The Day was not Long Enough





Photos and text by Corey Amaro

Whenever we went out for the day (when the children were little people,) and had fun, more than your average day of fun, I would ask Sacha and Chelsea on returning home, "How did they like their day?"

It never failed that Sacha would throw himself on the ground and cry, (and I mean cry), "I didn't have fun at all. Not at all! It was a terrible day! It wasn't long enough" Then he would roll around on the ground and cry.

In the beginning, I use to feel angry, I use to think to myself, "What a brat!" I would pick him up, look him in the eye and ask, "Sacha! Honestly! A terrible day? After all the fun things we did, after the treats, and being altogether you honestly can say it was a terrible day?"

And he would nod, "Terrible!" with big sloppy tears.

I use to stand in amazement. I use to have to control my frustration. I use to think he must be nuts? I use to put my hands in the air then look at Chelsea and French Husband for an answer. We would shrug and shake our heads while he cried.

After several episodes of his faithful reaction to a good day, I realized what he meant….

The day was over. He was sad. And he was responding to the fact that the day had come to an end. Instead of saying, "I am sad the day is over." 


The boy, his bike and gear.

Leaving-2  He wore his green shoes.


Feeling happy, sad, happy, sad… the reality started to hit home yesterday… "I'm leaving for a year…." He checked into his flight.

French Husband, whispered, "I hope you come back…."

I stood by blinking tears, "My grandparents left the Azores for America, they said goodbye to their families. I left America to come to France, leaving my family in America. Sacha is leaving us for America…. is there a pattern going on here? Does this mean he might not come back?"


After he checked in, and went through customs, he reached in his bag pulling out this sign! He was on fire, sparks were shooting from his smile! He leaned towards the glass and said, "There is a note on my bed for you."

French Husband leaned in and whispered thinking Sacha could hear, "Does he realize his freedom is living with your Mother?"

We laughed at our own joke.


Back home I went into his bedroom to read the note he left….

"Dreams come true, Thank you Mom and Dad, I love you."


The day was not long enough, and that is how it is suppose to be.


74 responses to “The Day was not Long Enough”

  1. Denise Moulun-pasek

    That boy is seriously cute.

  2. Paula S In New Mexico

    AWWWWWW………… sweet.
    It is amazing how he has grown.

  3. Corey,
    My son left our “hometown” recently for graduate school 1600 miles away. I know how you feel! Happy and sad. The way it’s supposed to be.

  4. Twinkleberry

    Whew…. so brave of you…..

  5. Amazing .. and very caring of your son 🙂

  6. This handsome young Frenchman will make the young women in Chico swoon!

  7. My heart goes out to you…it’s tough. What a wonderful young man you have raised – the note says it all!

  8. awwwwww…..perfect pix, perfect words, perfect parenting…
    bliss farm antiques

  9. You raised an amazing son, you must be proud of him.

  10. He looks so different, so like a man, it’s his time. It’s natural, it’s hard. He also may be back before you know

  11. I thought sending my daughter off to “real school” this morning after homeschooling her for 10 years was rough~ thank you for letting me see true grace in parenting. I needed this today. Bless you and your family Corey.

  12. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    At his age, I spent one year in the USA . it was the best year ever . It was freedom but it was a little buit diferent. I wasn’t half american and I wasn’t going to live with a part of my family … Great you had the strenght to let him go

  13. Your posts often really get me and make me weep. Now your son did the same thing. Lovely photos. Sacha looks so nervous at the ticket counter and so full of you know what when he holds up the sign.

  14. Wandering Chopsticks

    I lived with my grandma for several years after graduation. I wouldn’t have traded those years for everything. Long after she’s gone, I cherish the time I was able to get to know her better. So, too, will Sacha.

  15. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    The time had finally come.
    Sacha looks so happy and full of expectation.
    I hope he is not disappointed.
    When are you coming to America?????
    Hugs, I know this is a difficult time for you and Yann. xo

  16. Chris Wittmann

    Sacha may suffer culture shock when he arrives in California…I’ll bet he’ll have so many tales to tell! Now if he was coming to northern New England, not so much culture shock, in fact, we have alot of french speaking people here in New Hampshire. I wish him well and hope you can visit him and your family there before too long. Maybe Christmas??

  17. Pamela Taylor

    Corey, my prayers are with you today. I have done this twice and it is just so hard, but also so good. They have to go, and what a beautiful, secure nest he has chosen to fly to. And he still feels as though he has his freedom. A loving family only grows stronger when they are apart. But you know that. Thank you for sharing this bittersweet time.

