The Boy Boy Turns Eighteen


(Photos of when Sacha as a little boy.)

When Sacha was born he had some health problems. The first five years were difficult. We barely slept. Due to Sacha's health problems we moved out of the city, to the country. Over time Sacha improved.

His hair was curly.

He talked non stop.

and he only ate pasta, plain.


Sacha had blue eyes for the first ten months. Then one morning they changed before nightfall. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. 

His beauty marks I call them the "Dot to Dot – Map of the World."



Ten Things About Sacha:

1) Pasta beats the baguette.

2) A bungee jump is his idea of a high school graduation gift. Plus he wants me to take photos of the fall…

3) Today is his 18th birthday.

4) After forty thousand BMX back flips into the foam pit, he is ready to do it in 'for real on dirt'. I am seriously taking a knife to his tires, and maybe bending the bike's frame. Instead I asked him, "Have you landed perfectly 40,000 times? He reassured me, "Every single time," and just before I exhaled he added, "Except the last time… I landed on my head."

Motherhood is brutal.

5) A few hours before his birth I was picking wild strawberries in a forest outside of Paris. Blame it on the strawberries, Sacha was born three weeks early. To this day he prefers strawberries to chocolate.

6) His nicknames are: Shinga. Chelsea, his sister, gave him his first name and his nickname. I call him, Boy Boy or Boy-lo.

7) Sacha is six feet two, red is his favorite color, his room is a billboard for BMX, he is bilingual, and God forbid if he gets in the bathroom before you.

8) Willows is his oxygen.

9) Fabrice is his best friend.

10) He has a big decision to make in a few weeks time. Should he stay and go to university in Arles, or should he take a gap year and go to Willows?


Happy Eighteenth Birthday Sacha!


74 responses to “The Boy Boy Turns Eighteen”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    1/2 asleep, I first read that one of Sacha’s nicknames is “Chelsea.” Somehow it made sense…since parents often go through the list of names when calling out to one of their children. Make sense? I hope your Boy Boy has a beautiful birthday! I hope that YOU have a beautiful day too!
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. Joyeux anniversaire to Sacha !!

  3. Twinkleberry

    Happy Birthday Sacha. For so many reasons – including the special ones that your Mum has mentioned above – the world is your oyster!

  4. giftsofthejourney (Elizabeth Harper)

    I vote for a gap year, Sasha ! Go to Willows and do some deep breathing before you begin your next level of academic study. There are lots of places to learn outside of buildings made of wood and stone.
    Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Sacha….follow your heart with taking a year off….my son has lived in japen for the last 3 years and will come home this fall to start law school…he tells me he is ready now for it…

  6. Julienne

    From the moment those amazing small precious bundles arrive in your life, it won’t matter how big they get, they will always remain your babies and you will worry about them forever. But could you imagine your life without your babies?! I hope Sacha’s birthday is everything he wishes it to be.

  7. Linda C.

    Happy 18th Bithday Sacha!

  8. Ah, we want them to grow up and be independent and follow their dreams and our hearts leap and flutter with each stage. A happy birthday to Sacha with many more.
    These pictures of the younger Sacha are wonderful and it seems the country air and life, and good parenting, have made him thrive.

  9. Congratulations to Sacha on his 18th birthday. Where did the time go, hu?

  10. Happy birthday, Sacha. I hope you have that perfect landing on your bike, that you follow your heart as you make choices for your future and that you hug your mom- a lot. She needs a little gift today too. 🙂

  11. christine

    Happy Birthday Sacha – ask Arles to put his place on hold for a year – they’ll do it I’m sure.

  12. Rebecca

    11) He has his fathers profile.
    Happy Birthday Sacha! Gap year in Willows? Sounds like a blast! Arles will be there when he gets back.

  13. Happy Birthday Sacha, and wishing a special day for your Mom too!
    I looked up Sacha on line and it means; defender of Mankind, or
    a strong person who never gives up. It sounds like your name suits you! I know these are tough decisions, but if you follow your heart you can’t go wrong. I hope your day is all you wish for!

  14. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Happy blessings boy lo for your 18th birthday and beyond.
    In the USA, when you turn 18, you are allowed to vote.
    To Corey and French husband….job well done!

  15. Sacha, happy birthday! You will always remember this birthday and not because of the bungee jump. Eighteen is a magical year. Enjoy.

