The Purse Hanger and a Portrait of a Ding Dong


Photo and text by Corey Amaro

Today I was to pick a winner for the purse hanger thingy. This morning I searched all over my house trying to find the purse hanger thingy so that I could take a photo of it showing you how it works. Well do you think I could find it? I even went to my friend's house thinking I might have left it there. But no luck.

On the way home I stopped in to see Annie. We chatted a bit, she said, "Everyone loves the haircut you gave me. It is such a funny thing growing old. You know, everyday someone says I look beautiful. Really they do. They either comment on my scarf, you know the one your friend Ladelle gave me? Or they tell me I have good color in my cheeks, or that my hair is beautiful… they say, Annie you look beautiful! Isn't it strange? You know what I mean? When I was young I thought I looked beautiful though rarely did anyone tell me so. Now, I think I look, well not bad for my age, but really not as beautiful like I did in my youth, and everyone tells me? Strange isn't it?"

I told her I lost the purse hanger thingy and for the life of me I couldn't find it.

And she touched my shoulder and said, "And I thought I was old. Forgetfulness is the first sign."

"Maybe people will start saying I look beautiful too?!" We both laughed at our silliness.


I will find the puppy and show you what it looks like I promise. The winner is:

Lia deKoster

Thank you for the wonderful, funny purse tales. The donkey peeing in the purse cracked me up, as did the revolving door, and Julie Ann's tale too.


At last, finally… I am allowed to tell my latest Matchmaking tale!!!!! A reader of my blog, an American, and her new French boyfriend (a friend of F.H.!!! I can hardly wait to tell you the juicy details.

But first I gotta find that purse hanger thingy.


31 responses to “The Purse Hanger and a Portrait of a Ding Dong”

  1. Marilyn

    I love the humor you and Annie share. I wondered why people commented about my hair and things I wear more than they use to. Now I know, I am old. Oh no! I didn’t know.
    Can’t wait to read about the matchmaking. I have wondered what happen with the previous story of Eve?

  2. Linda C.


  3. Aww – you left us hanging! Can’t wait to hear the story! Love the conversation with Annie.

  4. Everton Terrace

    You will find the purse thingy for certain and congratulations to Lia. Annie must be like fine wine – she just keeps getting better!

  5. Katiebell

    cheeky!…. you tease me corey!
    Katiebell (the girl who wants juicy love details and does not care for purse hangers)

  6. I love your Blog I love France and I now love that you are a matchmaker haha Great cant wait to hear!! Grace xoxo

  7. Oh, I just hate it when you lead me on! I was thinking, “FINALLY. We will hear the entire truth behind the nephew and Eve (was that her name?)”. Alas, non. It’s a new one…do tell!

  8. dancing kitchen

    I think it’s a shame that people don’t comment on the striking and beautiful more often…
    I greet my sweet friends, with “Hi pretty girl”…because everybody needs to hear they are special and pretty.
    I can’t wait to hear the love story…please Corey, sometime soon.


    Perhaps our true beauty doesn’t show till the veneer wears off. ??

  10. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Yesterday, We finally totally forgot to talk about the love story. I wanted to know …I guess you both have to come back for ” gouter” to tell me everything.

  11. I think Annie is beautiful and so are you! I love the friendship that you two share. Most of my closest friends are 20 or more years older than me. I gravitate to women who have lived their life well, and hope that I can learn from them, and live a richer life.
    I can hardly wait to know more of your matchmaking, and to be introduced to the couple. I am still hopeful that there is a french man out there somewhere for me, too.
    Happy matchmaking!

  12. Jenny N

    Annie is beautiful! Corey, you are beautiful. Congrats to Lia deKoster…it is a helpful and convenient gift to win. And you’ve done it again Corey! I am on the edge of my seat and now have to wait for the love story. But I will always wait for love stories…just don’t take too long=)

  13. AmyKortuem

    You do all this AND are a matchmaker, too? What a wonder you are, Corey. And you’re not a ding-dong. Stuff gets lost, stuff gets found. It’s not our fault!

  14. Sounds to me like a visit from Madam M.

  15. Debra P.

    Corey . . .I can’t wait until tomorrow to hear this tale!

  16. Don’t you hate those little moments where we suddenly feel “I’m OLD!”? I turned 60 this year and I get those feelings more and more!
    Well, I do find that I’m happier than I’ve been most of my life-that I know I’m in charge of making my life happen like I want it to. If that’s what getting old means, I’m all for it!

  17. Natalie Thiele

    Hurry up and find that darned purse hanger thingy! I wanna hear about the latest matchmaking!

  18. J. Is a bird

    You crack me up;) Thank you for the smile. Also, I love your conversations with Annie. They make me fear growing old less.

  19. Oh, I hate it when I can’t find what I KNOW I have somewhere.
    Annie’s comments are so true. We should be telling everyone how beautiful they are NOW.

  20. Omigosh, Corey. You are such a tease. Hurry up and find that puppy. We want to hear about the matchmaking success. Yay!!

  21. Wandering Chopsticks

    Is it the friend who wore the polka dot apron and made paella for you?

  22. Hi Corey. I am a Lurker on your blog – read it daily and love your photos and words. We are visiting Provence from the UK in the summer and I wanted to look at your list of places to visit in Provence. I have been looking all over your blog and haven’t found it. Can you help?
    Many thanks

  23. Theresa

    Oh to have a friend such as Annie! Thanks for the smile – had to laugh about you misplacing the purse thingy! Can’t wait to read more about the matchmaking.

  24. Lora Gohn

    Oh, you are leaving us on a cliff-hanger….!!

  25. Linda H

    Hanging on . . . just like a sac!

  26. Valerie in Oregon

    I can’t help but think you must have a natural talent for matchmaking; finding that which is lovely and valuable in everything you see and encounter in life … it certainly must translate into people as well. I’m a 48 year old widow – maybe someday I will visit France, too. = )

  27. Rhonda P.

    You big tease….I love matchmaking stories.
    I am the queen of losing things. Ask St. Anthony to help you, he always helps me.

  28. Is it in your purse?

  29. I love the Coco and Annie Team! Go go! And I love your matchmaking tales. If you need a new client, I’m ready for love. Let it percolate! 😉 Amylia

  30. Lia deKoster

    Oh my…
    what a delight.
    thank you.
    I too would love to send you a gift Corey.
    I went Op shopping this morning and picked up the ugliest little crocheted swan headed dollie thingie magigie???
    It is ugly but somewhere someone loved the idea and created it. I love
    passion… or
    the down right silly off somethings.
    I thank your readers…I do
    read the comments and share the lives of not
    your family
    those of all……
    I am Lia deKoster
    24 years ago, two weeks after my marriage, I found out who my real father was.
    It took me until now…aged
    to have my real fathers name placed
    on my birth certificate.
    Do you see
    the joy you unknowingly given me
    to me.
    I meet my
    on line
    4 years ago. My youngest son and I moved 7 hours away from our family home
    We live together
    blended with a new son –
    and joyful
    but in
    stuff out
    I have
    now meet friends
    Thank you.
    Corey when you or if you find the purse thingie how do I
    send you
    my address…
    How may I
    repay you with a
    Kia Ora
    (thank you in Maori)

  31. Julie Ann Evins

    How frustrating to have mislaid the purse hanger at the 11th hour ! I have been searching for a letter from my Great Uncle for 2 days and its driving me crazy !
    On to more exciting matters. It is high time we enjoyed one of your matchmaking ventures again, I can hardly wait, the romance, the supense, bring it on Coco ! xx

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