this happend last summer, and it makes such a wonderful memory, if I think about it my eyes shine.
    Picture this: It is Sunday, there is really nothing special to do. You have nothing planned. Suddenly you see the sun glitter behind the clouds. Then you decide to take a little trip, and end up, in the middle of nowhere, you see a little dirty old sign that says, flea market. Oh yeah! And luckily you have enough money with you. After several of happy hunting hours you end up singing, drinking coffie with an old lady with messy hair, but very sweet. You are enjoying the music which is played by two local elderly man. And you find that special little baking tin you have been searhing for so long. The “dull” day ended up so incredible fantastic fun. None expectation, incredible much more joy!!

  21. nancy from mass

    What makes me shine? Finishing a quilt and giving it to someone who appreciates and will use it. Last week we gave a quilt to a friend who just had his second baby, and he said to me “we never get anything handmade, so quilts from you are a real gift.”
    I don’t have a picture of candles for headlights, but on www.peopleofwalmart.com there is a picture of a truck with flashlights for headlights…I’m not kidding!!!

  22. Paula S In New Mexico

    First of all, I shine each morning when cup in hand I toddle in to my computer and read your daily post.
    Then of course, art, art I created, singing “stinker cat” to my kitty, being in my garden, laughing, beautiful sunrise, and Tongue In Cheek, oh yeah, I already said that !!!!!!
    Have a great day, Corey.

  23. flowers,flowers, and more flowers.
    the ocean and new babies.. smells, sounds and skin.
    and finishing a project.

  24. Hi Corey:
    What makes me shine are my three little dogs (like little Lucy). I get such a wonderful greeting when I come home, it doesn’t matter if I’m gone 5 minutes or 5 hours.
    Rita (Bluffton)

  25. what makes me shine….. relaxing on a nice warm sunny beach with a good book and a bottle of water, and hunting for seashells. Also the smell of fresh herbs in my garden and eating ripe cherry tomatoes off the vines! Creating something yummy from what happens to be ripe in the garden and eating it outside on the deck my husband built. Sounds like I am missing summer…. 🙂

  26. What makes me shine? Just being able to be more competent than I thought I was ever able to be. Coming out of my shell at well over 50 years old, well before that, but really stepping forward and doing tasks and projects I didn’t think I was able to do until I tried.
    Here’s a link to an auto with what appears to be candles for headlights… http://www.conceptcarz.com/view/photo/47993,7470/1895-Chicago-Motor-Benton-Harbor-Motocycle_photo.aspx

  27. Having the Holy Spirit of God residing in my heart! In 1984, after reading the Gospel in Matthew, I went from one who was living in darkness (& didn’t even know it) to one who now walks with the Lord Jesus Christ lighting the way!!!

  28. Walking in the woods – no matter what the weather. Listening to the whispers as the trees rustle in the breeze, stepping around the muddy spot, getting through to the nearby lake and seeing the ducks lazily swimming there.

  29. i found one:

  30. christine

    my new digital camera has brought me out of the darkness and into the light…..i am a visual person and this has opened up a whole new world for me because now i can capture what i see.
    great giveaway cory
    happy new year!

  31. Weaverbec

    To help someone I don’t know. If I can help a little old lady reach something high on a shelf in the grocery store. Put money in an expired parking meter. Anything to help someone’s day be a little better. Share your joy and you’ll have more too!

  32. When the muse hits me and I start creating a piece of art with great excitement–then I shine.

  33. becky up a hill

    Effervescent creativity. When I have a project that is coming together and I can feel those creative fizzy bubbles in my soul, oh the joy. It feels like God, who is my creator breathing His amazing blessing on my project. It’s when I’m the happiest.

  34. . . .I was shining when the scale said that I had finally dropped a lb. this morning. I will be shining Saturday night, because my husband and I have a long overdo double date planned! I’m shining at the thought of visiting Savannah in a few months in search of a fresh container from France! ha And, I will shine as my children and I donate this Sunday at church to help in some small way those whose light has dimmed in Haiti.

