Month: January 2010
Annie: The Girl with a Spark in Her Eye
Annie and I hopped in the car and went shopping. I haven't had a car since September and well Annie doesn't hop, but she does if you know what I mean. We were like two sixteen year olds who finally…
One French Secret about Baking
My niece Juliette was fourteen when she shared the French's most treasured secret cake recipe with me. She told me that she was going to teach me a classic French cake recipe. She asked me if I had some yogurt.…
French Cooking and the Home Made Cookbook
This is my tattered, splattered, well worn, cookbook. I started it when I first arrived in France. I carried it with me everywhere… One of the first things I learned when I moved to France was: Cooking was going to…
Shine On
What light! If you haven't read the comment section yesterday and you need a reason to be encouraged, then please go read them. Inspiring! Each comment is a blog post in itself. Such wonderful, moving, encouraging comments about seeing the…
Let the Head Lights Shine the Way
Have you ever seen these before? Candles, but not just any ole candle. These candles were used for car lanterns. Old fashion head lights! Pretty cool no? I would have thought they were old nineteen century candles since they are…
The Art of Driving Your Husband Mad
I want my old car back. The car that I could park anywhere because it was small and had enough dings that one more would only add to the patina. I want my old car back. The old car that…