Month: April 2010
La Modiste
"If you were at my table, I would have had to correct you far too often," quipped Annie."I am that bad?" I winked."Worse!" she added without a blink. The provocation: My thread's knot was larger than a mustard seed. Or…
I Remember You as Loving Me
Deep the joy of being together in one heart and for me that’s just where it is. All I ask of you is forever to remember me as loving you. All I ask of you is forever to remember me…
Tomorrow will be a beautiful Day
Tomorrow would be my Father's 83rd birthday. The flood gate opens, though the memories rushing through are not of the last days of his life. Those last months of sadness, those haunting images, the raw feelings of grief have less…
Passionate Nut and a Place to Fall
Have you ever wanted to do something so badly that you are willing to risk everything to get it? Some call it passion, some call it crazy. I call it Passion Nut. Sacha, my teenage son, has a Passion Nut…
Brocanting in the Two Hundred Year Old House
My friend Mimi is back in France on a buying trip for her soon to be shop. We met on-line a few years ago. She has the brocante bug badly. Bad enough, that when she has vacation from her "real…
The Girl with a Rose
A girl with a rose pinned to her hat.My favorite postcard.It is her eyes that take me in.Who was she?The postcard is French, though the image credit says the girl is English.A signature is barely a clue.Is she still…