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So he´s back, hurray !!!
Well done, Yann and Francis ( and Dieter ).
Yann looks so happy in all the photos, he must have really enjoyed it. We just looked at Dieter´s pictures and he told me all ( ? ) about their trip.
Lieselotte -
Yipeee! So happy for the both of yousalls! 🙂
If it’s raining anything like it is here in Heidelberg, it’s “stay in bed time” now. -
Have a fun day !
Save a few kisses 😉
Aina -
I bet he is soooooo tired!
Enough said. Have fun !x
I know you will make him most welcome home !
Have a wild ride !!!
😉 -
now that’s what I like singing
my heart raced just
yay!!!!! -
Woo Hoo!!!!
Very good news – safe and sound I presume. I imagine the “welcome home” will take most of the day, ha.
Looking forward to hearing about it – and not telling my husband lest he get any ideas! -
I bet it feels good to be home and back in your arms.
So I guess this means we won’t be hearing from you for a few days 😉 Enjoy!!
awww , I can’t figure out why you aren’t blogging…welcome home French Husband !
So glad FH made it back safe and sound. Enjoy these last of summer wine moments!
My boys just got home from their summer abroad, and I will hold them close for a few weeks until they fly off again for the year. Smiles and laughter for today!! -
I’m so pleased that Jann had a safe journey. Keep him close to you,
Thank goodness and enjoy the reunion!
Glad to hear Yann arrived home safely (are you daubing him with Campho Phenique for all his skeeter bites?).
Hope you two can figure out how to update his trip blog, so we can see more of their journey online. -
WOOHOO!!! Have a wonderful day!!! 🙂
Happy, happy for you!
Bon retour French Husband!
So happy for you and great to hear he is safe!
Enjoy your reunion!!!!!!!!! -
Yay,’nuff said!!!
Good that everyone is safely back! -
Safe and sound too…have a GOOD day/night.. -
Welcome Home Yann!
Welcome home Yann, A little distance makes the heart go fonder…..
welcome home Yann ~ have a great night Corey!
and he’s front and he’s side and he’s face and he’s…yeah, yeah we get it. You crazy kids, you!
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