My niece Juliette was fourteen when she shared the French's most treasured secret cake recipe with me. She told me that she was going to teach me a classic French cake recipe. She asked me if I had some yogurt. Looking at her oddly I asked if we were making a French classic cake or had I misunderstood. Misunderstanding for me in those days was as common as breathing.
One French Secret about Baking

81 responses to “One French Secret about Baking”
Does a yougurt pot equal 1 cup?
Thanks for sharing!!!!
Thank you,Corey…this looks delicious! I will be making one today with greek yogurt. Can’t wait to pull it out of the oven 🙂
headed for the kitchen NOW! how elegant and simple – just like the French to know how to make dessert perfectly!
give Annie a big smoochie for me!
and hello to French Husband, too
all best from just west of Round Top, otherwise known as
San Antonio -
This is so very true – my kids who have eaten in France’s finest restaurants only ever want this cake – once made by mistake with a coconut flavoured yoghurt, and which has been the greatest success of all.
Hi Corey..thank you, I am going to try this, but we cook it for 40 minutes at what temperature?
And, if we add apples or bananas etc, do you mean added to the recipe or just sliced up fresh and eaten with the cake?
Sorry, just want to get it right. -
ha ha… guarded until now!! looks delicious!! Love the recipe image also.
Sounds yummy. Is a pot of yogurt equal to one cup and what does 6 equal in fahrenheit?
Thanks, Corey -
I love, love, love your blog. I am ready to make the yogurt cake. But, here is the thing. . . in the US there are so many sizes? Approximately what size yogurt pot?
I think I will use Greek Yogurt as well.
Please reply I am ready to make the cake. -
wow way cool. so are you saving those cool little bottles of yogurt? I just found milk in glass containers and have amassed quite the collection (might use them you know).. thanks for sharing this recipe.. going to go home tonight and try this!
I’ve made this cake! It is wonderful! I brought it to my nieces wedding shower and it was inhaled in a short amount of time.
The best thing about it is, no matter what size yogurt container you use (5, 6, 8oz) it still comes out great because the ingredient portions are the same. -
Ok even the stinkin yougurt pot is cute! Why is everything in France too pretty? lol When I was there I went to eat at Budah Bar and I ordered bottle water because the bottle was beautiful! Yes I took it home…lol Thanks for this recipe it looks wonderful Grace
Ok Corey! I think you are trying to keep it a secret from us and tease us. This cake looks so delicious; however, what measurement is the yogurt pot?
Sitting here on the morning of my birthday (very early…) and thrilled to find this recipe! I will make this tonight as one of my birthday cakes. Going all French today as visiting a delightful Little Brown House (Wanaka, NZ) (sells all things French) and they bake French style cakes. The girls are baking a French Chocolate Almond Cake for the occasion! Second thoughts, perhaps the Yogurt Cake will wait a day or two…. Thank you Cory for this precious recipe.
Corey…I would love to try this recipe. Can you give me the cooking temp. for American use?? thank you so for sharing.
Oh, yummy with coffee {cafe au lait} in the morning! Can I use flavored yogart? Is a “pot” equal to a cup? Merci!!
i’ve just finished with my husband’s b-day cake. it took me half a day. next time i should read your blog before starting making a cake 🙂
i will definitely try making yogurt cake next time. -
Soooo…. a yogurt “pot” is what? A cup?
I make mine with chocolate chips and frost is with nutella. Miam miam…my mother-in-law was the one to let me in on the yoghurt cake recipe 🙂
My children and I have baked a thousand “gâteaux au yaourt” since their time at the nursery school.
Our recipe is slightly different though :
3 eggs
only 1 pot of sugar.
half a sachet of baking powder(Is that what you call “baking soda” ???)
No lemon, no vanilla in the bacic recipe – can be added when you want those flavours though.
ANY plain yogurt can do – even low-fat ones or those in plastic cups or cheap brands… (I’ve tried)
Ladies, if you use a yogurt from a cup, then measure everything with the same cup, the result will be the same.
Good and QUICK !!!
