Rue de la Brocante

French brocante

French brocante

French brocante Key-lock

Photography by Corey Amaro.

What you can find at the brocante….

French brocante ROIS-LOUIS-COIN-1

French brocante Open-heart 

French brocante French-market-signs

French brocante French-ribbon

French brocante Jam-jar
French brocante Bronze-vase

French brocante Double-brooch
French brocante Antique-linen

"Brocante Heaven" it is filled with old

Sacha says, it is enough to make him want to go to "Brocante Hell", "Certainly, it has got to have new things down there?"

French brocante
At a brocante fair years ago I found a postcard of a woman impeccably dressed carrying eggs in a basket, water from the
fountain in a zinc watering can, and carrying vegetables in her white crsip apron. The framed postcard is
one of the first things I ever bought at the Brocante. It is worth nothing,
but it symbolized everything.

Life in France… I was taking my first steps.

Brocante, Heaven, Brocante, Hell … It has been a little of both.

Teasing aside I leaned over the armchair continuing my conversation with Sacha, "Nothing is one way. A mixed bag has its rewards."

Sacha said, "Hey mom have you ever thought about how cool it would be to have a replay button attached to our bodies? Then we could replay moments we wanted to change."

"I like that… on second hand maybe not? Gosh Sacha could you imagine it? Most of us wouldn't move forward as we searched for perfection. Life would be a constant replay, or on hold."

French brocante



French brocante

These are
some of the brocante things I have sold recently.
Kissed goodbye.

asked Sacha if there was anything in our house that he liked that he
would be sad if I sold… Surprisingly, he said he liked the two paintings
upstairs, and a large vase. Looking him straight in the eye, I said, "I think
you like those things because you could sell them and buy something big,
new and shiny."

"You know me well!" he laughed.

I made a
mental note to myself: Glue paintings to the wall, cement vase to the
floor. Buy that boy some slick, shiny black Inox things.



Later Sacha would ask me if I had to pick three things from our
house and get rid of the rest that what would they be… I said, "The
paintings, the urn and the two armchairs that we are sitting on."

His smile was like a hug.

I got up to write addresses on the packages I sold, and had to send out. I wrote as the return address:

C. Amaro

Rue de la Brocante. As soon as I wrote "Brocante" instead of my street's name I knew I was in heaven.





Thanks everyone for helping to select a creative winner for the French brocante guessing game.

Cynthia you are the winner with your dancing monks comment! Bravo! Please send me your address and I will send you a French brocante souvenir.

What does your heaven look like?


21 responses to “Rue de la Brocante”

  1. Cy Todd

    My Heaven is going to be a big, super, mega yacht!! Woo Hoo!!!

  2. Chocolate, an arm-chair and a book!

  3. Penelope

    My Heaven would be a sunken bath, always filled with hot water & a good book to read while soaking in my bath. And thick warm towels to wrap myself in when I get out.
    Corey, please let me see the lace underneath the upside down locket?
    Thanks for a great blog to read every day.

  4. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    My heaven would be my friends studio! Awesome space, awesome storage, awesome light and views from each big window.

  5. Chris Wittmann

    My heaven is my gardens, after toiling all day and then having a nice warm bath, to relax amongst the beautiful herbs, veggies and flowers, listen to the brook and birds, maybe spie a beaver or the big turtle I’ve named “Horatio” and sip a glass of wine. Then later to go back into the old farmhouse, plop into my comfy chair with a good old book and a cat or two in my lap.

  6. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Oh, I am in love with the metal table and two chairs in one of the pictures! Good thing I don’t live in France…my house would be overflowing with brocante delights and I wouldn’t want to sell ANY of them…lol! Have a fabulous weekend in the south of France…envy!

  7. My heaven?
    Only one? 😉
    Down here on earth, I can’t walk by an antiques store anymore without thinking “I bet Corey would have gotten that for next to nothing at a French brocante!”. 😉


    Rainbows, lollipops and a whole lot of comfy couches!

  9. cynthia Wolff @Beatenheart

    I am living in my heaven at this moment. My lower lip is trembling like a childs…tears welling up in my eyes. Sadness? no…instead a feeling of great accomplishment bought about in so many ways by my meeting you Corey. You know of what I am talking about as you were there to help me personally as I entered the world of blogging, and this world has moved me forward in ways I could never dream of. Heaven on earth is when you begin to find a glimpse at what it is you can be, and when you begin to vision the actual possibility of reaching your fullest potential When things begin to unfold because you take chances and risk moving out of your comfort zone only to find something new and wonderful, something you didn’t think possible. You helped again with your guessing game. A simple thing, but reading all those comments about my little story moved me forward once again. Thank you everyone for your affirmations.

  10. Debra P.

    my heaven would be exploring the south of France with my family and getting a chance to possibly visit one of the brocantes with you Corey!
    xo have a wonderful weekend!!!

  11. Marilyn

    Warm breezes blowing, water lapping on a white sandy beach, a few beautiful pieces like you have shown, and a comfy chair.

  12. Everton Terrace

    I wake every day to my heaven – corny but true. I can’t imagine heaven feeling better than spending my life with my dear husband. Now, being with him, eating chocolate and croissants while wandering the brocante in France with a wad of cash in my pocket – NOW we’re really talking!

  13. The ghost trees of winter…
    Or that linen initial ribbon featured in your post. Oh, my!!!

  14. Lorelei

    My heaven is my family, far and near. I’d love to see the front side of the locket (or milagro) that is resting on the lace. And that yummy picture hanging on the wall with all the chairs in the background. And I wonder how one brocante has so many beautiful items?

  15. My little bit of morning heaven is pajama coffee in the yard with my french music playing. Cat stretching, Pool sweep going, sprinklers sprinkling, a warm cup of coffee in my favorite blue and white mug. I give praise for these moments. I start my day calm and content. No matter what else is going on in life this is my time to reflect. Nothing looks unsurmountable from this view.

  16. this is my heaven, all in your photos! i want to dive in them but it is also a torture since i have to wait for our next trip to France, don’t know when it will happen 🙁

  17. Karen C

    Corey, that play-back button of Sacha’s? My husband has always wished for one to play back our boys as babies and children.
    We don’t have a video camera but one day I found a precious single video he had made of our third son with a borrowed camera. I had it on play when he walked in the door unexpectedly. He stood transfixed for the longest time and at the end he definitely had tears in his eyes.
    You’re right, we would never move on. We would just stay in that moment reliving it and perfecting it.

  18. Alexandra Nicole

    wish i could happen upon some finds like this in the antique shops where i live
    Alexandra Nicole

  19. Alexandra Nicole

    woops, sorry posted wrong link with my name/comment. meant to post my blog (little too early in am i guess). anyway correct link with my name should be
    anyway, i looove these items!

  20. My home is my heaven. There is nothing grand or magnificent about it ~ in fact it is a rather simple place. It is a small apartment on the 6th floor with an expansive view of the sky and the lovely, French-style homes dotting the hillside across the way. It is my refuge from the world, a place where I am free to think, love and create.

  21. Victoria Ramos

    Today heaven would be anywhere that ISN’t were I am right now….sitting in my cubicle/desk in front of my computer working …UGH! Heaven? A beautifully white beach, the sun shining, a comfy chair with a handsome tan cabana boy bringing me a pina colata — and I would be magically transformed into Rachel Welch (or some-BODY like that)….

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