  18. We give our children roots and wings and lots and lots of love in between
    Love you

  19. Okay I had tears in my eyes throughout this whole story but ohhhh…the note on the bed, that is what got them rolling down my face.
    You and French Husband have done an absolutely wonderful job raising your two lovely children. You should be very, very proud.
    And excited about the next chapter of their lives, and yours!
    My Finn is blowing “power raspberries” in his crib in the next room, playing with a toy. I hope I can do as well for him as you have done for your children.
    Thank you for being an inspiration!

  20. Stephanie M

    What an appreciative son to write such a loving note to his parents. Your mother will now reap the benefits of his great upbringing. It’s a win win.

  21. Corey, once again you got to my heart! Crying like a baby! I think since I too am going through this stage of letting my boys go that it is real and fresh. Like an open wound. But I have to tell you that I pictured myself throwing a fit like Sacha did when he was little when my boy left home but I guess can’t do that, but felt like it. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  22. Okay.
    I’m sighing, then laughing, then crying, then crying, then laughing, then . . . and then – life. You’ve done a great job at parenting and at the end of the day that was not long enough, your darling son gave you the gifts of growing up and doing it well, the humor at his sing in the airport window (fredoooo) and the very dear note on your bed.
    I often joke – well, half joke – that we raised our daughters to be independent, but, what I really meant was to be independent on the next block.
    PS Your photos are a beautiful and poignant as your words. Breathe deep.

  23. So sad to say goodbye. God bless him. He will be so grownup when you see him again.

  24. Ok, I got tears in my eyes reading this. What a wonderful boy (…man) your Sacha is. I look forward to hearing about his wonderful year ahead.

  25. That is the hardest thing to do is to let your children go, but a definite must! You both should be proud of the wonderful son you raised – that was a very loving note he left for you!
    Good Luck to Sacha – he will have some fabulous adventures!

  26. Fabulous post Corey!! Take one day at a time – and lots of Skype! 🙂

  27. Jennifer SleeperWhite

    He will miss you…. he has direction&he will make it happen because you have shown him how to!

  28. Corey, I have a lump in my throat after reading your blog just now. What a beautiful kind and caring son you have. But then again what great parents he has!!!!

  29. It looks like you all had a wonderful time together. The photos are beautiful and your post had me smiling and crying. At least he will be with grandma and not in some other place with no family. I am sure this is a sad time, a happy time, a proud time. Your son sounds like he has good sense, the girls are going to go nuts over him!! I wish you all the best.

  30. OH, Corey. I am crying. I remember many years ago a friend who knew me to be an overachiever asked what my hopes were for my future. I answered (age 21 or so) that getting married to a good man who loved the Lord and raising a family were at the top of my list. His response, “what a waste of your education and abilities.” I was not surprised but I answered, “What could be better than raising happy, healthy children in a loving environment and then having them add so much to the world and the people around them….what a gift.” He actually then understood. I look at your sweet Sasha leaving the rich nest in which he was raised as a gift of you, Yann, and Chelsea plus y’alls love and time, and his very own special personality….what a treasure. From the note he left, it is evident that you have put a strong, loving, and we know adventuresome boy out in the world to do good things.

  31. Marie-Noëlle

    I would not trust the freight staff !!!
    Hope everything will be ok for his bike from here to the other end !

  32. Victoria Ramos

    By far – this has been the hardest thing for me – to let go of my darling daughter (and only child), give her wings to soar….I know it is the greatest gift we can give her, but at times I wish I could be just a little selfish and tell her to go to college here, but I can’t.
    This parting, her 2nd year, was just as hard as the first. She is living off campus with 3 other girls in a house — the worrying continues 🙂
    Sasha will have a blast and return more independent and appreciative of the things he has.

  33. I think it’s so awesome that Sacha will have this time with your Mom!! I bet this will be a time he will never forget.
    What a sweetie to leave a note! Cheers to his lovely parents, you raised a special man! He will carry you with him always!

  34. what a beautiful grown up boy…..

  35. Mary Kate

    He has your smile.

  36. Definitely cute, but my mother’s heart feels for you. It is hard to let them go. But oh the things he will do and see and yes, those girls will swoon!