  35. Passion…Passion for life….passion for people, creating, food, passion that not everyone has. Friends have even told me they wished they had my PASSION. I don’t know why some have it and others do not but when people tell you that you light up a room, that’s passion for life. Embrace it and thank the good Lord you have it.

  36. The poor cats that I am saving from malnutrition and freezing cold temperatures, as well as the coyotes…… I moved to a farm 6 months ago, where shortly I was to discover three cats living in the woods, the oldest (about 4) was pregnant. Her daughter had already had a litter with one baby left. The daughter was so young sheand her kitten would play together, still do. My son and I got them in the house where they hsve their own room, they can’t get along with our house cats, so they have been warm throughout this horribly cold winter. I am slowly, one at a time, having them neutered, and trying to find good homes for them. The Grandmother had her litter before winter, which we found in a 2 inch high space under a piece of plywood when they were three weeks old, limbs splayed out. The vet said if we hadn’t found them when we did, they would have had deformed joints. Two of the new kittens went to a really good home already.
    Since November, three more cats have appeared. After the first two the mystery was solved. My son saw a car drive by, throw a cat out the window, and keep going.
    The point to this story is, POlease spread the word…
    1. If you can no longer afford your pet, please take the poor thing to a responsible shelter.
    2. Domesticated animals cannot really survive – on a farm – eating mice, moles and birds. They slowly expire from malnutrition.
    3. Animals are like children, they don’t understand why those that loved and sheltered them have abandoned them to a life of suffering. They love unconditionally, and should receive this in return.
    Now I really should get off my soap box and tend to the cats………

  37. Carole Boatright

    I shine in my handling of my 9 year old twins with severe autism. My girls are non-verbal, not potty-trained and are unable to dress themselves. Each day is quite the struggle, as the physical and mental toll on our family is amazing. Now, I must say, most of the time. I don’t feel like I shine at all. But friends have told me that they are amazed by my humor in all this, how I persist through all the challenges. I try to squeeze a little fun, beauty and laughter in each day, but really what I do, I do with the grace of God. ‘Cause I sure couldn’t do it by myself!

  38. Horses make me shine and I shine when I’m around horses. I don’t know why, it’s just always been.

  39. Juicy, vibrant, delicious colors!! Pigments to be exact!
    I light up like the proverbial Christmas tree (or a candle) when I walk into my studio, or an art store or a make up store to see all those divine colors just waiting to flow out onto paper to create a new vision and illuminate a glimpse of my soul!!
    These colors and pigments represent possibilities and options and opportunities to create something new, something never before seen that will (hopefully) make this world a happier, brighter place by sharing the “light” inside me!

  40. What makes me shine and smile and grin with pleasure is stepping out of the cottage in France into the garden early in the morning and watching the sun rise over the distant hills, making the mist filled valley below us looking like an enormous lake. It is the most peaceful, serene and heartwarming moment of the day.
    This is a fabulous looking old car with lanterns – http://cleveland.about.com/od/clevelandattractions/ss/crawford_4.htm

  41. Julie Ann

    Provence ! Jx

  42. RoseMary King

    My ability to keep a beautiful home makes me shine.

  43. First, let me tell you a story about my Auntie Lou. She wasn’t really my Aunt, but a close, dear friend of the family. She was a wonderful baker. When you went to visit her, she always served her “special” homemade pound cake as dessert. She gave this cake to family, friends, people who were sick, blue or just needed a little love. She gave it for birthdays, holidays or no specific occasion. She shared this recipe with me, and I too have followed in her path of kindness. This cake expresses feeling words cannot. Presenting this cake to others makes me SHINE.

  44. I live in a small, coastal resort town in North Carolina and a daily stroll down the beach makes me shine. Each day and each walk is different. There is always a story..sea glass washed up on the shore, tiles from old homes washed into the sea, driftwood and sea shells…they all have a story to tell.

  45. Jeanette Mc.

    Planning a party, making my husband laugh, wrapping presents, finding just the right gift, a book that surprises me, a bargain, puppy breath, the smell of the desert after it rains, Cary Grant, Jane Austen, a clean house, good cheese, it’s ridiculous I could go on forever. Did I say chocolate with hazelnuts?

