Letting it Be


photo and text by Corey Amaro

Nothing but contentment and it is a scary thing to hold. Why so lucky? You know whenever I feel this way I start to worry. Crazy truth. If all is well then certainly something is hiding around the corner. Worse, in the middle of happiness I start to feel guilty.

Let it go.

Let it go.

Give it away.

Then I hear…

"All is well at this moment, and that my dear is all you have. Soak it in, embrace it gratefully letting it lead the days ahead."

Do you ever feel this way?


31 responses to “Letting it Be”

  1. Yes! I am always afraid something terrible is going to happen because I have such a happy life now! I think because I have known tragedy in my life and can’t believe my life can be so good now. Therefore, I am always worried my happiness will be shattered!

  2. ofsageandsepia

    Again, a post that speaks to me! I am trying to learn to embrace the moment, live in the present and not borrow worry from the future. If things are going well, it seems I sometimes work had to find something (not yet happening and may never) to worry about and take the shine off the good times. We all know that most of the things we worry about never happen, and that worrying just robs today of its joy, but it’s a hard habit to break!
    So fellow-worrier, let’s enyoy today for what it is and let the universe manage the rest!

  3. Robyn [miss*R]

    all the time Corey, all the time.

  4. unfortunately, not now…
    too many things to worry about!
    but enjoy yout happy moments!

  5. My Daughter calls me Chicken Little. I too am always looking behind and around. That comes from living to be 73.
    Enjoy the moment. Don’t feel bad about yourself, that’s just you. Some people are always READY for what ever.

  6. Sounds like Catholic guilt to me! When I start feeling that way I do something for someone else-maybe send an anonymous gift to a stranger, someone I’ve read about or heard about who could a “lift.” Sort of “pass it on” thing.
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  7. I have the exact same feelings. I am trying really really hard to enjoy the moment and not project. It is a hard thing. I am not Catholic but I sure got the guilt thing:)

  8. Rhonda P.

    Yes, all the time. Good to know I’m not alone. Waiting fot the shoe to drop isn’t fun. I’m getting better at living the moment, though. Having trust in people and God.

  9. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    I am learning to embrace the moment when I feel like that. It feels so free…
    xo Sharon

  10. last Monday was a perfect day ~ i had no anxiety and the best part was
    the rest of the week was very stressful
    but having the memory of that day
    comforted me all week.

  11. last Monday was a perfect day ~ i had no anxiety and the best part was
    the rest of the week was very stressful
    but having the memory of that day
    comforted me all week.

  12. Peace and joy in the moment, sometimes fear sneaks in… Noting the fear and anxiety on the in breath and then let it go… on the out breath ! Just like you said!
    This can bring more peace with the happiness!

  13. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Absolutely. My mother was that way too. I believe that is how I came by this attitude.

  14. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    During these stressful times what with the economy and conflicts, feeling content is rare, but when that emotion seeks into your heart and mind and soul, do embrace it.

  15. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    Part of the human condition and it propels us forward…oh so ‘they’ say. Grab what you can I say!

  16. Often. I feel this way often. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. I try to work each day to appreciate its many moments and to find the good things and hold on to them – a savings account against the not-so-good.

  17. Everton Terrace

    I used to, oh did I, but not anymore. I’m not sure what happened, it wasn’t a purposeful thing but now I just expect things to be lovely and serene and they usually are. The good thing is, even when they are not, the time in between was much more enjoyable. I’m glad you are feeling content. One of my fav’ quotes is “it’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you have.”

  18. Julie Ann Evins

    Always worrying !Jx

  19. Yes, definitely! Why do we feel guilty though? Thanks for the reminder to just let it be and maybe we celebrate it.

  20. Yes, always….

  21. Rare days to be sure but enjoy them while you can. Saturday was sort of like that for me, spent the day with my husband just enjoying each other’s company and knowing that all our “chicks” and family were temporarily accounted for. Relaxed, comfy and secure in ourselves and knowing all was well and the world didn’t stop without us for a day.It was nice and long overdue!

  22. i feel this way ALL the time!! one of my favorite bands, THE GRATEFUL DEAD, have a line in one of their songs that goes something like this”…”cause when life looks like easy street, danger’s at your door.” then, i read a quote from kate winselt about knowing when the cake is in front of you and eating it all. i guess sometimes the flat land is far better to drive than the peaks or the valleys though the scenery is probably not as good…who knows…i like to think there is some sort of karmic balance somewhere in all this. be grateful during these times, replenish your reserves for other times ,and pray for the best. i think that is all we can do.

  23. I used to feel this way – not anymore. I feel so blessed in my life. We have had our share of heartache, but I LOVE my every day with my children. I feel spoiled to be able to stay home and educate them and love them. I feel grateful that they are all three healthy and happy, as is my husband. I know these are golden times and I am grateful every moment for the God that gives them, secure that even if there are grayer days, there is always hope in the future.

  24. It is true, all we have have is the moment.
    Many happy ones to you,

  25. Too good to be true ?
    Just enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !

  26. Gina Johnson

    I absolutely understand you. I think most of us learn to enjoy the pockets of peace in our life because the one thing we can count on in life is change. Drink it all in girl. Yes, of course, things won’t always be so peachy but they might not be so horrendous either. Enjoy this time.

  27. cynthia wolff

    Sometimes I just shout OUTLOUD about how good life is….I work at gratitude and having a great attitude and eliminating bad a tude. Live as if each day is your last….

  28. Toni Mason

    I can relate! Just enjoy God’s peace and store it up for the rest of life! It’s all about letting go of the control!

  29. Robin Sousa

    Yes. I’ve come to realize that this feeling is the genesis for the word “bittersweet”.

  30. People who have endured great trauma in the past feel this way, I feel.
    I’m exactly the same way.

  31. annie vanderven

    having had cancer and a major heart attack has made me realize that every moment is precious, easier said than done!!! but glimpses of peace are possible and are the sweetest when you know that it is all ephemeral. The good could not feel so good if not balanced with the bad.

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