Brocanting with a Beautiful Man


Photo and text by Corey Amaro

We found many old, wonderful, brocante things yesterday. We ran out of room in the van to stuff in another ribbon let alone the carved piece of gilded wood, nor did we have the energy to walk two inches let alone a couple of miles to take it to the van…. we started at five in the morning and we sat down it was seven in the evening.

Freshly cut corn fields can scratch your legs if you walk around in them with shorts on, and not long pants.

Thankfully it wasn't hot yesterday. In fact it was borderline chilly. I had on an over sized tunic, a long sleeved shirt, a sweater, a scarf, French Husband's long shorts underneath my tunic (because when you are cold you will wear anything… for example many people wore blankets.) a hat and hiking shoes. I felt like a real Queen of the Brocante! Let me tell you no one dresses to impress when they sleep in the back of a van, and hike around in freshly chopped corn fields… I was good in my skin as they say in France. That is until a dealer who was flirting up my French Husband asked if I was his Mother.

If it hadn't been the end of the day I might have thought of a good comeback. But unfortunately I looked like the Queen of Bag Ladies with my scratched up legs, guy shorts that kept falling to my knees, sun burnt lips, and dirt covered clothes from carrying a stone fountain.

French Husband said, "Oh no this is my wife."

In my head I calculated, then said to French Husband,  "If she thinks you are 40, because you could pass for forty, and I look 60ish, and if I had a child when I was twenty, then yes I could be your mother. Or if she thought I was fifty some, which I am, and she thought you were 30 some, and if I had you when I was 20 well then I could still be your mother."

French Husband shook his head, "Or she is a blind bat, rude, and not worth listening too."

"One thing is certain when a woman of my stature marries a handsome man, one that others find more attractive than she is, well than the woman needs to be one very strong character. I'll go with that. Strong character." I offered confidently, but bruised.

French Husband hugged me, and as he did I winked at the dealer.


61 responses to “Brocanting with a Beautiful Man”

  1. Florence Crowder

    Love the corn field posts. Regarding the ‘is that your mother’ comment. Let me tell you what my dad used to tell me when I would relate something distasteful someone said to me or a friend. He would ask, ‘ do you respect that person?’ I would usually answer, ‘no’, then, he would always say, ‘then why should you respect what he/she said’. I would always feel better then. One has to respect a person to be affected by what he/she says.

  2. May I hug you too?
    I so agree with FH.
    It can only be the blind of heart who exhibit such rudeness.
    Plus, she doesn’t know you at all, otherwise she would know what a treasure your husband is holding in his arms!

  3. Yes! Love that little wink at the dealer. Perfect! I, too, am married to a handsome hunk and I see the look from certain females – you married her? You bet he did – and, Corey, you don’t look like Yann’s mother. You certainly look like his love.

  4. I often think people will confuse me with the homeless when I am out at the flea market…better that than thinking you are able to afford higher prices! Yann is a good man…
    bliss farm antiques

  5. Saint Germain Hotels

    Well,respect is way too tough to find now a days Florence…Sad but least for someone like me.:(

  6. ellen cassilly

    I totally agree with you. You are strong and beautiful. I can’t wait to see you and hear more about the kids. E

  7. I agree with Florence…don’t empower rude, meaningless words by holding them…let them go. That vendor doesn’t “get it” and never will. I trust you didn’t buy anything from her!!!

  8. Ed in Willows

    Walking through a corn field without pants…, there was a visual. LOL
    ED! LOL! Gosh now I gotta change that ding dong sentence!

  9. I think you should smack her….

  10. Corey, you have the ultimate treasure…the love between you and your french husband. Those words are dust in the wind…or the cornfield, anyway.
    We never speak, but I occasionally visit your blog and leave a comment now and then, first because I love your writing and the brocante and your location!! (never been)…but also, because I love to see the LOVE between marriage is emotionally complicated, and it’s somehow reassuring to know a really good marriage is possible.

  11. OK, so what went into the truck?

  12. Julie Loeschke

    You are the best! ;)*wink*

  13. Everton Terrace

    A wink is perfect! Cannot WAIT to see what was in the van. Hope you took a photo of it stuffed to the gills. We had to take my husbands old work truck out to an auction yesterday and it has no air conditioning – let me tell you, Phoenix, AZ in August is torture with no air. I would have loved to need a blanket yesterday.

