Have you ever wanted to do something so badly that you are willing to risk everything to get it? Some call it passion, some call it crazy. I call it Passion Nut.
Sacha, my teenage son, has a Passion Nut in his heart, which makes me extra spiritual, praying constantly and asking God yet another thing, "Please protect Sacha."
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you do whatever you can to obtain it? Sacha has spent hours on his BMX bike. I have spent hours praying. His body has nicks to prove it and I have rouged knees.
Sacha's Passion Nut: Wanting to do a back-flip with his BMX.
"Dear God, why didn't you give me a son who had a Passion Nut for the cello?"
"Dear Coco, why didn't you marry a man who played the violin?"
"Dear G, why didn't you make my heart one that followed music instead of dirt? Dirt like in wild sports, you know what I mean…. outdoor extreme sports, you know with bikes, planes and ropes…"
"Dear C, you are who you are. Free Will Baby, you know."
"Yeah Yeah. Whatever. Protect Sacha please."
The other day Sacha went to the FOAM PITS. It is a place for BMX riders to practice jumps. Instead of falling on concrete the jumps are filled with foam; so when you land you are protected.
Wouldn't it be easier if our Passion Nuts had a soft place to fall? I know if the risk didn't involve pain or injury I might be braver to do daring things. Then again I doubt I have ever had a daring physical Passion Nut in my body. Emotional risks yes, physical risk no way. Nevertheless if our Passion Nuts had a soft place to land while trying… wouldn't that make trying less fearful?
Sacha went to the Foam Pit, his friend Nicolas took the slow motion video as a way to study his position and learn from his mistakes.
Dear God, May our Passionate Nut(s) have a place to experiment with soft landings, and a slow motion tape to go over showing us how to improve.
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