Today is my birthday.
I am 52 years old.
Lee was my middle name.
Godmother Mary and Godfather Craig. My Mom is taking the photo, while my Dad looks on. Father McGoldrick nearly dropped the cruet on my head when he heard I did not have a Christian name.
My middle name is Ann.
My hand print. I have the same lines, and a few more on my face.
My Mother notes in my baby book that I blew a whistle at five months all, and that I took my first steps at sixteen months….
Sixteen months?!
But I knew how to blow out my birthday candle at one.
Look at those lips! I
When I was a teen ager potato chin thin lips were in style… I was teased about those lips of mine. We won't talk about the nose.
I guess you could say it built character in me.
My hair (if you care to note) is the same from when I was two until forever!
Its my birthday and I happy about it.
When is your birthday and if you dare how old will you be?
Note: Thank you for your comments about your "signature" yesterday.
An 18th century document is going to be made into a paper plane and sail straight to:
Patty Cole: Who wrote her signature is: "Men's plaid pajamas and checkered shirts from the goodwill."
And keeping in tune with the gift giveaway this entire birthday week today's giveaway is a set of these:
If you are interested in being a lucky winner here is the question:
What was one of your fondest birthday memories?
Mine is….
I was 35 and had ovarian cancer. Two of my dearest friends in all the world were by my side, Ellen and Erika… (Americans who came to help me out in France.)
I was bone thin, ate like a ten little pigs but could not keep any weight on. I weighed 88 pounds that day.
Ellen and Erika decided I needed fattening up; so on that day, that wonderful birthday day were they watched my children and held Yann up for weeks on end, made me Burritos!! Homemade shells!! Flatten with their loving hands! Mexican food, more so tortilla you could not find in the south of France…. they made them for me. I love the memory of that day.
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