Barking up the Right Tree


The TGV was running late, and my French Husband waited for me at midnight.

Greeting him, I said, "Hi, Doll Face!"

Looking bewildered with his tail between his legs, French Husband said, "Why do you call me Doug Face?"

"Doug Face?" I repeated, trying to figure out what he was saying in English. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, "OH! You think I am calling you Dog Face?!"

He shook his head yes.

"Noooooooooo, I am saying "Doll Face!"

All these years, my husband thought I was calling him Dog Face.

Communication does help you bark up the right tree.



38 responses to “Barking up the Right Tree”

  1. The Little Red Shop

    I’m just smiling…how sweet! That itty bitty frame is quite precious too!
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. hahahahah…..that just hit my funnybone! Great way to start my day! 🙂

  3. Miss Robyn

    that reminds me of a pet name that my husband has always called me ‘babe’… until our daughter Sophie asked him why I thought I was a fat pig.. we didn’t know what she meant until we realised that the only babe she knew was of movie ‘Babe’ fame the story of a pig!!
    by the way, normally, do you & French husband converse in English or French?

  4. jend’isère

    I was amused because my husband is named Dag. The correct prononciation has led to confused responses.

  5. That’s funny and it happens to us, too.

  6. Elizabeth Harper

    I’m laughing out loud … my British husband and I frequently have similar exchanges. I can’t imagine how confusing it might be if we didn’t both speak English. It’s difficult enough sometimes to translate American English in to a language a Brit can understand.
    It’s even more complicated by my southern roots and a tendency to slur it all together.

  7. Love and hugs

  8. The exchange you describe sounds sooooo familiar! My dear Lebanese husband sometimes hears/understands in the same way. I describe this as our Lucy and Ricky moments.

  9. We both speak English and have that problem!
    A few years ago I told dh that the kids music for marching band was from Grease and he said uh huh and the conversation changed. Several months later he is at the 1st performance and looks at me confused and says “I thought you said this was the music of GREECE?!!!! All that time the man thought..well, I frequenly do not know WHAT he is thinking and we have NO language barrier other than comprehension!
    Keeps life interesting and me laughing, for sure!

  10. I am laughing, that is so cute. xxx

  11. 1eyedmonkee

    now with that cleared up you can count on many more anniversaries! HA!

  12. Katiebell

    Oh that is sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and tragic and lovely that he (the handsome devil) put up with you calling him dog face all these years Corey1 What a gem he must be. 🙂 Big big laughs at our house though, thank you.

  13. That was hysterical!!!!

  14. so funny, thanks for the laugh!

  15. I love this story. It explains why a French friend of mine would see a puppy and say, “Hi Dolly!” I think she had heard me say “Doggie.”

  16. Cheryl at Casual Cottage Chic

    Love the tiny frame/pendant!!
    Isn’t it funny…the nicknames we give to those we love so dearly? Does French Husband have an affectionate nickname for you? Or is that just an “American” thing 🙂

  17. So funny, but now you absolutely MUST sing the song Beautiful Doll to him!
    Like others we frequently have miscommunications that are quite comedic, when they don’t make us pull our hair out.

  18. Yes, I agree with Cheryl, I would be interested to read a post about y’all’s misadventures in language differences. Corey you are such a doug face!

  19. aw, so sweet…

  20. Kimberly C.

    Oh no! and to think he waited so long to ask you!!

  21. Annie Grosvenor

    SO true!
    Lately it seems that every conversation around here includes the word , “WHAT????”
    Oh, my gosh, I think we’re becoming our parents!

  22. christine

    Oh God, tell me about it. Feeling a bit tired on that very subject at the moment.

  23. made me chuckle….

  24. Too funny, although a little sad….All this time he thought you were insulting him? My husband is hard of hearing, so I’m always finding out that he misunderstood me. Communication! –Delores

  25. tina-skincare

    How sweet;)

  26. Oh what a hoot, you have made me laugh for the rest of the day.

  27. Lieselotte

    Don´t you worry, Corey ! Although my husband and I speak the same language, things like that happen at least once a day – so sometimes you wonder whether we really speak the same language , men and women ?

  28. Judging from the photos he’s the last person anybody would call dog face..;)

  29. Oh dear! For years I called my sweet baby girl “Peanut” then one day when she was about four, she looked at me real serious and said, “Mom why do you tall me a boys pwivate sing?”
    AW! I felt so terrible and explained I wasn’t calling her a boys private thing…oh man…

  30. Funny, but not funny! Even speaking clear English, my husband and I still can misunderstand. I can only imagine it even more crazy when you are coming from two different languages.

  31. We Americans have so many nick names, pet names and just funny sayings, no wonder no one can understand us! Poor French Husband, for he is NOT a dog face by no means!

  32. I married a yankee and half of what I say gets lost in translation. Sometimes I just look at him and say “damn your pretty”…..Translation “Damn your a dumb ass.”

  33. Mary Ellen

    Ha Ha Ha I just love it that he thought dog face was a term of endearment all this time by the way you said it…!!!!!!! Woof!

  34. Haaaaaaaaa and after all these years … men 😉

  35. Reminds me of when my French boyfriend in High School only had been speaking English for a year and one half. We went to London shopping and I bought a “suede belt”. When we came home my mother asked what I had bought. Patrick piped up so proud and said “A Chastity belt” You should have seen the look on my mothers face. Mind you I was 17 at the time. We still laugh about it today. Sometimes the language barrier made conversation a little more interesting. I ended up marrying an all American Boy and we to sometimes even after 37 years hava a language barrier. Dear FH no Dog face there. A good chuckle for a rain soaked day. Thank you.

  36. Corey
    I can hardly write this comment to you I am laughing so hard tears are coming down my cheeks…. it sort of reminds me of a scene from Under The Tuscan Sun
    Amore, I didn’t say, “Assassino. ”
    I said, “I’m going to ask Nino” for money to help us
    get married.
    -Oh !-“Ask Nino.”
    Oh !I didn’t understand.
    Married? You barely understand
    what the other is saying.
    Now Corey I can close my computer up for the night and savor the “Best for the Last”
    the Dowsers Daughter

  37. AmyKortuem

    Funny! The French have all these little endearments for women “my little hen, my rabbit, my sweet butterfly.” You could start a new trend with “endearments” for men!

  38. Oh you’re story is so funny it just made me laugh out loud! Thank you.

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