Photos and text by Corey Amaro.
Maybe I was a nun, or a priest… certainly a Priestess! Or maybe I was the owner of a religious object manufacturing company. Or possibly an interior designer of convents. If there is such a thing as past lives then I am betting I was connected to religion in some way.
You know that question that goes something like, "If you could talk to
one person died or alive who would it be?" Well French Husband says he
would like to talk to King Louis the Sixteenth. I would like to talk to
Mary Magdalene. Better yet just hang out with her for a few days,
because after all being with someone is when you feel their shoes, live
their steps, understand their journey.
Maybe you're wondering why I think I had something to do with religion in my past life. Well simply put I am attracted to religious artifacts and stuff. The other day I noticed most the stuff I have on my online shop is religious in nature, or could be religious… an example being: Wine bottle openers. You know you gotta open the bottle of wine before it goes into the chalice.
I mean really it is strange. I find things non religious only to find out later on that they are religious after all. Like the day I found a shell box only to discover it was a rosary holder.
See what I mean? I am drawn to this stuff without it jumping up and down hollering RELIGIOUS! Kinda strange don't you think?
Or like the day I found a brooch. A romantic, sweet brooch… and then there it was ANGELS hanging out on the sides and a baptismal font (okay some would say a bird feeder but I know better.)
Maybe I was a spiritual matchmaker in my past life? Wow, wouldn't that be something crazy wonderful, if I had been the one who introduced Mary Magdalene to Jesus. I could have been the spiritual matchmaker along the way of Christianity… Saint Francis and Saint Clarie, Saint Terese and Saint John of the Cross, Peter, Paul and Mary.
Though I don't know… being the interior designer of convents, or churches is pretty cool too.
French Husband wonders if the people who buy my stuff are nuns, or priest, or just weird like me? He wonders what do they do with the stuff? I told him, "Well maybe they are feeding their inner saint, or maybe they have a past life thing going on, or maybe they cut the things up and make pillows with it. I don't know."
What I do believe is that our genetic code carries (for lack of a better word) memory, stories, a history, a past that shapes who we are. I believe that traces of what my great-great-great- great (you get where I am going with this great thing) Grandmother feelings, life and possible dreams are within me.
I had a great great cousin, or uncle, or relative that was a Priest. And my Great Grandfather was going to be a priest and then decided against it… Whew thank God for that otherwise where would I be now? (Hint: Buying religious artifacts.)
Who would you like to talk to from the past or present?
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