  14. I think you and Yann are a beautiful couple!Love the picture of you both that your friend took several blogs back…miss you both xx

  15. Great comeback, though I did love Maria’s comment!

  16. Corey, Karen said it all, ditto for me . . .thanks Karen.

  17. My Mama always told me, “Pretty is as pretty does.” That makes you beautiful, too!

  18. shake it off gal! you are beautiful and sassy….after sleeping in a van and trudging through a dusty field you still had the friskiness to reply with personal confidence and WINK! you are my hero!

  19. Natalie Thiele

    Corey, a wink said it better than any comeback could have. You have FH, she has a foot in her mouth.
    So whadja buy?

  20. Valerie, Grants Pass, OR

    Or she is just a bat, rude and not worth listening to. You flat out do not look old enough to be Yann’s mother and I think this woman knew exactly what she was doing. It’s hard to believe sometimes that such rude and spiteful people exist, but they do. You had the man, and she did not, so she insulted you – in a way that made her look “innocent”. ugh Jealous and mean; most likely without a man at all.
    (If I were a man, I’d certainly be in love with you, too.)

  21. Wonderful retort from FH … Corey, it is obvious to your blog readers that you are beautiful inside and out, which is clearly what your lovely husband sees

  22. Where did you bury the body?!!! Wink, wink!!! Yann hugging you at the precise moment was exactly what was needed. You got a good one ( and he’s right!) Corey, your beauty shines on the inside and outside, that vendor needs a trip to Le Optician!!!

  23. Jennifer in SF

    I agree with Karen 100%! You are beautiful — in every sense and in every photo that you post of you and your family, it shows. People who do not know the things you and Yann have experienced in your life together, cannot understand the poetry and beauty of your relationship and all that it has endured. You are my heroine! xoxox

  24. Rhonda P.

    Lucky for me I’m from a family who loves to flatter people with “oh you must be his young wife” – that is what she should have said. But evil women exist everywhere and hearing stories like this makes me say ugh once again. She was basically jealous, Corey, two beautiful people who so love each other, she just couldn’t stand it. Lonely old bat.
    Feel sorry for her, for she must not have any friends with that attitude. You, on the other hand have hundreds of friends and followers who feel like your friend from far away, that says it all sister. True happy people would never say anything rude as that.

  25. Lauren Mumford

    Well quite obviously she didn’t see the woman that was in OUR home! You have a *beauty spark* that is quite intangible…I think even my husband would wink at you if he thought he could get away with it 😉

  26. Denise Solsrud

    three cheers for you,Corey! and good for you. and five cheers for hubby’s comeback. those kind of women ruffle my feathers. Bestest,Denise

  27. Tamara Giselle

    A hug and a wink. Perfection!

  28. Ouch! I think you look fabulous!

  29. It’s true that words hurt, no doubt. But your husband knows what he has and that’s all that matters.

  30. Your husband is a very lucky man, I am sure he knows this. She was probably trying to throw you off your game and get you to pay more for your purchases.

  31. Chris Wittmann

    Some women are just so rude!! She’s obviously jealous of you and so had to say something hurtful. You are a handsome couple and your devotion to each other shows!

  32. Seriously, who says things like that?

  33. Christina

    I’m enjoying your anecdotes about life in France. I’m living in Paris for the time being and not enjoying it so it is encouraging to read stories of one who does enjoy living here! Maybe I will grow to love it also someday? One can hope…

  34. Robyn [miss*R]

    that antique dealer was a stupid cow.

  35. Christine

    You should have asked her if she had any cradles..
    I agree with everyone else..jealous woman 😛

  36. I know you have a personality to die for….. Yann is one lucky man!

  37. oh your a very beautiful woman, with great style and grace…Some women open their mouths that should not… Love that you winked at her!

  38. That remark was definitely on purpose. Envy never looks flattering on anyone. Love your wink. You are beautiful from all angles! Way to go with the hug, dear FH! You and Yann have something some only wish for.

  39. She who laughs last, laughs best! With that hug from Mr. Hunky French Husband and your brazen American wink – you got the last laugh girl. Love it!

  40. Rebecca from the Pacific Northwest

    To a practical question, why didn’t you take/wear long pants?
    (FH picks you. That’s what counts.)

  41. Rebecca from the Pacific Northwest

    ALSO what counts: your darling husband went to a huge brocante with you! That’s a new-ish development, isn’t it?

