Thank you.
Yes thank you for reading my blog.
For leaving your generous, thoughtful, caring, funny notes in the comment section. I read every comment, every message and thank God for your friendship. Thank you for encouraging me to blog about my day to day stuff and rambling thoughts about this and that and the other.
Thank you for your emails asking me things like: "Where is a good place to stay in France? What is the best antique market? Does French Husband have a brother? Can you pray for me? Can you tell me what color of paint you used in your kitchen?"
Thank you for giving me ideas to write about, for sending me notes that say my blog is the first thing you read in the morning! I love that. Makes me all dreamy eye and happy it does. Thank you for your compliments towards my photography.
Thank you for having the Brocante Bug! Or if you are like my brother
Mathew, for putting up with my Brocante Bug.
Thank you for trying out my recipes and telling me that they worked for you.
Thank you for shopping at my Brocante online market. Which has increased my brocante habit, and has my house looking like a warehouse… boxes, packing tape, tags, bubble wrap and of course cute old things starring at me everywhere I look begging to be wrapped and sent.
Thank you for teaching me how to let go and be who I am. I feel loved and that is a darn good thing to feel.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Thank you, and because of it I am offering the sweet thing in the above photo. A nineteen century, pressed metal souvenir box. It has a beveled glass top with a photo of the Arch de Triumph underneath it. Sweet little nothingness isn't it?
If you would like to have it, I am giving it away… please leave your name in the comment section.
Now here is the catch– I have a big favor to ask you! I am thinking to create a book with some of my photographs.
Which way should I go: Should I use scenes of France, or my recipes or things from the brocante? Or should I do a mixture of these three? Should I just have photos? What do you think? What are your ideas? I trust your opinion since you are the ones who have encouraged me to do this since I started blogging.
Thank you.
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