  46. christine

    When the kids to whom I teach English in our village school realise with joy and amazement that they can construct a sentence and make themselves understood. With or without mistakes, who cares – just the pride of communicating in a foreign language.

  47. People, when you say Hi or smile at a stranger. In this day and age of don’t talk or look at people you don’t know. I can’t help myself. My Granddad always said ” There are no stranges, just poeple you haven’t met yet.” So, I always smile or say Hi and I shine when I get a reply.

  48. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    What makes me shine is when I hear a toon on the radio or on a CD that makes me get into my groove. I sing along and boogie like there’s no tomorrow. Button up your overcoat…
    Take good care of yourself!

  49. Ida from South Africa

    Out of the tummy laughter. Hahaha!
    Reading a good book while lying in the bath!
    The joyful expressions on small children’s faces, especially in their eyes. ☺
    Nature – the views and the sounds.

  50. I shine because I am the keeper of my family’s genealogy project. I am the memory keeper. I shine because I wear lime green crocs. I shine because I believe in angels and fairies and mermaids.

  51. I glow when I spot a precious little unexpected treasure at a flea market and get to take it home. when I stroll among the ruins in France and Italy and feel a shiver to be connected to the land and to all who have come before me. I shine when I rescue a sweet little dog that someone has tossed out like the trash,then find a loving home for her. I get a glow when I see an old house and I go crazy with ideas how to bring life back into the old bones. I can’t help myself, I even drag my husband around to ramshackle old houses for sale even when on vacation in europe, dreaming of how to bring them back to life. I guess you could say, I shine at rescuing, recycling and bringing a life to the forgotten.
    I love reading this blog and reading all the heartfelt responses. Thanks for the pleasure Corey!

  52. Quite a few things make me shine, Creating a beautiful table as a gift to my guest, to let them know how special they are to me. And realizing my 15 year old grandaughter is now shining when she helps. when I take my daily walk to my daughters day care and one of the babies has finally learned talk and calls me Nana, or their chubby hands on my face when they look in my eyes and smile. Attending my UHHS England High School Reunion every three years and we all still look 18. Every time I walk in to Nantuckets and look at the beauty Nan and her family have created. And finally, the prospect of receiving beautiful candles from France,

  53. Sunshine,fresh air and the sound of waves on the shore.
    Being home,reading,doing crafts and having some quiet time.
    Thanks for the give away.
    Love your blog.

  54. Greetings from Wash State. Love your blog…been a fan for a couple years now. My 4 silly dogs make me shine. They have taught me patience and unconditional love.

  55. Houses, old stone houses, old staircases, fire places, tiles, big windows, shutters. Old wooden floor boards make my heart skip a beat. Road trips, the sea, smell of lavender, freshly baked bread, good cup of coffee on a cold day.

  56. Hello Corey,
    What a great question for the start of a new year. I have to say that working with children is what makes me shine. I’ve been doing it for sooooooo many years. Babysitting as a teen, girl scout camp counselor, Sunday School teacher, pre-school teacher, working in classrooms with our kids,a girl scout leader for many years and now as a reading aid in our school district.
    There’s really nothing more rewarding or fulfilling than being around children. Laurie

  57. I think I shine because of Christ love within me. Without Him I am a flicker, but with Him I radiate. He saved me from darkness and brought me into the light! Thanks be to God! Blessings, Kimberly

  58. rebecca d

    At the end of a really long day when friends have let you down, family is getting on your nerves, cooking fails to calm you nerves and everything burns inexplicably… my cat always loves me…I know it sounds cliche’ but when I pick him up he always purrs so loud and snuggles his head into my neck… every time. He is never unhappy to see me, and his pure joy always cheers me.

  59. The early morning sun on my back, a cup of hot coffee in my hand and a field full of fleamarket treaures stretched out before me…

  60. Love you
    Love lights the way to my days…………
    and kindness
    Love you
    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine

  61. The words “Full remission”
    My father in law just heard those words and it made us all shine.
    (That and of course finding a fabulous old piece of silver or white iron stone for a buck that no one else seemed to have noticed in the pile of junk!)

