The Ribbon

Photo and text by Corey Amaro

Their romance was that of a young girl's dream; Love letters, candlelight, tenderness and many midnight rendezvous. Swooning under the moonlight, she tied their dreams, side by side amongst the stars.

Their heads had been in the clouds, and her heart in his hand, but their feet were well planted. They knew that love had more to do with letting go, and moments like this of holding on.

…and as the moon passed around the world a thousand times, and the days came tumbling one after another, attempting to tarnish their glow. That was when she took his hand and lead him under the midnight sky. She put his hand next to her breast, untied the ribbons from the stars, believing that they would become roots.


Photo: Vintage love charm glowing under a rhinestone star.


19 responses to “The Ribbon”

  1. Allison


  2. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Your words are breathtaking and so well said

  3. and then??? ohh I can’t wait till tomorrow.
    bliss farm antiques

  4. Chris Wittmann

    What a stunningly gorgeous charm, and beautiful words to go with it.

  5. Dana Sparkle

    true poetry

  6. Rhonda P

    Romance Romance Romance you tell it well.

  7. Be still my heart…and then? Corey, I think you have a future in writing a romance novel!

  8. katherine robertson

    does this have anything to do with mimi and her friend??? tell us more!

  9. dancing kitchen

    At first I thought it was an extension of the Mimi romance and I almost swooned…then I snaped back to reality and noticed you were writing to the charm. I love a good backstory, even when it’s fictional. I often go to the local art museum and write backstory about paintings that touch me there. It’s a lovely way to combine art and writing.

  10. meppybn

    Happy Anniversary?

  11. Jenious

    Beautiful charm with a lovely tale to match.

  12. This was beautiful. And, so appropriate to how I’m feeling today. Thank you!

  13. Marilyn

    Such tenderness and love. What special moments shared between two lovers. Thanks for the images of my mind today.

  14. Victoria Ramos

    ohhlala…racy vintage jewelry! How fab is that!

  15. Jeanette Mc.

    I ALSO thought we had gone back to Mimi (hoping). My heart is pounding…

  16. Sigh….’nuff said…

  17. Julie Ann Evins

    You are in romantic mood Coco, I sense a little drama ahead..Jx

  18. Beverly

    Don’t you just love that feeling of love and desire, its one of the best feeling in the world. Thanks for writing it so eloquently Corey..

  19. Absolutely beautiful and touching.

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