The Fox’s Daughter, Juliette


Photography and text by Corey Amaro:

French Husband's niece was eleven years old when I first met her,
twenty three years ago. It was also the first time I was to meet his family,
we were going to have lunch at his sister's Soizic's home (The day before we were to go to French Husband's, Great-Uncle's house.).

The white,
monogrammed tablecloth was set with antique wine glasses, the
silverware was lined-up a mile long next to the Limoges plates, and a
large, soup tureen transformed into a vase was filled full of flowers
and sat in the center of the old dining room table. The tabletop carried a
conversation with my understanding a word, as French Husband's family chattered
away in French, leaving me in silence, soaking up the details with delicious wonder, we sat sipping our aperitif waiting for Juliette to come downstairs: She
was late… though later I would understand being late was set up for
her stage of entrance.

I remembered that day crystal clear, not
because of the beautiful home of French Husband's sister, nor his family
that fearsomely loved their son-brother-uncle named Yann, so much so,
that they couldn't help looking at me with trepidation… No, what I
remember most is Juliette coming downstairs, wearing a colorful, silk
headband wrapped around her forehead, holding  her long, dark hair in
place. She was captivating, original, and a breath of fresh air to the
stuffiness I felt in that room.

Juliette spoke perfect english,
better than French Husband's. I stared at her in disbelief, her voice
was music to my ears, and she was only eleven years old! I looked at
French Husband as to say what gives? I asked her where she had learned
to speak english. Juliette told me that she was in love with Michael
Jackson, his style, his dance and his music. Juliette went on to say
that whenever she had some money she would buy a single of his, then
listen to it over and over again, while following along with the lyrics
written on the back. Then she would look up the words in the dictionary,
memorize them, and then recreate other sentences with them. Michael
Jackson was her hero, and my new found hero that day.


The next day we went to French Husband's Great Uncle's house. I knew from the moment we walked in the door that Soizic liked antiques, like creating a home using old things, and that French Husband was uncomfortable with such an event as dividing the belongings of an Uncle he loved.

Soizic opened the linen closet as I ran upstairs to find French Husband in the attic.

He had unearthed a full set of armory, the mask, shield, sword… he said, "This is what I want. Only this."

"Really. You mean you want that in our home? Like standing in the corner next to a fern or something? Wouldn't you also like some linen?"

We walked downstairs, he had his notebook in hand, we walked by the linen closet which remained untouched. French Husband gave his note book to his cousin. She looked at it, one item without a ticket. As they talked I walked outside…. to peek in the garage.


13 responses to “The Fox’s Daughter, Juliette”

  1. yvonne rosenfield

    I am fasinated about the attic. Golly, all those wonderful finds. Your Husband sounds like he found a real find a Suit of Armor. Guy stuff.

  2. Leslie garcia

    Dear Corey,
    You are the best story teller! I can’t wait to get up in the morning every day to read your words! The photographs are so wonderful too! You have kept me hanging for the last few days on this one! More, more please!


    I think Juliette was the real treasure found that day!

  4. What an intriguing mystery you take us on still, Corey. I remember you writing about Juliette and her learning to speak through Michael Jackson and marveling. What a determined young girl she was and I wonder at where she is now and what she is doing.
    Of course, I’m waiting impatiently to hear what you found in the garage!

  5. I wonder what Juliette is doing now too. I remember the story of Juliette learning English. Now onto those linens. I do so hope you were able to convince your FH to take a few linens.

  6. Brenda L from TN

    Please tell us where Juliette is today. She sounds like a fantastic young lady as well as a very sweet person and ally. I’m glad she was there for you so you didn’t feel so alone.
    I love the mystery you are telling us…did FH get more than a suit of Armor? What is in the garage? Did you get the French linens? Did you and FSIN ever become real friends? More please…

  7. I’m savoring this story, each day a little more. Taking your time telling it, reminds me of a wonderful fine dinner, tasting each bite slowly.

  8. Everton Terrace

    You’re kiling me. Seriously.

  9. Natalie Thiele

    I sure hope this story has a fabulous ending because the suspense is taking its toll on me!

  10. I love the twists & turns and side-roads this story is taking as you inch the plot forward! I’m praying for a happy ending with a back-seat full of linens!
    PS – The photo of Juliette, appropriately on a balcony, is absolutely beautiful.

  11. Denise Solsrud

    how good is this? this is so good and i’m thinking the book that you should write will be fantastic and more. Bestest,Denise

  12. Elizabeth Mackey

    I’m really loving this story! Your description of your sister in laws house is great! I can only imagine how beautiful it all must have been.

  13. This story is so much fun, Corey!

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