  62. Shine. The word even reflects light. To shine is to cast light from within. For me that happens in the creative process. We delve deep into the storerooms of our mind and concepts begin to float to the surface. Where do they come from? A life of noticing and absorbing any item of beauty and inspiration. It all goes into the storeroom. What brings these images out to combine with something new of particular interest? Well, that is where the Muse comes in. Don’t forget to invite the Muse. She brings the shine and hands it over to you with a generous hand.

  63. giggling in the dark with my husband – nibbling on dark chocolate – having my children all under my roof – feeding those I love – walking in the rain (by choice) – dancing – creating something beautiful

  64. Margaret Bouwmeester

    Corey, three things that make me shine….
    learning about life in another country, absorbing the passion and the soul of people who live there….
    looking at the laugh lines on people’s faces, they tell a story…
    chubby babies, the pudgy little hands and chins…….
    Corny, but those are the things that make me shine!!!
    Margaret B

  65. I shine when I am leaving on a jet plane to somewhere special or to meet someone special. I makes my heart just sing with JOY and shine through my eyes. The trip can be a small trip in the car too. Next week I will shine because I am having tea with a new blogging friend, that will be another shining moment.

  66. What makes me shine? Hmmm, well, a day where I have no commitments other than to stay in my pajamas with a cup of coffee, something sweet to eat, my computer, something fun to craft with and just enjoying my “stuff”. Sitting here in my little corner doing what I want to do all day, that’s what makes me shine.

  67. I shine because I woke up this morning.
    I shine because today is a blank canvas for me to paint my day..and perhaps my future.
    I shine because tomorrow is a possibility filled with promise.

  68. SHINE!
    If you haven’t seen this yet, you must watch it. It makes me shine with not just joy but: no matter my mood it always makes me smile. it’s impossible not to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy6yH_kiPQM
    And to answer your question, strange as this may sound—I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I think embracing my own and other’s limitations as humans–foibles and all–in order to become more myself makes me shine! What I mean is that weakness and limitations can become not such a bad thing, but the cement of our bonding our body; It’s because I am weak that I can say I need you; your love, your appreciation. Weakness is the recognition of my humanity–I’m learning not to hide it and through this I am beaming, shining brighter than when I was ashamed and hid my weak spots. Why not talk about it?Celebrate it even? We are not perfect. Being imperfect makes me shine–and seeing imperfections in others and celebrating them also makes me shine! We are fragile and all wounded in parts. We have bed head and zits and arthritis and bloody band-aided parts and yet we sing and dance and love, right Corey? I need the love of the people in my community—I need a power from above, I need you. And knowing you need me too–that really makes me shine!
    Perfectly impefect,
    🙂 Amylia Grace

  69. Quiet room, sitting by a roaring fire in my favorite mama bear chair on a cold night with a nice glass of red wine. Simple pleasures like that make me shine.

  70. Seeing my husband come in the door at the end of the day…

  71. AmyKortuem

    Here’s what makes me shine: Working for months on one of my harp concerts and then playing the last note of the last song and seeing “that look” on the audience members’ faces, that look that’s near tears, gently smiling, far away, totally relaxed. It makes me know that I have done my job and have touched them with my music, and that is what really makes ME shine!

  72. What makes me shine? When I teach Mary an autistic child to play a song on the piano and she does it so well. She smiles and asks for a sticker- every part of her is happy and beams with joy. When I think back to when she looked at the piano with no clue what to do and what she is doing now every part of me becomes happy and I can feel my heart shine joy.

  73. Wow – so many great comments. I vote for the woman with autistic twins. Hurrah for her!

  74. Corey, My profession is where I shine. I am a nurse and I absolutely love being one! I made the journey to becoming a nurse by what I would call the back roads, reaching my goal right before my 40th birthday, despite many naysayers on my path. I am an ICU nurse and really thrive with the challenges offered in this area. I am currently returning to school to further my education with hopes of becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I have been fortunate to have had a loving family supporting me on the way, allowing me to shine

  75. I Shine because of the constant reminder of the Hope that lives within me. Knowing where I have been and where Jesus has brought me causes me to Shine… not because of me but because of Him. White. Being around the color White also makes me Shine. It is pure, it is innocent, it is beautiful. I also Shine when the stars align- those moments where all is so beautiful that it seems the stars have indeed aligned. And when the stars do align, it is a precious reminder of the One who has arranged them Himself.