  16. dancing kitchen

    Go to Willows…go go! I wish him a wonderful life Corey!! Eighteen feels so grown up doesn’t it.

  17. herhimnbryn

    He has his Father’s nose!
    Happy Birhtday Sacha.

  18. Marilyn

    Happy Birthday Sacha!
    I had to laugh about the strawberries. I craved hot peppers and raisins with my son. He eats huge jars of hot peppers and I have to hide the raisins. He also was 3 weeks early.
    What precious nicknames.

  19. Happy Birthday Sacha. I vote gap year. Willows will be so much fun. You may never get this time again. It seems like yesterday my youngest was 18 and I woke up last month with a 34 year old. I bet she wish she had a gap year now. Life get serious enough soon enough. Have fun in Willows.

  20. Happy Birthday Sacha!
    From what we read it is apparent that he is a fine boy and a delightful son!
    I certainly know how you feel and can empathize with your motherly concerns…
    …lots of sleepless nights…but they do grow up and it gets easier!
    Enjoy every minute with him!

  21. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    We only have one child ~ now a young man. When he went off to college at UCSD I cried all the way back home (8 hour drive); when he went off to Princeton, all the way across the USA, I cried all the way home from the airport (this time only an hour). Each time he “takes flight” I cry, but less and less, as I know he will always return to the nest :-)Be proud and enjoy his moments with him!

  22. Natalie Thiele

    Happy birthday Sacha. What wonderful photos! I love the gorgeous silhouette, too.
    Take the year off. You’ll love it and you may never have that kind of luxury again.

  23. My son Derrick also turns 18 today! What a blessing to watch our sons as they grow and turn into young men.

  24. We went to see Toy Story 3 here last night at the drive-in, and it tugged at my heart WAY more than an animated movie should. The boy was going off to college. I sat there by my 10-year-old son thinking that it will be here before we know it. I totally vote for Willows, especially if it means time with family. Rare and wonderful opportunity – college will always be there.
    Happy birthday to Sacha.

  25. Patty Gilbert

    Happy Birthday Sacha!
    Following your heart does sound like such good advice, and a year spent in Willows sounds like such a blessing with family and such gorgeus countryside. I love your Mom’s pictures of the rice harvest!
    Best to you, your Mom and family –
    Patty in Pacifica, California

  26. Happy birthday Sacha!

  27. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart

    Happy Birthday Darling Son of Corey and Yann!!

  28. Rhonda P.

    Bless you Sacha on your 18th Birthday!
    I feel he should go to Willows first….you are only young for a short while.
    Memories are waiting to be made.

  29. Lizbeth

    Happy Birthday, Sacha!

  30. Kathie B.

    Bom aniversário, Sacha!
    If Sacha takes a gap year in Willows, what would he do there? Work? Attend Chico State?

  31. ThroughtheMilkhouseDoor

    Gap Year in Willows! Swimming at the lake, BMX riding with your cousins, American Girls (Willows has quite a few for a small town)Uncles Mathew, Marty, Mark and Zane. One fabulous Grandmother.
    Happy Birthday Sacha from a former Willows Girl.

  32. He’s lovely. He’s so lucky to have you as his mummy. I think those adolescent years are really hard for boys. Not always, of course… but sometimes it is difficult and boy is he lucky he’s got you in his corner.

  33. meppybn

    Birthday wishes fly to you, Sacha, and whatever the year ahead brings, may blessings abound…………

  34. Happy Birthday Sasha… go to Willows. Experience all you can while you’re young. (:

  35. Debra P.

    Sacha . . .Happy 18th!!!
    You will know what is in your heart and make the right decision . . .it always seems like the path of least resistance ends up making us happier. God bless.
    Corey . . . I hope you have a wonderful celebration, I know you will make it so special!! xo

  36. Happy Birthday to Sacha! I say go to Willows – defer entry to university – there will be plenty of time for studying in the future! And a year in one of his favourite places…….

  37. Rick Theobald

    Happy B’Day Sacha….
    And never, ever forget….. Corey may be the whimsical Blogger to us….but to you, she must remain…SWMBO…..(She Who Must be Obeyed!!)…. Go have a great life!

