Rolling of the Dice, the Game of Life


If not now, then when?

Take the chance every moment you can.

Does it matter Alfie?

the game of living

"If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?" (Hillel)

The game of life… what are the rules?


19 responses to “Rolling of the Dice, the Game of Life”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Love God completely. Love yourself correctly, and love your neighbors as you would love yourself.
    That can be a tough one, can’t it?
    Have a beautiful Sunday, Corey!
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. Live simply. Love generously. Care Deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
    Celebrate you and surround yourself with people that do
    Love you

  3. Christine Wittmann

    As my German-born mother, who lived through the horrors of Nazi Germany would say if she was still here…”we are only here for a short visit. Make the most of it.” My own philosophy is simply to leave all in God’s hands as He is the One who is ultimately in control of it all. Next, I try to savor every day as if it were my last and be the best I can be. It’s not easy sometimes, but it works.

  4. Funny you mention Alfie. Every time I see that film I’m so bothered for days. It wasn’t highly rated but it’s one of those films that makes you stop and think.
    I lost a sister-in-law at a very young age of 35. She was a hair dresser and not a person that went out of her way to do anything extraordinary but when she died in 1987 it was amazing how many lives she had touched. To this day if you say her name in our small town you will hear stories of her small acts of kindness. For me I decided that it is the path we leave behind us that matters.

  5. Jeanette M.

    Inspirational. I really like what Jeanne has to say. These are things I try to do in my life. Good reminders. I love coming here every day. I get so inspired by you Corey and almost just as much by the comments.

  6. A very provocative question. I think that if one has faith in God and His plan, the rest will follow. The rules are all there and the greatest gift we are given from the moment we are born is to love.

  7. Kipik – Sylvie

    If one word is the answer then that answer is LOVE. May you all be blessed with it! But if I can add yet another word to that, then it would be PLAY. Life is a gift: Play!

  8. Rhonda P.

    At my age, I am still mystified on the rules of life. They say you make your own life, make it happen. Yet, I’ve just let it happen and to my surprise it’s been pretty good. Keys to a good life are love, faith and laughter.

  9. Kristin Wight

    My husband and I have rolled the dice and we are moving cross country from SC to San Francisco! It’s going to be a whirlwind in the next month! Add 2 cats and a puppy into the mix! AHHHHHHHHhhhH!!!!!!

  10. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart

    The older one gets, the more one has to roll the dice, take the chance and dive in head first…What else is there? And what do we have to lose…

  11. Genevieve

    My “rule of thumb” is to ask myself the question:
    “Is it kind?”
    …and proceed from there.

  12. If we remember to love one another everything else will fall into place. At least that is what I like to believe is the number one rule.

  13. Fiona Mc – Australia

    How will you look back on this time in 20-30 years? With comfort? Regret? With aching for an opportunity lost? Relief???
    Always a great leveller for ‘Dice rolling’ moments!

  14. Sounds like you are getting ready to go up in the Mosquito!! Go for it!!

  15. Linda C.

    I agree with Jojo..I think the path we leave behind is what really matters.
    Along that path we can be daring if we want to, take a few risks if so inclined, do many hops, skips and jumps as well…
    We see other travellers, catch up with them and then pass them. And then we are out of sight.
    What do we leave behind for the ones who follow us in this path of life?

  16. AnnieElf

    All the questions I am searching for answers for. Retirement is taking a huge chance but a chance I’m will to take for a happier tomorrow and at last, some answers.

  17. AmyKortuem

    Making decisions based on whether it’s for my highest good and the highest good of all.
    Murky waters, but intuition and love are good guides.

  18. Julie W.

    One important rule, a version of which exists in many languages, religions, and cultures:
    “Treat others as you want to be treated.”
    Simple enough for a child to understand, but only to be mastered with much introspection, imagination, and maturity.
    Corey, I see so much in your life and in the thoughtful comments posted here reflecting this principle.
    Outgoing Hugs To All,
    Julie W.

  19. That turn in the road…the one less traveled? It’s hard for my daughter to believe that I don’t hate those things/people that hurt me the absolute most…those are the things that created me. The sum of all the part….

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