  76. Erin Perry

    The sound of the ocean in the early, early morning hours, while the rest of the house sleeps.
    Erin in Morro Bay

  77. Drug Addiction equals Social Abuse

    Cool discovery. I wouldn’t know that the old fashioned car headlights are candles by nature. Wow that’s a cool knowledge.

  78. We like to set up the dance floor outside. Plywood used for a floor and bonfire for light. Those velveteen candles would come in handy attached to my car and used for light on those starry nights. What makes me shine? My six foot tall frame and size eleven shoe. Doing the Lindy Hop and Charleston on a plywood floor. Watch out and watch me shine!
    San Francisco

  79. Waking just before dawn and hearing the first bird chirp and then the beautiful dawn chorus as the sky lightens. Glorious!

  80. Belly dancing (a New Years endeavour) and eating make me shine! I’d probably better not eat too much though because then I might not shine as bright when belly dancing …

  81. Here’s what makes me shine….flowers!
    Especially Queen Anne’s Lace, picked out of ditch by the armful and plunked into a simple vase. Love.
    I found a picture of the headlights…. I put it in my Favorites on my
    Flickr page… 🙂

  82. Miss~Robyn

    what makes me shine? sitting in the presence of God in my garden and just letting all my worries and concerns filter down into Mother Earth.. that makes my soul shine, like it has been washed clean of all stress & fear. xoxo
    searched like a damn fool for a photo but could not find one!

  83. Jill Flory

    Those are cool! What makes me shine? My house clean and freshly decorated!!

  84. What makes me shine is horseback riding. I ride four days a week, every week, and would ride every day if I could. It’s not just about having something productive outside of work or feeling accomplished, but having that connection within myself that makes me able to have such a strong bond with my horse. My horse, himself, is another thing that makes me shine. I’ve owned him for 12 years and we’ve been through it all together. I bought him in high school and he’s moved with me everywhere…first college, across the country from Indiana to Arizona, and another big move from Arizona to Washington. I always know that no matter what kind of day I’m having, when I am riding and spending time with my horse, my mind is at ease.

  85. I shine at the dinner table, lit by candles, with simple good food I have prepared. The candle light makes everyone in the circle shine…

  86. When I paint something that touches a person so much that they have a need to share it back with me. That makes me shine every single time.

  87. Kathie B.

    When I can turn people’s Portuguese writing into fluent English (takes a lot of polishing), so that more folks get the chance to read their words.

  88. Shirley M.

    What makes me shine. After many, many years of working for other people, finally being able to have my own little antique business which I love. I get to buy and sell antiques and meet nice people. I also get to take my westie dog to work with me. Every day I say, I can’t believe I am finally my own boss.

  89. Sue at Serendipity


  90. ….someone who gives me butterflies make me shine!!! ;))

  91. Feeling the divine inside me, living to my full potential, letting creativity flow and when i dance to the waltz of life when there is no music playing.

  92. what makes me shine is teaching my sixth graders….math no less!

  93. After being in the same profession (cooking)for 16 years and raising 2 kids in between, I’ve gone to grad school to become something completely different. What makes me shine? Changing my life to something totally different and not even being scared.

  94. bee curious

    Go to the link and scroll down for pic of carriage lantern.

  95. Melissa Bishop

    I ‘visited’ your home the other day through a back issue of Romantic Homes. It was fun to revisit the article.
    What makes me shine: Finding that lovely antique or vintage piece that has been over looked by others and is now sitting in my home being adored. http://www.examiner.com/x-10374-Colorado-Springs-Tea-Examiner~y2010m1d12-Tea-and-antiques
    Melissa Bishop

  96. My greyhound, “Big”, running in the snow, jumping snowbanks, play bowing and barking to get me to chase him, greeting me when I come home.

