Summer Time Tomate Soup

Photo and soup recipe Corey Amaro.

Tomato Soup

Saute two yellow onions in olive oil,
until their yellow turns to gold.

Add some chopped celery let their
leaves join the party.

A dash of salt,

and a couple of carrots, washed but
not naked.

Take the tomatoes in their tender red
skin, slice them in half and add them to the soup pot.

Cover with water and a lid.

When you hear the soup talking, turn
the volume down.

Let the ingredients share their
story, let them slowly simmer.

A glass of white wine never hurt
anyone, and fresh mint adds a dash of daring!

Blend, smooth and serve with a dollop
of cream fraiche.

Take a bowl, a spoon, a glass of
white wine, (the whole bottle if you are so inclined,) a baguette and
go outside to sit and eat on the garden step!


A repost from years ago, as today is my friend's funeral.


34 responses to “Summer Time Tomate Soup”

  1. Julienne

    What a beautiful recipe, I will try it as soon as the tomatoes appear! I was so excited a few days ago when I came across your name in my latest read, La Vie Parisienne by Janelle McCulloch. I did try to find your post on how to dress like a French woman. I particularly liked the idea of wearing different fragrances for the different time of day. Alas I couldn’t find the post! Having been a faithful follower for some time now it was like seeing the name of a friend in the book. Got a huge kick out of it!! Enjoy your soup

  2. Julienne

    I’m so sorry, it was only going back up the page, that I read the last line, my condolences.

  3. Sounds so much better than the Campbell,s tomato soup and Wonder bread that my mom used to give us.

  4. Rhonda P.

    I am so sorry for your loss. Keep your memories of him close to your heart.
    Wonderful recipe – easy and tasty.

  5. Natalie Thiele

    Glad you stayed behind (not off roughing it with the bikers) so that you were able to attend Mr Poste’s service.
    Thank you for the recipe. Sounds yummy. I’ll try it. I have already made three large batches of gazpacho this summer and my husband would welcome a change.

  6. There should be rejoicing at Mr. Poste’s funeral for a full life well lived. He was such a dear man and kind to you and when you reflect on the times you learned garden knowledge, you know you had the best of teachers and friends. RIP Mr. Poste.

  7. Gina Johnson

    Thinking of you today…..I am sure you will be tired by the end of the afternoon. Sleep tight thinking of your darling Mr. Porte.

  8. My condolences for Mr Porte’s family and you Corey. You were very blessed to have had him in your life, even at a distance.

  9. jend’isère

    What a garden party in a tureene to celebrate Monsieur Porte. Sharing such stories are the best tribute in a time of mourning.

  10. Michelle M in KY

    Dear Corey…
    You are in my thoughts today.
    I will pray for your neighbor and his family.

  11. Thinking of you Corey..
    and your sweet friend.
    Will make this soup, sounds so delicious.

  12. meppybn

    Celebrate his memory well, Corey. MMMM, tomato soup is my favourite, and when we’re talking of recipes, I searched for your fig jam one and do not find it 🙁 Could you repost that too in honour of M. Porte, please? as I just got a tub of ripe, ripe, ripe ones from the market 🙂

  13. Yummy! This fresh tomato soup sounds so good. I will keep your lively recipe nearby to try when the “real” tomatoes start coming in. A wonderful, comfort soup for you as you remember your friend.

  14. Marilyn

    Thanks for the tomato soup recipe. Blessings and special thoughts sent to you and the Porte family.

  15. Chris Wittmann

    Sonds like a plan….a nice, simple, delicious meal for a hot summer day. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Linda C.

    Is there anything more delicious, more full of earth’s delights than a rich, red -ripe home-grown tomato?
    What a wonderful tribute to Mr Porte!

  17. Julie Ann Evins

    A classic. God Bless Mr Poste, Jx

  18. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    My thoughts are with you today. Thank you for the recipe. Tomato’s are in abundance right now.

  19. Danielle C.

    Thank you for the recipe, an aromatic melody of love. What a fitting tribute to a gardener.
    My sympathies.

  20. AnnieElf

    Sounds luscious. I’ve already sent it to my self to print out later and add to my recipe collection.

  21. Brother Mathew

    Only two thing money can’t buy: True love and home grown tomatos.

  22. My thoughts are with you, Mr. Poste & his family today. I like my tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. Does that make me less of a grown up?

  23. Lorretta from NH

    Friendship is the part of life that makes each day sing and say that it is so well worth living. My deepest sorrow for his passing.

  24. Lia deKoster

    Uhhh Mr Porte will sing through in your tales and tribute to your darling friend.
    he walks with us, for you have shared.
    a wee thought…peace, silence…
    (big love)

  25. Wonderful recipe and nice tribute to your dear gardening friend. Peace to you, Corey.

  26. Wishing you comfort and solace today and in the days that follow as you remember your dear friend.

  27. Lieselotte

    What a sad day for you.

  28. Sara Barroso

    Corey… I’d love to catch a glimpse of French husbands blog. Can you share the URL?

  29. Corey, I have actually made this soup of yours so many times from your earlier posting of this recipe! It’s become a family favourite of ours and is in my recipe book as Corey’s tomato soup. The recipe and your photo are a wonderful tribute to your friend.
    I would love it if you visited my new blog, inspired by yours. I just wish my photos were as good as yours!

  30. Sorry, I meant:

  31. Patricia

    Yum! I am trying this soup recipe! Sounds so easy and delicious!

  32. MaryElle

    It’s hard to lose a friend. Sometimes we lose them when they’re still among us. Perhaps that is saddest of all.
    M Porte would love your sharing this recipe. I will make it and think of you.
    Mary Ellen

  33. Corey, I loved what Ardis said about celebrating Mr. Poste’s life. It sounds like he had a lovely one! I will try your poetic soup. I can smell it now!
    Sweet Dreams ~ Sherry

  34. Linda H

    Tomato soup is a fitting tribute to such a gentleman.

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