  37. Rhonda P.

    Oh, I’m going to cry. That was so sweet of him. I know you and FH are sad he is gone for so long but he is with your family and that’s a good thing. He will never forget this trip to Willows. You both have given him a huge present and a present he will have forever in his heart.
    Hello large phone bills…..:)

  38. Yes, that made me smile and cry at the same time. Lovely boy, beautiful post.

  39. yes, that is how it is supposed to be.
    my son will leave in less than three weeks, and that’ll be for thrre years. not as fas as America, just some 1200 kms…
    i’ll bear your words in mind!

  40. Hi Corey
    What a beautiful and perfect start to a grand adventure and what a lovely boy Sacha must be to have left such a touching note for you to read!
    Thinking of you.

  41. Gina Johnson

    Thinking of you today, I am sure the house was far too quiet. Hugs and kisses to you!

  42. Dear Corey,
    I follow your blog everyday..though I may not always comment. I’m just piping in to send you some hugs..I’ve a feeling you can use them! xo

  43. Oh Corey, how bittersweet! This is such a wonderful opportunity for Sacha, for your mom to have her grandbaby with her, for all the new adventures… but heartbreaking for you at the same time. Here I’ve been stressing for weeks over my firstborn daughter preparing to move away to college this week, choking back tears every time I think of it. But she’s chosen a university that’s only 40 minutes away from home! She’ll live in a dorm on campus, but I can go see her and she can come home at anytime on a moment’s notice. I don’t know how I would handle it if she were leaving the country for a whole year.. I think I would tag along with her, haha. My thoughts are with you, but judging from everything you’ve posted and I’ve enjoyed reading over the past few years, I know that you will somehow turn this lemon into lemonade. 🙂

  44. What a day! What an adventure!… and I give you alot of credit for having the courage to truly let go. I hope my son stays atleast on this side of the pond, because if not, I think I might have to follow him! Yes, I’m that bad.

  45. Corey and Yann – thinking of and praying for you and Sacha. It will be a special time for him and your family, and also for the two of you. Stay busy and plan some adventures of your own. And definitely use Skype – the greatest invention ever!

  46. I had tears in my eyes too.

  47. What a special young man. He loves you both. See what a good job you’ve done. He’s going to be with your mother – lucky her. I know you will miss him terribly, but that note…it says it all.

  48. Sacha is blessed.
    If more boys in this world could have his upbringing…

  49. Lucy Rogers

    If for some reason he makes it to East TX, you have him give us a call and we will feed him cheesecake and Mexican food, and whatever else we can think of! My kids would love him.
    I pray he (all of you) have a wonderful, wonderful year.
    PS. Moving the furniture around always makes me feel better…Kind of like a new start.

  50. Tears , tears, and more tears are running down my face, but I have to laugh at his sign. He will come back!

  51. Marie Amaro

    Can’t wait to see Sachinga! I think i’ll see him tommorow oh and sorry you are sad Coco!! xoxo Ree ree

  52. roxane stoner

    you made me cry. It was a beautiful post. I am with my boy right now in CA. When driving down from Tacoma I passed through Willows. Is this the Willows you are from close to Sacramento? Is this where Sacha is going? I am going to drive away in few days and let my son continue on his solo journey, once again.

  53. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Not so sure about those green shoes in northern California ;-)Ditch em for a pair of flip flops or leather sandals 🙂

  54. Natasha Burns

    awww now i’m crying like a baby!

  55. Katiebell

    My love to you and Yann, Sacha will be fine. xX

  56. A thousand hugs for you, Corey………what a wonderful job you have done. What a beautiful young man you have raised.
    from Berkeley only a few hours from Willows

  57. Privet and Holly

    My heart was
    absolutely jumping
    out of my chest
    as I read this.
    Beautiful thoughts….
    Beautiful boy.
    xx Suzanne

  58. Love the green tennies, love the sign, love the note on the bed. What a great kid! He’s going to have a blast in Willows! Wonderful post.

  59. He is soooooooo excited!
    How wonderful for your family to be able to experience having Sacha in there day-to-day lives for a whole year.
    You know, a year goes by so fast.
    If your children decided to stay in the US, what a turn of events that would be!

  60. Robyn [miss*R]

    oh lord Corey xoxo
    it is indeed difficult

  61. Oh, Corey……..
    This post stirred up many feelings…..feelings I feel when pulling away from my Mom and Dad’s house, even today at the age of forty-one. Request to husband “pull away slowly and honk until they are out of view!”

