Photos and text by Corey Amaro
Whenever we went out for the day (when the children were little people,) and had fun, more than your average day of fun, I would ask Sacha and Chelsea on returning home, "How did they like their day?"
It never failed that Sacha would throw himself on the ground and cry, (and I mean cry), "I didn't have fun at all. Not at all! It was a terrible day! It wasn't long enough" Then he would roll around on the ground and cry.
In the beginning, I use to feel angry, I use to think to myself, "What a brat!" I would pick him up, look him in the eye and ask, "Sacha! Honestly! A terrible day? After all the fun things we did, after the treats, and being altogether you honestly can say it was a terrible day?"
And he would nod, "Terrible!" with big sloppy tears.
I use to stand in amazement. I use to have to control my frustration. I use to think he must be nuts? I use to put my hands in the air then look at Chelsea and French Husband for an answer. We would shrug and shake our heads while he cried.
After several episodes of his faithful reaction to a good day, I realized what he meant….
The day was over. He was sad. And he was responding to the fact that the day had come to an end. Instead of saying, "I am sad the day is over."
The boy, his bike and gear.
Feeling happy, sad, happy, sad… the reality started to hit home yesterday… "I'm leaving for a year…." He checked into his flight.
French Husband, whispered, "I hope you come back…."
I stood by blinking tears, "My grandparents left the Azores for America, they said goodbye to their families. I left America to come to France, leaving my family in America. Sacha is leaving us for America…. is there a pattern going on here? Does this mean he might not come back?"
After he checked in, and went through customs, he reached in his bag pulling out this sign! He was on fire, sparks were shooting from his smile! He leaned towards the glass and said, "There is a note on my bed for you."
French Husband leaned in and whispered thinking Sacha could hear, "Does he realize his freedom is living with your Mother?"
We laughed at our own joke.
Back home I went into his bedroom to read the note he left….
"Dreams come true, Thank you Mom and Dad, I love you."
The day was not long enough, and that is how it is suppose to be.
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