How to do what you gotta Do


Photos and text by Corey Amaro:

Since Sacha is going to Willows for a year he knew he had to take his bike. Without his bike would be like me without brocante, lack of oxygen is not a good for the soul. 

He called the airlines, and found out the size of the box, the weight limit, and how much it would cost. When he couldn't find a box (and didn't trust the box that the airline supplied) and didn't want to pay the price for a professional bike box, he knew he had two choices left, actually three, maybe four…

1) He could peddle across the ocean. Not a good idea.

2) He could leave his bike behind. Not going to happen.

3) He could stay in France, and go to University. No way, the deal was if he graduated with honors he could take a gap year… Willows was his goal.










Gather tools.

Find old card board boxes,

Take some bits of thin board.

Make a diagram, calculate the measurements,

Forgo the saw,

Flex his muscles,

Ask his Dad's advise,

Make a box.




47 responses to “How to do what you gotta Do”

  1. Aahh, two hunky nude male torsos first thing in the morning is really bad for the concentration at work, Corey! You are a lucky woman to have these two lovely men in your life. Well done to Sacha for being so resourceful – where there’s a will there’s a way! Best of luck to him for his trip!

  2. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    What a doll, Corey! I think gap years are a wonderful idea! Will you be heading this way too?
    : )
    Julie M.

  3. Ah, exuberant youth. Good job, Sasha! And yes, what she said above 🙂

  4. …IF only I was a teenager…. I would camp on his doorstep!

  5. So handsome…and smart too!

  6. Hearts are breaking all over the world. I imagine Sacha breaks hearts where ever he goes!

  7. Denise Moulun-pasek

    And so you should be. He is working to make his dream come true, using all the skills he has learned in life to make it happen. He’s a take-charge kinda guy!

  8. What out girls in Willow!

  9. Look at those curls! My guess is he doesn’t think they’re as awesome as the girls do. I’m impressed with his ‘take charge, get it done’ attitude.

  10. waftbycarol

    I hear all the girl-hearts in Willows breaking…someone needs to warn them !

  11. bloomingrosemusings

    Smart…take charge…and oh, so handsome.

  12. linda marcov

    these last precious days before his departure are what memories are made of… have fun..

  13. Julie Ann Evins

    Clever boy. An entrapreneur in the making, jx

  14. Kathie B.

    As much as I believe in book-learning, real-life problem-solving is an equally important skill to develop.
    “Parabéns” to Sacha for being so resourceful!

  15. The last picture of Sacha is wonderful. I hope he has a wonderful year. If he makes it to southern California ( Hollywood) he might be snatched for the movies.

  16. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    He is a VERY handsome young man….much like FH 😉 Hearts will be broken in Willows once he returns home.

  17. ooh your boy looks like a young roman from the days of Caesar in that last pic, like a beautiful statue.

  18. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Adorable post. A handsome, smart,go to kind of guy. You and French husband have done well.

  19. Everton Terrace

    I love the photo of him with the saw – such determination.
    Funny to see him looking so grown up in the last photo (and gorgeously handsome) as I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now – when did he go from boy to man? Time flies.
    I’m on the “hearts will be broken” in Willows bandwagon…

  20. Ha! Mine did the same thing with 4 bikes (he builds them) before he flew home Monday. I had the joy of shipping them so he could be there to sign for them when they arrive. Boys and their toys!

  21. So handsome and smart.!
    Well done!

  22. Natalie Thiele

    Yay Sacha!
    Brains and brawn- and fabulous looks!
    What a killer combo!

  23. Chris Wittmann

    A handsome young man Corey! YES!! Build a crate!! We did this when I sailed for the UK and my husband made a wonderful wooden crate out of old pallets for my antique curved top “pirate chest” trunk. It worked splendidly and arrived in great condition. Where there’s a will there’s a way….

  24. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    What a really neat son!!! You and Yann have done splendid job in teaching him life skills, and resourcefulness.
    kudo’s to you and Yann.

