Flying over Provence

I am waving to you… from the mosquito!

Photos and details to come when I return to earth.

Ooooooooooooooooooo me-o-my!


27 responses to “Flying over Provence”

  1. Bon Journey!

  2. Safe landing!!!

  3. Twinkleberry


  4. Christine Kalina

    Awesome! Enjoy the ride!

  5. WOW!! You did it! How exciting!!

  6. herhimnbryn

    Rock on Corey.

  7. Come back safely!

  8. Oh, Corey, it’s finally happening. Hope you’re enjoying it 🙂

  9. Kathie B.

    Boa viagem!

  10. The Brocantess

    Good girl! I am glad that you did it.

  11. Bravo!

  12. Enjoy and be safe! Those little planes scare me too. It looks so tiny.

  13. I think they say “Blue skies” in flight lingo…Can’t wait for the photos. And Brave you are!!!

  14. Enjoy and have a safe landing 🙂

  15. Happy landings!

  16. Carolyn Mallin

    I’m sure you’re in safe hands with your husband. I don’t think he’d ever put you in an unsafe situation.So, relax and enjoy the view. God put it there just for us to enjoy.

  17. Ida from South Africa

    You with your head in the clouds… – enjoy yourself!!!!!

  18. Your posts are fun. I can’t wait to read about it and see the pictures!

  19. Oh my, your heart must be all a flutter! I can’t wait to hear about your ride and see the pictures you must be taking.
    It’s always so much fun seeing what you’re up to! 🙂

  20. Gina Baynham

    I read this in a book last night… “Any landing is a good Landing”.
    I hope you got down safe and sound!

  21. At last! Enjoy the ride!

  22. Oh heck, rather you than me, lol.

  23. I hope the motorcycle mama and motorcycle papa had a groovy time up there above the clouds. And I hope there wasn’t any hanging out the side this time for a photo, our Miss Cocoa! 😉
    Happy landings, can’t wait for the details!

  24. Have fun…and pictures please!

  25. You did it! Yay! You are one brave woman–braver than I am. –Delores

  26. WOW – flying high – how fabulous and brave you are Corey 😉

  27. How wonderful!!! How sexy and freeeing. You are a very lucky woman. You must have lot’s of chutzpah, motorcycle, plane wow!!!!!

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