The Brocante in Nice


Text and photos by Corey Amaro

Have you ever been to Nice? Have you ever been tempted to take off your clothes and dive into the sea? If you have ever been along the Promenade d'Anglais in Nice, then certainly you have felt the temptation of the Cote d'Azur (the French Riviera). The intense color of the sea has a way of wrapping itself around you, seducing you to come closer. It is nearly impossible to resist unless you have another love pulling at your coat sleeve.


As for me…. though the sparkling blue sea was tempting, I would rather strip for a brocante than bare it all to a bunch of seashells.

"Such a foolish girl," French Husband sighs, "Don't you want to swim in the sea?"
I looked at him as if he was trying to cement my feet, or worse feed me anchovies! I sneered, "No."


Under colorful striped canopies the brocante market in Nice, happens every
Monday until five in the evening. The brocante market has about 200 dealers. It is a beautiful market nestled in the old town center, surrounded by restaurants, cafes, and shops. If you peek through the arches you can hear the siren calling, "Come swim…."

But if you are as addicted as I am, the brocante has the upper hand and holds you tight.


Give me old things and I will give up everything, blue sea included.


The old painted facades surround the brocante: pastel splendor, sunshine yellow, melon, with pistachio shutters and on the other side hints of lavender, soft blue with touches of cotton candy pink.


Multi colored tiled roofs sprinkled on an ice cream cone.


"How much for the city?" I teasingly asked. Then continued by pointing, "I'll take those facade, that iron lantern, a pair of those glazed pottery urns, and a cherub or two."
The dealer looked at me, looked around his stand of mostly books, a few teaspoons, give or take a nightstand of two… "What? Can you repeat, I don't understand?"

I took that as a sign to claim Nice as my prize.


A painted green, portable wooden stool with a leather strap. Was it used in a workman's shop, or was it a fisherman's stool?

A rare pair of antique green pottery water jugs cozy up in a straw basket.

Les Trois Diables nice

Next to the brocante, Les Trois Diables (The Three Devils,) a young trendy bar, with a flashback to the twenties bar maiden on its facade.

"She doesn't belong there… no actually the trendy young bar doesn't belong here…" I argued to myself. Then I heard the wise brocante whisper, "That is the beauty of France; time marches on leaving history intact. France allows tradition to mingle with trendy. It encourages the roaring twenties to slide up against the rappers, it has room for the golden hue of the belle epoque and the sparkling bling bling pierced in the young girl's belly-button… Red Bull and Dom Pérignon, Chanel and cut offs…"

"Nevertheless…" I interrupted, "Darn, just give me the facade!"

I am spoiled like that.

The painted bar maiden looked down at me, "Are you gonna drink it in or not?"

clothes hanging out of old buildings.

Old apartment buildings.
Clothes hanging out to dry.

French Husband laughed, "You don't want to scrub your clothes down by the river?" Then he added for good measure, "I'll buy you a big basket and scrub board!"

He thinks he is funny.

I told him he is not my only lover… I have Mr. Washer and Mr. Dryer too.


Typical shutters in Nice, if shutters can be typical.


The hardest decision at the brocante in Nice was where to have lunch. I could have lunched everyday for ten years and never had enough time to enjoy the variety of restaurants available . The menus, the atmosphere, the waiters, the flowers and tablecloths …. Wouldn't a progressive lunch be the way to go? To have a drink here, a starter there, a salad at another restaurant, then change tables for the main course, followed by a cheese platter at a bistro and dessert at a cafe?


The brocanteurs lunched at their stands, doing so with flair; Real dishes, not a plastic cup insight, bread in baskets…. the French know how to enjoy the moment, how to soak in the simplicity of day to day life… they bring Renoir to life and give depth to Monet. D


In the middle of the brocante, under the colorful canopies, the
brocanteurs dined while discussing Durkheim, the world cup and the price
of the teacup in my stand while playing cards.