My daughter likes the almond version : add a sachet of almond powder in the mixture. Her favoutite cake ever !
Thank you, Corey… Your post of the day tells me to have a break (from work) and to bake “un gâteau au yaourt et à la poudre d’amandes” to spoil my daughter on it when she returns from school.
Have a good day !!! -
This cake sure will be on our table quite a lot. Simple yet delicious.
Thank you Corey. -
Looks like gas mark is 400 degrees… seems hot…. but it is a heavy type cake…
I think I might have to go make one…. I just need a bundt pan… -
Corey, Thank you for sharing this delightful story and recipe which will be tried this week in our home. You should consider publishing your wonderful cookbook with all the side notes, stamps and pictures. What a treat.
You see being British the whole cup thing adds another layer of mystery… however I shall masterfully create the yogurt cake with a yogurt pot and no thought of confusing American cups ! Love, jx
That is the cutest little pot!
Oooh Corey, such a pretty yogurt pot…. I’m going to keep my eyes open at the flea markets… I’m making a cookbook for my children from recipes handed down from my mother, grandmothers, great-grandmothers. This recipe is similar to a pound cake my great-great made (a pound of this, a pound of that, a pound of that…. all equal proportions). You’ll have to add yogurt pots to your antigues for sale.
Oh, this looks heavenly! I love that one can just adapt the recipe to the size of the yogurt container and will most definitely try this.
Like many of the posting here, I also love the yogurt container. I will be on the hunt for one like it here in the midwest USA. I’ll just bet I will have to look for awhile, but part of the fun is the hunt, which I know you surely understand. Thank you for sharing. -
Yes, put me at the top of the list to proofread, TASTE, and handhold! Seriously I’ve done some minor proofreading and would be thrilled to help.
Thanks for another recipe. We’ve had your pasta with lemon and walnuts and love it. -
Yes, I will be the editor, taster….all those things. Only, do you have an extra room so I can move in???? HA ! Now that would be fun.
Oh and for those of you who said you love the yogurt container……I have a ton of them…you can buy the yogurt at Trader Joe’s.
I’ve never known what I’d do with them, but they are too cute to throw out. So I save them. -
Sounds wonderful! My oldest has a birthday in about 4 weeks – may have to try that!!!
Yes, me too, found those cute glass yogurts at Trader Joes. Thank you for sharing this recipe, it looks fabulous. Now I’m hungry….
Thank you for the further clarification.
I can’t wait to make this cake! I am going to go to the store today and buy some yogurt. This is just what I need on this dreary Ohio day. -
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one of the magazines that publishes books (Victoria, Country Living) published your precious little cookbook exactly as it is??!! No editing– just the artistic version that it is. I’d buy it, and also additional copies to give as gifts– and I don’t think I’m alone!
Ohhhh I think I may have to write that one down. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, yummy! Just the thing to get me through the mid-January BLAHs here in southern Minnesota.
While I (and I’m sure every other blog reader) would love to be your editor, taster and hand-holder, I think you should just scan in the pages of your beloved cookbook and have it printed exactly as is, perhaps with a little foreword by you. best-seller! -
To Marie-Noëlle Roland:
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is NOT the same as baking powder (sodium carbonate, which would have a much higher pH).
See: -
The secret’s out Frenchies…Yes, yes, yes! I and other readers I am sure would be glad to fill the various positions for your cookbook to come to life, in our sweetest dreams that is. I love the look of your treasured possession, recipes, photo clips, and memories collected over time. Does Chelsea love to cook? What a treasure for her to pass down. But I expect she must me like the French you mentioned that find cooking second nature it seems. THank you truly and dear Juliette for the French lesson. Oh Joy!
Lovely recipe – will try it this weekend! (Haven’t seen glass jar yogurt’s in SA – only the plastic variation for us!) Best-seller recipe book → I agree Kathie B.!!
Oh this cake sounds so delicious, and EASY for me to make!! I am terrible bad in baking cakes, something I truly find irritating, so I stopped. Now I am just drawling outside the bakery. I will for sure trie it tomorrow. By the way, many thanks for the story (and beautiful images) that came with the recipe, I always love that!
