Month: February 2010
In the Heart of Provence
There is a house with almond green shutters. Leading up to the house is a stone wall which is lined with lavender bushes and olive trees. This morning when I woke up I pushed open the shutters and saw the castle of Lagnes in the near…
Cured Salmon and Potato Blinis
Pascale, who is French, and a chef came to my home the other day to prepare a meal for my family. I sat at my kitchen table and thanked every lucky star and speck of wonder about me. Blogging has…
The French Chef in my Kitchen
Yesterday a blogging friend came to visit. They came to prepare me a meal in my kitchen. The bread basket with potatoes for the blinis. The menu:Cured SalmonPotato BlinisMustard/Honey Dressing,Lentil salad. The chef explains the process… my mouth was watering.…
Meeting the World Through Blogging and Having Them Cook for You too.
Blogging makes the world fit in a nutshell. Susanna, a blogging buddy who I have never met, but feel like she is a childhood friend (we started blogging around the same time (four years ago) introduced me (by email) to…
The Brocante Bug
The entire morning long Ladelle helped me pack the purchases bought from my online Brocante. During lunch, I asked her what she would like to do this afternoon… I suggested: St Tropez, Hike St. Victorie, visit Les Arch where there…
Hot Buns and Enlightenment
I received an email that said that lately my blog seemed to be depressing and that I needed to lighten up. I spoke to French Husband about it. He said it was good that the person who sent me the…