French Brocante Guessing Game

Guessing Game Winners:

French brocante

What is it?

Yesterday's comments are some of the best ever!! Amazing ideas, great and I mean great creative responses!! I cannot decide who the creative winner is! So I'll let you decide out of these top five:

1. "It is a
device for men to learn how to tie bow ties." Guessed Jonathan from Napa.

2. "It's a
hand held helicopter. You yank on the string (in one version) or turn
the nob (in the other version) then you hold it up like an umbrella. The
helicopter wings turn and take you up up up to the balcony or the
window of your lover to kiss them. If Romeo had this device, his
monologue under Julia's balcony would have been sealed with a kiss." Zosia's guess.

3. "An early
mammogram machine! lol
"..stick them in here and stand still!" Guessed, Lucy Rodgers.

4. "Isn't it
obvious that it's a model for shaping one's mustache" Michelle's guess.

5. "Dunno
but what I DO know is marriage. We celebrated 34 years! Now carry on with your game :)" Said, Linda.

6. "It’s a
Glockenspirlerygig. It is a 19th century toy invented by Belgium Monks
to use as an amusement when the head Monk left the monastery to buy
supplies and visit the taxman in the city. The younger monks carved it
from a discarded broken church pew.
You wound the string around the brass bit and then spun it on the
stone floor. Thousands of sparkly lights and colors would fly on the
walls and the monks would trip the light fantastic and dance about
merrily to the tunes in their heads. It was an early form of a Disco
Ball." guessed Cynthia Wolff.

7. "It's a
Vampire dispatcher.
The top one comes with an added music box to attract the Vampire, then
you wip out the silver tipped pick to dispatch it *nod*
the bottom one you, need to sing by yourself for attraction, but comes
with the added bonus of a string to sling it from afar, again silver
tipped for better effect.
The colorful mirrors are to catch the first rays of sun to let you know,
you're safe for another day…" Guessed Christina

Melanie is the one who guessed it correctly and named it as well:

It is for
hunting and is called "miroir aux alouettes " , it is to create a
diversion for birds (alouettes ).

Way to go Melanie!

Thank you for your many clever responses! You gotta help me here, what is the most creative answer? Let me know..


53 responses to “French Brocante Guessing Game”

  1. Denise Moulun-pasek

    My money is on Melanie.

  2. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    It is the 1st I’m guessing something , I’m very proud of me but may be it is easier.
    Well, I love all these funny amazing laughing answers , I can not give one winner.
    I’m out of the game but I can may be ask you a favor …I would you that you take some pictures of me when I’m pregnant I could use them on the birth announcement. Bien sur I would also love and dream that you take pictures of the new born when it will be time ….bisous

  3. Marie-Noëlle

    I like them all !!!
    Still I have favourites:
    Jonathan’s bow tier and Michelle’s moustache shaper – they made me smile at the image of a man who would not use the “machine” properly and so would go unwinding with it !!!
    I DO NOT want to imagine the problem with Lucy’s guess… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you, Corey, I have learned and laughed a lot !

  4. Lucy definately!

  5. michelleb.

    Loving number 6, by Cynthia….I have this picture of monks “tripping the the light fantastic” stuck in my head!

  6. waftbycarol

    Monks tripping the light fantastic will forever be the thought that cheers me in moments of glum-ness…! HA !!
    I can’t believe what it really is , that’s even funnier….

  7. jeannine

    I’m loving the mustache comment!! All comments were great–some very creative and unique individuals out there in the world 🙂

  8. Ida from South Africa

    Love Michelle’s answer!

  9. Natalie Thiele

    Lucy’s mammogram is my favorite.

  10. Oh my… they are all so creative! However, number 2 put a smile on my face as I can vividly picture a lover hovering above with his antique helicopter device.

  11. Lucy made me laugh out loud.

  12. Lorelei

    Hi, My favourite is number 7 from Christina.

  13. Everton Terrace

    I’m going with Cynthia and the monks – even mentioned it yesterday. All of them were funny. I also said mustache form yesterday so I am partial to michelle’s as well.