  62. Julie Ann Evins

    Just beautiful. Be proud sweetheart ! Jx

  63. Lieselotte

    No words, just emotions. It must have been heartbreaking when you were watching Sacha walking away to his gate. What will you do to distract yourself now ?
    Warm hugs, Lieselotte

  64. Lovely post and pictures Corey!I am sure Sacha is in for a great year of adventure with his extended family,loved his sign and that cute smile!

  65. Oh Gosh, My eyes are welling up. Letting go is the hardest thing ever, you are so brave. I know how deep it reach..The note he left said it all, he is grateful. Very grateful.
    I hope you both woke up to a beautiful day,

  66. I left for a year in Italy when I was 18. My parents took me to the airport and they were so sad, but I was so excited inside and I think my sign would have said the same as Sasha’s. I was on an adventure, finally. Only now can I see that day through my parents’ eyes and I feel sad at the memory. But youth is youth over and over again and my son will be the same when he reaches that age and it will help me to remember that.

  67. Brenda L from TN

    Ohhhh, Corey….what a beautiful note…and it says it all….what a sweet young man…I know you and FH are very proud.

  68. Maura @ Lilac Lane Cottage

    Oh Corey…this made me cry. I FEEL for you. But you know he’ll be in good hands with your Mom and the others in your family. Be strong and keep going over what it was like when you left your family and how you felt. He’ll be fine and so will you. I still remember laying on my daughters bed after she left home the first time. I looked up at her ceiling where she had stars that glowed at night and cried my heart out. For a few days afterwards my heart felt heavy and I cried for no reason at little things. Eventually it got better. I can still cry thinking about it. Hang in there…it really will get easier. ((hugs))

  69. I’m glad you had a sweet/sad wonderful day. His note…”Freedom” Wow! That conjures up lots of Willows emotions doesn’t it? We grew up with most of our cousins and friends looking forward to leaving Willows to find freedom! Amazing the different perspective huh?
    God bless Sacha, May God bless you and French Husband with peace.

  70. Natalie Thiele

    This is so exciting!
    I am amazed by the very recent transformation. Looking at pictures of him, Sacha was a cute boy several weeks ago and now he is a handsome man! Making important, grown up decisions shows on his face.
    Love those green tennies. Shows great spirit! (Brian Wilson, pitcher for the SF Giants wears bright orange tennies. He started wearing them during the All Star Game and continued afterward. He was fined, but got out a magic marker and colored part of them black, so that they are legal to wear, and wears them at every game.) Stay true to yourself, Sacha!

  71. (((Hugs))) I know exactly where you are coming from. We dropped our baby boy (who is 23) off at the airport yesterday. He flew to New York to persue his dream. We had him here for the weekend and it wasn’t long enough. Who knows when we will get to see him again. The house is so quiet today.

  72. Awwww. I’m single with no kids and sitting here teary eyed at the letter on his bed. A sign of a child who has been loved and raised well. What a tribute to you two great parents!

  73. Hello, Corey!
    I have been following your blog about being in the empty nest and I will only say that my feelings are still raw enough that this note will not be lengthy. I, too, have spent my life not devoted to a cubicle, hourly meetings or catching a plane to get to the next potential client.. not that there is anything wrong with that, as Jerry Seinfeld would say! I spent my life devoted to raising three fabulous boys! And that was not all rosy at times either. There were many a time I wished for that cubicle, hourly meetings or packing to catch a plane. BUT I would never have wished for a different life. The work could be hard at times but the rewards were a bizzillion times worth it. I love them dearly and am grateful that I did a good enough job that we receive phone calls all the time and plan where we will get together for the holidays. I just want to tell you that I can feel your every emotion and it’s not fun, is it. I have yet to fill the hole that was left when my youngest went off to college last year. I spend a lot of time planning where I will go for more art classes and that is about it. And just when you think you can’t buck it up any longer the phone rings and one of my boys is calling just to chat. You will make it through, Corey, I know you will, as will I. You have your blog and your brocanting and you have your handsome french husband to distract you! Good for you!!! Perhaps some day we can meet in France, climb in the car, and speed down the road to the next fabulous brocante. Of course, with our cell phones on just in case one of our kids wants to know that we are there for a chat. In which case, we will pull over at the nearest cafe, get out, order a cup of tea, sit down and just listen to their voice. Sound like a plan??????
    Hi Kadee
    Sounds like a plan!

  74. honey & sage

    I just cried alligator tears reading this! He is so sweet!!!!!

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