Magical that day to day stuff…


Like the sign on the wall said, "Butter and Eggs", it is the day to day stuff,


To take it as it comes, gentle blue on one side, the brocante on the other.



Maybe being in Nice helped?


47 responses to “The Brocante in Nice”

  1. timeworninteriors

    Oh Corey! I am dumb founded by all the beauty of Nice! I’m sure I could live there forever! I am getting my passport soon! I may come visit you!

  2. Everton Terrace

    How much I would like to be there today, I can’t even tell you. I am starting to wonder if the journeys I take with you might be better than a few of my real journeys! I am wondering how the prices at your brocante compare to our flea markets?

  3. Hi Corey,
    Now I have Nice on my mind…I will have to make a trip to this magical place a priority! Thank you for painting such a spectacular picture! 🙂

  4. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Now why didn’t we hit that market!! I think we were in Roussillon maybe. So beautiful. On my list for next year.
    Love your pictures, stories. Readying your blog is how I start my day.

  5. Rhonda P

    I’m in love with Nice now. Thanks Corey, I only needed one more obsession! LOL
    You are a dream come true, I cannot imagine my life without my daily Tongue in Cheek post.
    I have chills from your photos, they are that gorgeous.

  6. Linda C.

    So much colour, not a sighting of black anywhere…that’s, Nice.

  7. Ed in Willows

    I was in Nice about 2 weeks ago. But to me, Nice is a small town on the shore of Clear Lake in California.

  8. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Girl, you had one load of FUN! Being mindful (in the moment) as you are, helps!!

  9. Brenda L from TN

    What beautiful photographs!!! What a beautiful place!!! Thank you so much Corey for sending them…would that I could come visit and spend time there…such beauty…

  10. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Loved the stroll through the brocante. Can you ship me the vendor’s sign ACHAT ? Love it!! LOL…enjoy the moment.

  11. Lovely post! I love the green goodies – did you get those or just photograph them? I am in love with green lately.


    France’s Dept. of Tourism might consider promoting ‘swim up brocantes’…?

  13. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart

    Let me just transport myself to that Brocante ,sea, lunch, nice.

  14. Marie-Noëlle

    I would definitely be on the blue side and spend the whole day swimming and watching!!
    The first and last pictures are my favourite ones !!!

  15. Jenious

    You share such mesmerizing writing and photos. And, I’m now smitten with Nice.

  16. I have been to Nice Corey. It was lovely. We stayed at Villenueve Loubet. I do remember driving up and down the coast, and your pictures, just bring me back… thanks for that.

  17. Ana María

    Dear Corey,
    I am definitely calling you next time I visit the South of France! I missed all the brocantes! We showed up at Isle Sur le Sorge on the wrong day, same for Nice!
    Thank you for today’s post, it is magical!
    Ana Maria

  18. You bring it all to life so beautifully Corey. I love following your trips. It’s almost like being there.

  19. ThroughtheMilkhouseDoor

    Diving into the water. Depths unknown. Noticing not what’s swimming with you, but the coolness of the water. Beautiful post today.

  20. Jean(ne) Pierre in MN

    Beautiful blues and sunny colors. Merci, made my day!

  21. I love the French for their refusal to bow to fast food and plastic cups!
    Thanks for your beautiful pics which bring back happy memories for me of last summer with my family in Nice…

  22. The roofs are so pretty! I like the different colors. The ocean is very blue! Makes me want to jump right in! 🙂

  23. Marilyn

    I love the sea and the brocante, it would be a difficult choice. I did notice how the French enjoy the noon time meal when we visited the ham fair outside of Paris last fall. How delightful and very different from here in America. We have something to learn here.

  24. Victoria Ramos

    L-U-C-K-Y!!!!! Thank you for transporting me to such a beautiful place. Beats the heck out of the view of my usual Monday – my desk at work! I L-O-V-E all the buildings/colors/details….not to mention the brocante! I think my mind might just freak out – not know what to do….stare at all the beauty of the city, of the sea or of all the treasures at the brocante!