  25. Catherine

    The Statue of David came alive!

  26. Wow, Corey. Sacha has grown up into such a fine and handsome young man. Your mom is going to be thrilled to have him for the next year.

  27. Brenda L from TN

    Oooooo…what a handsome young man…the girls will go CRAZY over the hair…he looks a lot like FH…smart, handsome, industrious,not afraid to get hands dirty…what a catch for some FUTURE equally beautiful young woman…Corey, you and FH have raised a great kid(s). Great job on the new crate,Sacha. Have a wonderful summer in Willows. Help your Grandmother at all times.Call your Mom often. She’s going to really miss you. Safe trip.

  28. I look forward to seeing him bike around Willows, and I know my 18 year old daughter and her friends will too!

  29. Victoria Ramos

    such a hottie! have I got a girl for him 😉 how does he feel about strawberry blond soccer girls?!?!?!?
    I love the determination ‘saw’ photo – sums it all up. What a time he will have with his grandma and cousins in Willows – like your heart returning.


    Seems Sacha has already learned about the journey being as important as the destination. Good thing he has his brains to fall back on. ouch.

  31. The last picture is beautiful. I know you don’t say that for boys but I break the rules and since I have only boys in my life. I say that is one beautiful human being! Blessings, Kimberly

  32. Twinkleberry

    Corey, Honestly! What are you up to here….? I think, at my age… it might be illegal for me to be looking at your blog today…..

  33. Rhonda P.

    I am laughing at the posts, illegal? Too funny. However, he is so handsome and that shirt off picture is so eye opening. I love it when children look equally like both parents. It’s only fair.
    I hope Sacha has a wonderful trip to Willows.

  34. Kathie B.

    Dare I comment that in finding a solution to this problem, Sacha was thinking “outside the box”?
    (Hangs head in shame)

  35. Wow, he is becoming quite a handsome young man. Better hope he doesn’t meet a girl while he’s in Willows. You may not get him back.

  36. Rick. Theobald

    Corey…. You’re missing critical photo….the finished product!!!

  37. I love the last photo…so classically beautiful.
    I have a son who is about your son’s age. Even though we are here in the southern US and you are in France, both our sons are sporting a similar no belt pants, boxer look! And they both enjoy showing off their muscles!

  38. How impressive! If he needs help locating a box for return have him (or you) e-mail us. Lamont brings his bike back and forth to France every summer.

  39. Country girl’s first kiss. Whom? Hans the exchange student from Holland spending his gap year in Willows. I’ll never forget the moment.

  40. there is, of course, the far-fetched notion that an interim velocipede could have been procured on the far shores………on the other hand, energy and enterprise are the enviable servants of youth……..
    bon chance, and bon voyage! m

  41. Wandering Chopsticks

    I have been reading your blog too long because I remember when Sacha was a little kid and now he’s grown into a handsome young man.

  42. That last picture…his eyes are telling you something Corey.

  43. This was a very inspiring post, Corey, and it is good to see such a nice young man setting about with a friend to solve a problem. We don’t honor that “gap” year so much in the states, and, while I know it is a year so far away that must have you and Yann feeling blue, I do think it is a good gift to give a child. That year, you, to do some more growing up before university starts. I think it says something about his respect and honor of his mom for him to let you take so many pictures as well.
    You’ve done well with your children. Breath deeply, cry hard, and laugh at the joy.

  44. Miz Booshay

    Your son looks like a classical statue in that last shot.
    Reminds me of The David.

  45. Hope he has a good time, he’s earned it. He has the most expressive eyes.

  46. Maura @ Lilac Lane Cottage

    If your son continues to tackle life like this he’ll go a LONG way no matter what he chooses to do in the future. What a handsome young man! Oooo the American girls are going to find him irresistible Corey 😉

  47. Sacha looks so grown up in these photos. The American girls are going to love him. I had to laugh when I saw the low riding pants with the underware showing – must be the universal boy style. LOL

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