    C’moooonnnn, it’s gotta be the monk story…for time invested alone!!!

  15. I love Lucy’s!

  16. Toni Mason

    The Monk story of course!!

  17. Carol L

    I vote for #3, Lucy.

  18. georgie

    Would never have guessed the right answer. Lucy’s made me laugh and flinch at the same time.

  19. I can see the monks tripping the light fantastic now. It alluded me when I was trying to guess.

  20. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    They were all hilarious, but to me the winner goes to the one who actually gave it a name. The “Glockenspirlerygig”. Really??! Every time I say it with a German accent it cracks me up!

  21. Marilyn

    Lucy’s early mammogram made me chuckle.

  22. Have to vote for #6-the Monastery-Monks entertainer! Laughed when I read that yesterday-very funny!!! Judy

  23. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    #6 gets my vote…although the monk theory is really a good one.

  24. The mammogram made me laugh hard.

  25. Cy Todd

    I’m going with the Monks!

  26. Victoria Ramos

    #6 – go monks go! Boogie-oogie-oogie till ya can’t boogie anymore!
    Leave it to the french to devise something so ‘stylish’ to scare birds…..although the real answer seems as believable as the silly ones!

  27. Maura @ Lilac Lane Cottage

    #6 Beatnhearts where my money is!!!!!

  28. Lorelei Lane

    Ouch… an early mammogram machine. I don’t think the new machines have progressed so much….

  29. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart


  30. Debra She Who Seeks

    I vote for Cynthia’s “early disco ball” story!

  31. I’m with the early disco ball!! Cynthia is a hoot with that one. Having been into a couple of monasteries here – I’d keel over if I ever saw one. TOOO FUNNY! Alouette gentille alouette!!

  32. Tammy W

    For sure…# 6…the monk’s disco ball.
    They party like it’s 1999.

  33. Jacqueline

    My vote goes to the wonderfully creative Cynthia.She is just the best. XXXX

  34. pretty far west

    The early disco ball from that wonderful Cynthia.

  35. I like the disco ball story too, #6. Why not? Very creative.

  36. Michelle

    haha! Well, since my answer is one of them, I’m a bit partial to it. I mean, it’s a sign that handlebar mustaches have been popular throughout the ages right??
    But I do love that monk story and the romeo and juliet helicopter one! So creative!

  37. Christine

    I vote for #6. Cynthia Wolf. That’s creative !

  38. Christine

    Since I recently had experience, I vote for Lucy Rodgers and the mammogram machine.

  39. #6!

  40. #3

  41. Great to be a finalist! but #3 mammogram machine made me laugh out loud.

  42. Barb at Coronado Daily Photo

    #6, but loved all the answers. So creative!

  43. I vote for the monks dancing the light fantastic!

  44. Jane Ann

    #6, laughed as I imagined it happening!

  45. MuseumMom

    The monks!

  46. Naughty monks dancing? Are you kidding me? Who DOESN’T love this?!

  47. Mmd. Tortoise

    #6….Cynthia…her story made me laugh and it sounds like something I would do were I a monk.

  48. Anne Gsolfot

    I too loved the monks dancing but my vote is for number 3 ~ the early mammogram machine. I’m pretty sure I’ve experienced the pain of being clamped in the one shown.

  49. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart

    Corey, I am enjoying this immensely….Thank you, truly a cool experience.

  50. The responses were so imaginative! My favorite? Loved the image of the monks whirling and twirling to their interior soundtrack.

  51. Lucy Rogers

    I am not familiar with monks-I don’t guess I’ve even seen one except on TV. I thought here in Texas, where I live, that just maybe we didn’t have any UNTIL I found this article that I will share a part of with y’all! Apparently, we have Vietnamese monks that live off the land and make their own beer. I guess the dancing part would make that somewhat hysterical…So, YOU WIN!
    I still would love a medal…. (;-)
    Lucy Rogers

  52. Mammogram gave me the biggest laugh (#3)

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