  25. Elizabeth

    It looks like you found your way to the blue waters at the end:)
    I like what you wrote – “They bring Renoir to life and give depth to Monet.”
    Bringing beauty to everyday life – splendid!

  26. We spent a week in France and I am convinced that my husband timed it so that the brocante in each town was held either the day before we got there or the day after we left. Sigh. One of these days….

  27. Chris Wittmann

    Loved the trip, love the architecture, love the restaurants….all glorious, especially the brocante!

  28. Julie Ann Evins

    Corey, that sky !

  29. It makes me a little sad to think how long it’s been since I’ve been to Nice… Almost 25 yrs. I wonder many times what my life would have been like if my parents hadn’t decided to move to the US when I was a child. At least I will always be a french citizen!!!
    Thank you for the tour!

  30. Natalie Thiele

    For once I would choose something else over a flea market or brocante. Oh how I love Nice! I haven’t been there in 26 years, but I would love to go back right now.
    You are amazing! You have thoroughly drawn our attention away from the lovers for 5 days with such varied and fascinating posts. Yes, you should write a book. You are such a fabulous storyteller!

  31. Cy Todd

    You are amazing Corey! How do you take so many fabulous pictures while you are brocanting at the same time? WOW!! Next time you’re in Nice, please let me know. I would love to brocante with you! I’m just around the corner! A bientot, Cy

  32. Franca Bollo

    Memories of Nice:
    1. The French franc was 9 to the dollar.
    2. Eating the best paella I’ve ever tasted.
    3. Sun-bathing topless in public for the first time.
    4. Having one of my girls grabbed by some garçon at the train station. Bâtard.

  33. Lesley Coleman

    I felt I was there with you and would have loved to be, thank you for painting such a wonderful picture with words……x Lesley

  34. Loved your imagery Corey:) Your “Trois Diables” flasheback to a 20s barmaid was a flash a bit further back though, to the Renaissance. One of Michelangelo’s sybils from the Sistine Chapel serving up beer….

  35. In the summer of 1970 my family took our summer holiday touring Europe. I did not want to go. My father said I could pick anywhere I wanted to be for my 17th birthday. I picked the French Riviera. It was a good choice. I wish I were there now. AND 17 again. Just for a moment though a brief moment would do.

  36. So, where is a good place to eat in Nice? I will be there in less than a week.

  37. welltraveled10

    Summer is flying by. When will you take HFH (handsome french husband) and the motorcycle for another exciting trip?????

  38. That’s what makes my butter melt!! Thanks for taking us along!

  39. Brother Mathew

    Mixing architecture, nude beaches and bicycles does make the brocante at least tolerable.

  40. will vidinic

    Beautiful photos, i can feel the heat and the sun!
    Will, the quilter in Montmartre


    So lovely. Thank you!

  42. Corey, what about la socca with a glass of red wine, have you tried that in the Vieux Nice? les petits farcis? La pissaladiere? I am getting hungry.
    By the way not to be too technical or anything like that it is “La promenade des anglais”. Thank you for your lovely post, I miss Nizza la Bella.

  43. laura evans

    & now i might have to add the market in nice to the list of things for us to go visit … gorgeous!

  44. Oh, My! What a lovely day and Nice is just heavenly. Now I’ll start wanting to go to France, just when I was hoping Colorado was far enough to travel…I’ll have to win the lottery so I can have the brocante! Love your stories and pictures!

  45. can’t believe i missed u.. & was here just a week b4 u…!!

  46. I completely agree with the above comment, the internet is with a doubt growing into the most important medium of communication across the globe and its due to sites like this that ideas are spreading so quickly.

  47. Florence

    Yes, it would be wonderful and will try to time my next trip to collect camellia cuttings to include Nice. Thank you for all your articles and am looking forward to receiving the necklace I ordered.

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