  97. Cheryl at Casual Cottage Chic

    Does having passionate SEX in the morning count as “love”?? If not, well {grin} that makes me shine! Otherwise, I’d have to say that when I make pillows for my clients and they just love them, my heart just shines!

  98. Amy Dusek

    Being my true self in all areas of my life and not caring what anyone else thinks!

  99. What makes me shine? lets see Spring and the starting of Estate and Junk sales.

  100. What makes me shine? lets see, Spring and the starting of Estate and Junk sales.

  101. Elaine L.

    I’m a special education teacher and what makes me shine is seeing my kids make progress – learn something new. Becoming a special education teacher is the one thing in my life I got completely right.
    I’ve been teaching for 34 years and will be retiring the end of this school year. All my memories will make me glow for infinity.

  102. Nancy Pleimann

    I would have to say my Studio. I have only had it a few months. It is half quilting and half paper art. I feel like the world is at Peace when I’m in there. I love it and I can be me. Nancy P.

  103. Oye! Shine?!
    I’m too old, too tired, too sick of war and politics!
    I’m afraid I won’t shine till there is peace and acceptance for every human being.

  104. Everything makes me shine … comfortable shoes, the greeting and purring of my pussycat Blossom, fresh sheets on my bed, feeling clean and fresh after a warm shower, inner peace, favourite TV shows, reading my my fave blogs like Tongue in Cheek, fresh flowers, the prospect of the challenges of this coming year … everything in my life makes me shine from within my contented soul.

  105. Brother Mathew

    Riding my bicycle.

  106. Fire Byrd

    Getting out of bed in the morning, falling into my disreputable dog walking clothes and taking the dog for a walk, come rain or shine, ice or snow. It starts my day with my dog who I love,with the seasons of the trees I walk under and the birdsong through the year. After that I can do anything.

  107. The glory of a crisp beautiful day with blue skies and magestic mountains dusted with snow in the background. This is a perfect day that makes me shine…..

  108. Sorry I am late to this posting. All the comments are wonderful, and have started my day off right! I shine when something goes so right, and I had a part in it! Like yesterday during a final dress rehearsal of the opera Simon Boccanegra. Placido Domingo as Simon and a young man ( Patrick Carfizzi) all of us at the opera house have watched grow up was singing Paulo, the man accused of treachery in a powerful scene. Everything was perfect, and chilling. At the end of the scene we all point at Paulo and whisper “sia Maledetto! sia Maledetto!”. When the curtain went down, the entire cast burst into cheers, and Paulo (Patrick) was a puddle on the floor. That is grand opera at its best, and I am honored everyday to be a part of it. Shine, shine, shine.

  109. My family makes me shine. Knowing that on this bright January day in sunny California that my husband is happily fishing with his brother on the Russian River. That my oldest daughter is about to have a baby. Yay! That my oldest son is in recovery. Thank God. That my youngest daughter is living her dream as a chef in SF. That my youngest son is on his way to Spring semester in college. That my dog is by my side. As for me? I shine too when I’m at our house in the Wine Country, flea marketing, blogging, walking the dog, volunteering at the food pantry, having coffee with friends and so on. At nearly 56 years old, I’m learning to shine “one day at a time!”

  110. Sorry, late to the party but…how about that delicious feeling you get when you connect with someone on a level that defies explanation. You are just in sync with this person, as if the two of you are almost interchngeable. As if you share the same molecular structure or something but also different in only compatible ways. I have known this twice in my life and am grateful everyday that love and life have brought this incredible spark of these two people that has allowed me to shine.

  111. Hi Corey, my faith in God, and to know that I have a purpose makes me shine. Sorry this comment is late, but I wanted to share the link to a powerful video that has greatly impacted me lately to the point that I can’t stop thinking anout it. The video is a talk to women given by a beautiful young woman who was dying of cancer. Her talk title and the website is deathisnotdying.com. Please take the time to watch this, I know it will be inspiring to you, too. Knowing that death is NOT dying makes me shine too.

  112. what makes me shine is riding my bike. what can i say, nothing is more freeing.

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