Have a great week, I hope every day will Inspire you!
Warm greeting, Aina -
I am SO going to bake this cake——ah, abit of France at home…
The title of your published notes (have your perfectly WONDERFUL book reproduced for ALL)
could be An American Cooking in France. Oui?
I Love checking in on you. I’m always inspired and encouraged.
annie -
This sounds so yummy, Corey. I love simple things that taste wonderful. (love meredith’s suggestion for using chocolate chips and Nutella for frosting–makes my mouth water just thinking of it!)
I can’t wait to try this recipe from your beautiful cookbook!
Thank you so much, Corey! -
Easy is my best friend! Thanks for this Corey
I discovered yogurt cake a few years ago and it’s become my “go-to” cake for something easy and impeccably delicious! It goes with EVERYTHING!
Sounds yummy and how odd that I just read a yoghurt cake recipe on Serendipity at work, non?
Yummy. I am writing the recipe right nowQQ
I love the Mediterranean way of baking – it´s so simple, but tastes lovely. Thank you for the recipe, Corey, I´m going to give it a try tomorrow.Yummy !
sounds very much like a recipe my mother-in-law shared in her dutch way.. she use to cook the most delish biscuits.. and when I asked her for the recipe.. she threw off the words: 3-2-1… butter, flour & sugar that was all.. but I never did find out which was which.. they melted in your mouth.
Add me to the list of helpers for Corey’s Cookbook Journal. I would love to test and tell if you would be willing to share those pages. What fun a project this could be…..better than Julie and Julia.
Ok so I’m not the only one who loves those little pots. I brought home every one I ate last time I was in France. Let me tell you there is NO yogurt I have found in the states to compare to those whole milk yogurts in France. I even forgot I had one in my carry on luggage and the security guard told me to dump it. He thought I was nuts when I just emptied out the yogurt into the trash and slid the dirty container back into my bag.
When we were in France for a duration of time, I fell in love with the yogurt in its perfect little pot! Now, I must make this cake!
I do remember thoses times… I wanted to teach you everything about French food. Some times my “show” turned out, some times it didn’t… do you remember this huge cake in the oven:I had made a confusion between a tsp and Tsp of baking powder. When I put a kinf inside to check if the cake was cooked or not: no, it didn’t burst out, but all the air from inside the pastry came out and something uneatable (not good looking neither good taste at all lol!) stayed in the pan….oh geee…,such experiences in your kitchen…
I had the theory, not the practicing…
Today, thanks to you, my gâteau au yaourt’s recipe is known all over the world…
thank to you, I’ve pleased so many friends with your brownie’s recipe 🙂
I wanted to teach you so many things, Auntie …actually, happy me, you have learned me much more….
P.S.: About the gâteau au yaourt’s recipe: Nobody should forget to lick the bowl! lol! -
I love the sound of this. The kids are on school holidays at the moment and a daily baking extravaganza in the kitchen seems to be the source of the days entertainment for them. They will love the idea of this recipe. Especially inventing their own flavoured versions of it! Thanks Corey, and thanks to your niece for sharing too…
Recipe duly entered into my database, with appropriate attribution to both Corey and Juliette, bien sûr!
Hi dear…visiting ur sweet blog…add me in ur blogroll ok…i have a super cute blog too,alywas with great poems and posts talkin about the life,love and God.Big Hug!!
Sounds fantastic Corey ~ thank you for sharing ~ can hardly wait to try it!
Corey–I absolutely loved yesterdays photos of your wonderful handwritten cookbook and I agree with the others who hope it will get published. I will buy it! And today’s post is lovely as well. I carried many of those same little glass yogurt containers home from France and i love them. In the apt. I rented in Paris I used the little containers for tiny bouquets and with little tea lights….lovely..
please publish that cookbook!
Pamela -
My cake turned out wonderfully! I used an 8oz. cup for everything. My husband loved it! Next, I’m going to Trader Joe’s to get my own “yogurt pot”. Thanks for the recipe.
