When one hasn’t had or watched TV since I Love Lucy replays and starts watching DVDs at fifty-something stacks of TV episodes of endless possibilities (52? 53?), the s.
Our DVD/TV episode watching started when our friend Philippe gave us a series of DVDs called “FRIENDS.” We were hooked from the very first words out of Rachel’s mouth: “The Limoges gravy board…” followed by ” potato head.”
We downed ten years of “FRIENDS” like starving animals on steroids. Embarrassing but true. Then we continued:
Crying through “Grey’s Anatomy”,
Laughing with “Desperate Housewives”,
And now…
oh now…
I have started watching “Sex and the City.” Where have I been, and why didn’t anyone tell me?
What character are we in each of these TV shows? That is the question Chelsea likes to ask. Though she has been watching “How I Met Your Mother,” without me and I started and the City.” Great debates take place when analyzing the characters. It is rarely a clear shot, more of a mixture of a few:
You could say I am:
Monica, because I am a neat freak, with a dab of Phoebe’s Patchouli.
I wish I had Gabriella’s one-liners instead of Lynn’s no-nonsense normality. Add a twist of behind-the-scenes Callie, give or take a few shots, though most see me as Izzy. Maybe the blond has something to do with it.
But my latest addiction, “Sex and the City,”… with only three episodes under my belt, I can tell you that I am not the blond one; what’s her name? Do any of the guys ever remember her name?
What mixture of TV characters do you like? Your definitions might help me narrow down my list of TV shows to watch.
To those who have corrected me, “Sex in the City” should read Sex and the City. Got it, thanks.
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