  38. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SACHA! i want you to know how grateful i am for your daily life sharing. we, the readers, seem to think it has been this enchanting journey–but i cannot imagine those first years in france–your new foreign environment, your illness, the health problems with sacha, then another life changing event–the move to the south–all THIS while your family and friends are an ocean away. i guess what i am trying to say is that i ADMIRE you so much and believe the life you have, has been well earned. your generosity in sharing the journey is so much appreciated and cherished!!

  39. Brenda L from TN

    A Very Happy 18th Birthday to you Sacha.
    Hope you have many, many more…
    My Birthday is Monday, the 21st. The day I was born was Father’s day. Were you born on Father’s day? It’s a great gift from your Mother…or at least that’s what my Dad used to say.
    Sacha, you look like your father in many ways…but I suspect you have many of your Mom’s qualities and characteristics…the best of both…Happy Happy birthday.

  40. Jenny N

    Happy Birthday Sacha! I concur with Naomi and Elizabeth. Though I am sure you are not taking votes from blog readers, I feel having the chance to take this time with family is such a gift. I am Willows all the way. But neither choice is bad in any way. God bless you Sacha and your decision, and your dear parents, for the changes coming.

  41. Happy Birthday Sacha! Enjoy yourself – now is the time!

  42. Happy, Happy B-Day Sacha. Eighteen is a wonderful time and either way you decide will take you on a different path-only you know which is pulling at your heart. I hope mom gets great photos of your FLIP,
    CONGRATULATIONS on graduating too. LOL Laurie

  43. “Wake up! For today is your day of all days!” …Today you are you! That is truer than true!
    There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
    Shout loud “I am lucky to be what I am!
    Thank goodness I’m not just a clam or a ham!
    Or a dusty old jar of sour gooseberry jam!
    I am what I am! That’s a great thing to be!
    If I say so myself, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!”
    Now, by horseback and Bird-back, and Hiffer-back too,
    Come your firends! All your friends! From all over Katroo!
    And the Birthday Pal-alace heats up with hot friends
    And your party goes on!
    On and on
    Till it ends.
    When it ends,
    You’re much happier,
    Richer and Fatter.
    And the bird flies you home
    On a very soft platter.
    So that’s
    What the Birthday Bird
    Does in Katroo
    And I wish
    I could do
    All these great things for you!
    from Happy Birthday to You by Dr. Seuss
    Happy 18th birthday, Sacha. Follow your intuition, it is a special voice speaking only to you.
    What a beautiful profile Sacha has, Corey. Love that nose! He is quite a handsome fellow. Be sure to post the bungi pictures.
    carol 🙂

  44. Everton Terrace

    Happy Happy Birthday to your lovely young Sacha. Since we seem to be voting, I’m for a gap year. My poor 24 year old daughter has been in school since high school (law school now) without a break. I think a gap year would have done wonders. It will never be easier to go out and taste the world than it is now, before the responsibilities of adulthood take over. I’m fascinated his eye color changed overnight!

  45. Happy 18th Birthday Sacha!

  46. Happy Birthday Sacha! I would be scared to do a backflip on a bike!

  47. juliette

    Love you Sacha!!!!!
    Sacha Such
    You’ve burped so many times on me!!!!
    I remember as a baby, you were so quite you had a bracelet with a tiny little bell on you ankle to warn us you were awaken!!!!
    Cousin Juliette <3

  48. Jackie Lantry

    The silhouette lloks so much like your husband! The running boys pix are magnifique! The stories, perfect. You are an amazing talent!!!!!!!!!! Please can I edit your book??????????
    bliss farm antiques

  49. Felicidades Sacha!!! Enjoy you day, Enjoy your 18th year of life and I say go for it-go to Willows. I doubt you will regret it.

  50. Happy Birthday, Sacha! And many more…

  51. And he is georgous.
    Happy birthday Sacha!

  52. Happy Birthday to both of you 🙂 My son had brilliant blue eyes until he was TWO. Everyone said they wouldn’t change, and then his changed overnight, as well. Now they are a most unusual yellow/green/hazel. I love him anyway (he’s almost 35…and I still remember the feeling of his curls on my inner arm as he slept while I rocked him).

  53. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SACHA! My vote is Willows 🙂

  54. Happy Birthday Sasha. 18 is a wonderful age, go and enjoy a year in Willows.

  55. Sue from Seattle



    What would he do in Willows? Be with his family, learn the other half, and soak it up before rolling full tilt into this wild world.

