Summer Song


Summer evening.

The last rays of light.



Under the moon, with the cigales singing their last song, and the tomatoes nearly ripe.


13 responses to “Summer Song”

  1. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Beautiful picture with an unspoken message from the photographer’s heart…

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    Whatever the time
    whatever the light
    whatever the star
    your camera plays the right song
    alike a precious ballad …


    Who are the people in the pic?

  4. Rhonda P.

    So beautiful…your children do look like you and FH so much!

  5. Everton Terrace

    So very lovely. Their obvious friendship warms the heart.

  6. Natalie Thiele

    Darling picture!
    YAY! It’s summer!

  7. Linda C.

    A mirror of a mother’s heart singing…

  8. You have lovely children.

  9. Corey, your children have a spirit that shines through. I also have a son and daughter. Such blessings of joy.

  10. Denise Moulun-pasek

    He looks so much like you. Looks very manly with his bangs down. He looks older and confident and ready to discover himself. Love the smile!
    She, well she is just beautiful…

  11. Marilyn

    Beautiful children about the embark on life’s adventures. I am sure you are treasuring these moments.

  12. Really sweet…

  13. thanks for sharing.

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