Photos and text by: Corey Amaro
French lessons. I should have taken a few of those before I came to France. Unfortunately, I learned to speak French on the streets. The words you can pick up on the street can be very…. um…. flavorful to say the least. Mostly, I learned how to speak French at the brocante. Later it improved when I was ill… being ill in a foreign country can encourage one to learn the language quickly.
Though my French has taken me a few years to grasp, my accent has remained strong and steady. It is something that just sticks around.
I thought I would lend you some important French phrases so when you come to France you will have more in your pocket than I did:
When by the Moulin Rouge you can say:
Voulez-vous danser avec mois ce soir, ou maintenant?
Je voudrais acheter un manteau rose.
Le magasin est-il ouvert ?
Les roses sont rouges, les violettes sont bleues….
and these aren't roses!
Je voudrais acheter la
Tour Eiffel.
Qu'est-ce que c'est, and
pourquoi est-ce ici?
Je n'aime que les fruits secs dans le chocolat.
What French expressions would you like to know?
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