  42. What a b_ _ _ _! She is just jealous! I have been reading your blog for a long time and have seen many photos of you and your husband. He is beautiful and you are, too! I love your style (especially your hair!). I never, ever thought he looked younger than you are. Just smile to yourself when you are in bed at night next to your wonderful husband and she is alone with her miserable self 🙂

  43. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    You are beautiful too. She didn’t look properly. On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. St-Exupéry.

  44. Corey, as others have said you’re beautiful inside and out and Yann is far, far more than just a handsome man! You two really are a darling and inspiring couple.
    What a classless human that dealer was!

  45. My darling lying husband says I see you as when we first met, and I didnt believe him, but I have asked other men and they all say the same thing, they see their wives as young and beautiful. I guess I have to believe.

  46. Dear Corey,
    Let it roll off your back.
    Your beauty is measured in many ways. On a daily basis you bring beauty into our lives, thank you for sharing it. Your way of looking at the world shows us the beauty in your surroundings. You find beauty in the old and worn, some things many would just walk away from, but you, my dear, can see the treasure. Your geniune compassion and missives honoring those around you and your love of your entire family, show the beauty in your heart. The occassional picture that you post of yourself shows us that you hold beauty on the outside as well.
    Bravo to your husband; please, please do not allow her assumption make your heart heavy or linger in your mind.
    Diana from San Francisco

  47. Oh, Corey! My husband is 12 years younger than I am and until recently he looked more like 20 years younger than I (he has one of those baby faces). I have been mistaken for his mother more than once and it kind of hurts. However, I get to go home with him and keep him all to myself, so a big raspberry to the person at the Brocante! Plus, you are beautiful yourself, Corey. Yann can’t help it that he looks like a model.

  48. How dare that dealer ask if you were FH mother!!!! Jealous women can be so bitchy Corey. You are beautiful and a very lucky lady to have such a loving husband. I hope you havn’t given that comment a second thought!! xx

  49. How rude! But not worth a second thought (or a first)…. and remember, you’re the one FH came home with…..

  50. Lieselotte

    Corey, you could never pass as Yann´s mum, even when you are wearing potato bags. To such a stupid question I used to give answers like: “No, she´s my grandma.” That would have got her wondering !:)

  51. You guys seems to have the ideal couple. Bravo! What a strage, sweet and wonderful story.

  52. Diane Dainis

    Let the words fly away. And never give them a second thought. Not worth your time. Anyways your the lucky one, you have the French Husband! Way to go!

  53. This hit home for me, my hubby is the same age as I am but he is much cuter. I have been told several times that HE is more attractive…I know the comments are rude but hard to dismiss. I was saying recently to a much older friend that I was lucky that HE still loves me. sha said you are the warmest, most loving lady, we all love you.

  54. Wow Corey…you handled yourself very well. Meanwhile I am still here all a blather about that lady’s gall. Yann is perfectly on the mark in his honest loving comment. You are a gorgeous woman. I think I have told you this before, that I have been asked not once but twice if I was my sister’s mother (she is beautiful, yes, but only 5 years younger than me=( )and when I mentioned it self-consciously to my hubby, his loving response, “obviously they are idiots”. I love him dearly.

  55. You handled that like a queen, with style and grace. I must say that your husband is a peach! He is a treasure along with your brocante finds.

  56. Oh, I love your FH! Now there’s a real man for you! Maturity teaches us that the outside is just the shell. It’s what’s inside that counts. Shallow people just look on the exterior.
    Your husband is no dummy. He knows what’s hot and what’s not!

  57. cynthia wolff

    People should just keep their mouths shut..she was not “making conversation” to be polite or friendly…If you are not sure of somethng and if you think it could offend someone…shut up! Some people just love to hear themselves talk. Corey you are the one who scored a handsome loving husband. Yann scored a lovely, classy, classic, smart, inventive talented woman. Cheers to you both and long may you wave!! Bravery to you to post this. I have been asked when is the baby due (not recently of course, it would be a compliment now!) because of big belly and unflattering clothes so I know how it can hurt.

  58. Bravo Corey!
    You have FH and she has zip.
    What a cow.

  59. Gorgeousophie

    Maria! She is no fishwife! The wink was sooo cute,classy&witty, mischievous elegance at its best!;o)

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