Louis the Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette’s Last Letter



The last letters from Louis the Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette.

I noticed them on a wall in the oldest restaurant in Paris (Procope 1686).

Indeed, they are copies; nevertheless, there they were. Hanging on the wall while we ate…
Mari and I did not eat cake but enjoyed the view.


Last letter Marie Antoinette.


16 responses to “Louis the Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette’s Last Letter”

  1. I would not enjoy a meal with a reminder of a poor woman who got murdered in the most gruesome way imaginable. I would very much like to know how the French think about that. Are the proud of this, do they feel it was right?

  2. Irish Gumbo

    A haunting and beautiful letter. I wonder if I could be so composed if faced with similar circumstances.
    There is a little bakery/cafe near my home, called Bonaparte Breads. The owner is French, and he has a bust of Napoleon in the dining area, overseeing the customers. On one wall is a copy of a letter written by Napoleon. I don’t read French, but now I’m very, very curious as to what it says…:)

  3. Margaret Bouwmeester

    Wow, I can only imagine the history you must feel it in the atmosphere. I think it would so interesting to be able to see her letter, although it is so sad and tragic, her life and the way she died. when I went to Scotland, I put my hand on the wall of a dungeon, it was the eeriest sensation. All that history, even if they are copies, it is neat to be able to see it. I too would curious to know what it said…..
    Margaret B

  4. yvonne rosenfield

    very cute, about the cake..
    I am new to your site, very wonderful post.
    Do come over to my site I have a story on Marie also..

  5. I would love to try that restaurant

  6. Miss~Robyn

    1686 – something that old here in Australia is not in existence.. well unless you count the actual land and mountains..
    and I know that you did not eat cake because you said you were going to bake more cakes in 2010.. and of course, nothing would taste as delicious as your own!
    ahhh history… gruesome in many ways & in many circumstances.. but it happened, it is part of us and all we can do is learn from it…

  7. Miss~Robyn

    I forgot that we do have artifacts belonging to the Aboriginal people who lived here before ‘white’ man came and settled.. 🙂

  8. Happy New Year & Happy Anniversary. I mixed up the yogurt cake today, Sunday. Haven’t tasted it, it’s going to a pot luck dinner tonight at church.I will let you know how it turned out. I’m still loving everyday reading your blog. Cousin Julie

  9. Thanks for the link to the text of the letter, Corey – this was fascinating to read. Happy brocanting!

  10. Ana Maria

    Dear Corey,
    Thank you for posting this letter. After reading reading it I continued reading other posts on the blog and I’m hooked! Another great blog by another wise, witty woman! http://teaattrianon.blogspot.com/
    I encourage all your readers to look it up.
    Of course Marie Antoinette never said, “Let them eat cake!” I’ve read a lot about her and France and the revolution ever since junior high school. I was once reprimanded by a teacher when I defended the Queen. After much research, the teacher ended up apologizing to me and had me present my case, with all my documentation to the class. (I got an A+!)

  11. AmyKortuem

    That’s the beauty of Paris — the history that’s lived with. Even at lunch!

  12. A fascinating read. xxx

  13. This post brought back happy memories from 5 years ago when my husband and I met up at the Procope for dinner with my long ago friends from South Africa(I knew them in the early 70s when I lived there). Unfortunately I didn’t take the time to look around more carefully.

  14. elena maria vidal

    Thank you for the link. I am immensely grateful.

  15. History is so sad, Marie Antoinette’s sad demise is just one of many. No wonder she is still adored today.

  16. cynthia Wolff

    1I am so happy I found you…I am learning something new everyday. Your photos are so beautiful. I am brand new to the computer(I can hear the gasps!) and to blogs…what fun!! I didn’t know anything about M.A…Thanks everyone and to wonderful Corey

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