Winged Victory, when did you learn to fly?

Winged victory

He thought he had the answer to conquering my fear, when he told me with much excitement, "A photographer flew with me today."

"Oh really, how was it?"

He knew by the sound of my voice that I wasn't seduced, but by the look in his eye, I sensed he had more caressing gathered in his ammunition.

With a hero's leap, he grabbed my arms, twirling his thoughts around me, hoping to pierce my fear and have joy burst through he said, "I took the doors off my plane so that the photographer could have a better view. Imagine that! Don't you want to come too?"

The visual he painted with his few words surrounded me like a scene from Out of Africa, my imagination soared tempting me to leap up and fly away with him. Though the moment my wings gave way to victory, my fear grabbed me…

"Oh….when did you learn to fly?" (quoting from the flight scene in Out of Africa)


"No, not what! You are supposed to say, 'Yesterday' and then she jumps into the plane…."

"Corey, what are you talking about? Are you going to come flying with me?"

"Out of Africa, it is a scene from the movie."

"And…." he waited and waits.


Winged defeat is ours. I am still scared of our last time.


Note: French Husband has been flying for nearly three years. I went up once. Though wonderful I still shiver thinking about it.


15 responses to “Winged Victory, when did you learn to fly?”

  1. let go, let go , let go, just in all things you have faced this year and your entire life you will not regret moving forward on this one.. fly my angel fly!

  2. Learn to fly!!! Then you can whisk off to California anytime you like!!!
    OK, maybe just learn to fly with your husband on occasion – see what he sees.

  3. I think you have a higher chance of getting killed on the roads in Europe than you do in the air. Just think you would be with your man if anything bad did happen. Go with him. He takes you to the Brocante.

  4. Oh, I wouldn’t have the courage to go up in a small plane either. You are courageous to try it just once! After years and years of traveling during my 20+ year career, I still grip the seat handles when the plane takes off and again when it lands. Nothing much to grab onto in FH’s tiny plane…except FH 😉

  5. Oh, Corey, I know you are there trembling with fear, as I would be too, but you made me giggle with your response. I just love that little scene where Denys responds yesterday to Karen Blixen’s query. You will make the right choice on whether or not to fly without doors.

  6. Corey it is time to conquer your fear. Go play with Yann on his ground, take photos, laugh. Fly all over and rejoice in God’s beauty.
    You will not die before you are suppose to. Better to fly then fall asleep at the wheel. That could kill you!!

  7. My heart would be in my throat, I would hold my breath, and fly away with him. What spectacular pictures you could get flying like a bird.

  8. Anne Gsolfot

    The first item on my list when I went to Europe for the first time was to see the Winged Victory. It still takes my breath away when I think of the thrill I felt when I saw her.
    I’ve ridden in a helicopter with the doors removed for a photographer ~ but we each wore a huge harness contraption to keep us from making an unexpected free-fall.
    Corey, just put on your “Out of Africa” persona and fly away with your love.

  9. I love that movie, I love the book.
    I’m with you, Corey, if you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. Only you will know when the time is right.
    However, we would all love to see what you would capture on film on a trip like that. Just sayin’

  10. Oh, can I relate to this! My husband loves to sail, and I am afraid of deep water. I do go with him some (not as often as he’d like and more than I want to!), but it’s hard for me to relax, so I don’t really “enjoy” it. I’m all for sharing and doing things together, but sometimes we do need to just do our own thing and let our partner enjoy doing theirs. I do what I can – sail sometimes, oil the wood, pack lunches, but I’ll never be a great sailing partner.

  11. Lucky you to have your very own Robert Redford, Corey. The first image that came to mind was the gorgeous cinematography in the film, The English Patient. FH may do scary, exciting stuff (like my husband) but I know you love his joie de vivre. 🙂

  12. Kathleen in Oregon

    Still trying to figure out how removing the doors was supposed to ease your fears?!?
    As a child I flew a lot with my dad and loved it, but now… Why do we become more fearful as we get older?

  13. You know, Corey, that you are very courageous in ways that others aren’t. Your ability to offer your friendship to so many is a brave thing I think. Even braver than flying.
    I don’t like to fly, especially in small planes, and nothing is going to change that and I’m quite happy staying on the ground. And yet, my brother, who grew up in the same family, is a professional pilot. We are who we are.

  14. My husband has just passed his first test by coming with me to Melbourne’s “Skydeck” where a room slides out into space and the floor and walls all become transparent 88 floors above street level.
    Now I am booking a balloon flight!!
    As long as I have something to hang onto (or someone) I’m OK.

  15. Ida from South Africa

    hmm… give a big, friendly smile 😀
    waving goodbye
    drink a cup of coffee (to stay wide awake)
    and go brocanting!!

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