It was fun! -
Thanks Corey! This recipe has definitely been added to my recipe file and I will try it soon, maybe even for my birthday with strawberries on top. I think that would be soooo very good. Can’t wait.
oh i would be more than happy to be a tester although i am not too good at the cooking part…BUT i would be happy to be virtual hand holder and all-around cheerleader. Although I agree with the others …i think it would be great for you to just publish it as is…blurb, lulu, etc…
go for it. you have a great internet following…we would ‘eat it up’!!! Pardon the pun. -
This sounds SOOOO amazing! Im saving to make!
I think I might try this but with rose water…. a rose flavored cake! Just in time for valentines day!
ooooh, COREY! Yum!
I want a recipe just like this! That children know from their maternelle years….if they can do it so can I! Thank you for sharing photos of your gorgeous cook book. Something so ordinary, yet so full of treasures….your children will fight over this book to be sure! Make at least one copy for each!
Laura -
Can’t wait to try this! I want a cute yogurt pot!!!
Lovely! I have a function to go to on Thursday- Guess what I’m bringing!??
Yeay! You guesssed it! French Yogurt Cake! -
Corey, You have made my husband a very happy man. He is crazy about the apple tarte. Yes, better than apple pie. I noticed he bought apples at the store AGAIN today. I will try the yogurt pot cake this week. I MUST have some of these little yogurt pots. Your sources say Trader Joe’s. I will try there. Thanks you. You take part in making me shine. Merci…
Hey Corey, aren’t we a troublesome lot! You write up a lovely,simple little recipe and we (your faithful followers) bombard you with a trillion questions. But I HAD to ask for the baking temperature, sorry…
Thanks, & this is one that I will bake while singing your mother’s cooking song that I still can’t get out of my head.. -
Thanks Corey, I can’t wait to make the French yogurt cake on the weekend. It will be written in my new recipe book as COREY’S FRENCH YOGURT CAKE. xxx
Ooooo,this sounds and looks SO yummy…can’t wait to fix it…I,too, will call it “Corey’s yogurt cake”…Thanks for sharing.
I shall try and find the recipe drawn by my daughter when she was at school (she was 4 and could not write in a fluent hand).
I have saved it … A nice memory !!! -
Pot de yaourt is part of daily life. Not only do they learn this recipe, they bake these cakes in school learning vocabulary and appreciation of fresh ingredients in France…let them eat cake!
Oh oui , I know this recipe , it’s true it is a very simple delicious classic ! I love it with apples .
Take care , -
It’s a classic here in Italy too, and the recipe is the same……
My gateau yoghurt is in the oven!!!
I shall try it! For those in the U.S., what’s the closest yogurt you’ve found to European yogurt? I find Stonybrook plain whole yogurt and the YoBaby (also from Stonybrook) of all flavors to be the closest in creaminess and weight, but I’d love more suggestions, because I miss European yogurt, too.
That ever so adorable yogurt pot reminds me of an Armenian restaurant that served homemade yogurt in little green pots w every meal– more than 40 yrs ago!! on college ave in Berkeley, CA
Mmmm…yum! Thank you for the recipe and for all the tips.
I made the cake. I doubled it…and made it in a tube pan. I made it with coffee yogurt and added some dark chocolate chips.
It is wonderful!!!!!
Thank you bunches for sharing it with us. -
As I live in France, I can easily get petits pots, and I use the empty pots as candle holders, putting in tealights, and a bit of sand so the candles are stable. Or use them to store beads, etc. Or put cuttings from my (ailing) spider plant in, and ta da, mini vases. They are cute but they can add up quickly: now my husband tries to throw them in the recycling bin when my back is turned…
I’ve always made the yogurt cake with baking powder, but I tried baking soda as indicated in your recipe–and, while tasty, mine collapsed in the center. Do you in fact use soda or powder? I can get cranberry concentrate here, perhaps you can too. It is quite handy, and can be, among other things, used as a lemon juice replacement in baking recipes…
I confess I have cookbook envy: your notes are a great deal more charming and evocative than mine! Yours is as much a memory scrapbook as it is a cookbook. -
What a brilliant recipe! Can’t wait to try it.
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