  57. Corey-
    My mother always dreamed of France. She told me my name meant “Dear” – though I’ve always felt she made an error in leaving an “e” off the end. I remember she called me, “Mon petite chou” and explaned the literal translation. Translations are a funny thing… I call one of my grandaughters “Chicken” & another “Sweet Pea” – so I guess “little cabbage” isn’t really so strange is it?
    I hadn’t thought of it in years. Thank you for the happy memory!
    Happy, happy birthday Sacha- go where your heart leads- just try not to fall on your head! 🙂

  58. Wow, that eye color change is curious, isn’t it?
    Happy Birthday, Sacha! Enjoy your bungee jump 🙂

  59. rita darnell

    God’s Blessing for your birthday and your decision, Sacha. Happy 18th. This is a great age. Live Laugh Love.
    Mom – Whatever he does, tell him that if he goes to Willows, he cannot fall in love and stay!!

  60. Best wishes on your 18th, Sacha, and peace as you make your decision – two great choices; you can’t go wrong either way! Where do you see yourself a year from now – getting ready to start university, or with a year of it behind you?

  61. Jane Ann

    Happy b-day Sacha! Corey, may God give your mother heart peace and confidence in your dear son’s decisions. It is one of the hardest things mothers have to do, treat our sons like men. You can do it!

  62. Having met him once I have to say what a nice young man he is. You’ve done a great job. Happy 18th to Sacha-a magical year.

  63. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    Happy Birthday Sacha.
    I vote for gap year in Willows. You’re young. Do it. When responsibilities start to press in you might not have the chance. And besides, you might meet a wonderful American girls and become an American/Franco couple!

  64. Boutique Hotels Paris

    God bless you sacha.Happy b’day.Everyone’s blessings is with you.

  65. Happy Birthday Sacha, The world awaits you!

  66. Lieselotte

    Hopefully you´ll have a wonderful family birthday festivity without Sacha having to think of exams. Will he do the bungee jump before or after his last exam ? Bungee jumping, by the way, is still safer than base jumping, even if I´d die during both.

  67. Catalina

    Happy Birthaday Sacha!!!!! 🙂
    you just let the night (the pillow) give you advice. (French say that) Your inner soul will know what is best
    and I understand you Corey…but then…I remember the crazy things I did at his age….and smile 🙂

  68. Kathie B.

    Hey, if Sacha does spend a gap year in Willows, he could always sign up for beginning Portuguese at Chico State (I know for a fact it was being taught there at least THIS school year, because I have a friend who took it, although it was the Brazilian form, using Lathrop/Dias’ “Brasil! Língua e Cultura” as the text).
    And Sacha could also make a concerted effort to absorb some of his Portuguese (read: Azorean) cultural patrimony that I imagine is somewhat lacking in Provence 😉 Knowledge of an additional language might well be an asset when he does attend university full-time!
    Oh, not that I have an agenda about the Portuguese language, or anything ;-))))))))
    OTOH, Sacha might prefer to start university in France this fall with the rest of his friends, instead of being a year behind (or possibly not getting around to starting, should “life” intercede). I remember how much fun it was starting Cal with so many of my BHS classmates, because there was at least one of them with me in nearly all my freshman classes, even the smallest ones!

  69. Elaine L.

    I think he should spend a year in Willows. This might be his only opportunity and I don’t think he should pass it up.
    Once he starts the University all the commitments begin for the rest of his life.

  70. Nancy from Mass

    Happy Birthday to Sacha!
    My son thinks he should go to Willows for a year first, then school.
    I’m torn. A year away from school and it may be more difficult to go back. then again, a year at Willows is something he would probably never have a chance to do again…

  71. W I L L O W S!

  72. Happy Belated 18th Birthday to Sacha!
    I vote for taking that year off and Willows!
    I had never heard of a gap year before I met my ex-husband … his family gave him a year off, to live at and loll on the beach and surf on the North Shore of Oahu. Can you imagine?! Still blows my mind.

  73. Jill Riter

    My daughter recently turned 18. Your Sacha is a fine young man- and you are a great storyteller. I enjoyed perusing your pages.
    Best wishes to Sacha for a lovely summer and many happy returns of his birthday!

  74. Jill Flory

    Welcome to the world of adulthood, Sacha. At least in the US!!!
    My favorite color is red too, and I would prefer strawberries to chocolate any day!!

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