Photo and text by Corey Amaro
Today I was to pick a winner for the purse hanger thingy. This morning I searched all over my house trying to find the purse hanger thingy so that I could take a photo of it showing you how it works. Well do you think I could find it? I even went to my friend's house thinking I might have left it there. But no luck.
On the way home I stopped in to see Annie. We chatted a bit, she said, "Everyone loves the haircut you gave me. It is such a funny thing growing old. You know, everyday someone says I look beautiful. Really they do. They either comment on my scarf, you know the one your friend Ladelle gave me? Or they tell me I have good color in my cheeks, or that my hair is beautiful… they say, Annie you look beautiful! Isn't it strange? You know what I mean? When I was young I thought I looked beautiful though rarely did anyone tell me so. Now, I think I look, well not bad for my age, but really not as beautiful like I did in my youth, and everyone tells me? Strange isn't it?"
I told her I lost the purse hanger thingy and for the life of me I couldn't find it.
And she touched my shoulder and said, "And I thought I was old. Forgetfulness is the first sign."
"Maybe people will start saying I look beautiful too?!" We both laughed at our silliness.
I will find the puppy and show you what it looks like I promise. The winner is:
Lia deKoster
Thank you for the wonderful, funny purse tales. The donkey peeing in the purse cracked me up, as did the revolving door, and Julie Ann's tale too.
At last, finally… I am allowed to tell my latest Matchmaking tale!!!!! A reader of my blog, an American, and her new French boyfriend (a friend of F.H.!!! I can hardly wait to tell you the juicy details.
But first I gotta find that purse hanger thingy.
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