Take out the Treasure and Dust it Off…

box of flowers

Today is the day to open the box, to take out the treasure, to let it breath and become who we are.

Taking out the treasure is one thing, dusting it off is another…. having a desire is easier than actually doing what it takes to make it become something don't you think so?


21 responses to “Take out the Treasure and Dust it Off…”

  1. Sometimes it is so much fun looking through the dusty treasure that we lose track of time and never do anything with it. Isn’t that half the fun…?!

  2. What a timely post for my soul! You always seem to put into words just how I am feeling. It’s wonderful to know I’m not the only one! 🙂

  3. Corey
    No truer words have ever been spoken — love the fabric flowers,, and the bird? feathers? they are lovely colors combined all together.
    I was taken things off the book shelf to get a book I had tucked away, well when you remove objects you notice where the dust settled — so one action begets another action… do I dust or put the objects back and peruse the book and dust later??????
    “C’est la vie”,
    I dusted —

  4. Jeanette M.

    Ah yes, desire vs. action. You (as always) are so right. I am starting to realize (for me) it is much easier to actually DO the things, than to come up with all the reason why I cannot. Flying, it seems, takes much less energy than I thought. I’m “dusting” myself off!

  5. Julie Ann

    Mothering Sunday here in the UK and the most bitter sweet day for me. A real day for dusting off the treasure. I am awash with treasured memories and the sweetest beginnings. The promise of a glass of champagne later and imagine tears of sadness and of joy will be shed before bedtime, your friend, Jx

  6. I love you

  7. Ellen Cassilly

    lovely post. Spring dusting and spring doing. I’m doing the planning to build a fence and gate. So that then I can plant a garden. Happy spring day. We are having a poetry reading here this afternoon. Marylyn Kallett. She has been fun to have around.

  8. Love this photo~~makes me feel transported to an older time…a time when fabric flowers gently beckon me to close my eyes and smile~~
    Bless you Corey!

  9. yvonnerosenfield

    Yep! Biting off more than you can Chew.
    I decided to do a simple thing . Paint the back (only) of the bookcase. It took 2 days washing items taping, dusting ,,,newspaper everywhere and a dog in and out. Sniffin it all. Glad it’s done, I love the treasures
    think I don’t need so many. Spring Cleaning may help. Delete, Delete

  10. Britt-Arnhild

    Yesterday I opened an old, thick box and started to undust. After years of dreaming I have finally actually started to write my first travel book. Hard work though, and I have no idea if I’ll make it…….

  11. Shelley at decoragain.blogspot.com

    In mine, I have a Levi’s jeans denim belt loop I wore like a ring all during the summer of 74…when I close my eyes, I still smell the beach. Viva la treasure boxes!!!

  12. Linda C.

    Do you mean taking out that LBD that you really love, and really, really desiring that you could fit back in it again…and then knowing that you really, really won’t, ever, but you keep it “just in case”?…

  13. Yes, I often think if I don’t take out the treasure, why do I keep it. But there it sits in hiding.

  14. what a beautiful box of millinery lovlies ~ i’m so happy you dusted it off to share with us!

  15. Collecting antiques is very “green”. It reduces one’s consumption of new products (often made from harmful plastics and chemicals), it provides an excellent chance to reuse things (usually of superior quality), and if we tire of them we can pass them along to someone else who’ll enjoy them…and then it all begins again! So we never need feel guilty about treasure hunting at flea markets and thrift stores – we’re doing the planet a favor (as well as future generations who’ll treasure our finds).
    Keep up the good work! LOL

  16. We’ve started some spring cleaning here…mostly just to clean, but sometimes an old treasure just pops out and thrills us!
    I think I might need some “dusting off” myself!

  17. So much desire so little time…

  18. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart

    To me, it is a metaphor for becoming what it is that we want to be.. To take those desires and dreams out of the box, dust them off and turn them into reality. For many years I have been dreaming of doing this and going there and becoming whatever it is I think I should(could) be. I am finally realizing that dreams take hard work. Dreaming alone isn’t going to get you where you want to go. You have to bring “them out” and make them real through hard work and perseverance. Keeping your treasures in a box is doing just that. Its locking them away and not allowing them to be what they are.
    It’s late. I’m rambling. Good night and sweet dreams and for you Corey Good Morning..

  19. jend’isère

    Your featured feathered swallow will be my duster. Mille merci for the motivation!

  20. I have first dibs on that cool chocolate pot!!

  21. monicawatercolors

    more on the subject of ’boutis’ please Corey and the traditional costumes of Provence.

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