French antique details: Transfer-ware ribbon design on a soup tureen. A bundle of lavender ribbon in its original packaging. A hand painted china plate… the small details of someone's artist labor that remains true hundreds of years later. Small details that last, that speak, that tell a story of time gone by yet remains alive.
A pair of carved flowers in wood, followed by a row of brass tacks, then a trace of blue silk, the details of the top of a French chair that I sit on while I type.
It is hasn't changed since the day it was made.
A paper back book dated 1853, or is that 1856?
The story is the same, only the date has changed.
We live in the past, present and hope for the future, yet sometimes I forget about the present moment and think I am living tomorrow.
The story continues, it flows the same, word after word, page after page, day after day.
An angel cast in an iron chimney plaque sings delicately. Her wings seem light, feathery even after years of reflecting the heat from the fire back into the home.
Hand made lace, hours of handiwork, what was the person creating it for? Why was it never used. Flawless abandoned art. Paintings hang in museums while this lace was stashed in dusty box. Impeccable and left aside. Art for the sake of art, creation simply to past the time. I wonder if the person who made it thought that someone might one day create something with it?
An eighteen century carved wooden flame, worn off golden gild, Light! Though it has never burned.
Wood, paper, iron, lace and glass. Time, history, art, handiwork…culture carried over to this moment in time.
Last night I accidently broke this very old antique glass… it had a word etched on it:
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