A Gift My Mother Gave

Img_2434 My Mother's Passion

My Mother and Aunt Marie use to go to the antique auctions when I was little.
After the dinner dishes were done, she would race off with a smile, with high hopes written all over her face.
A 1920s blue glass beaded evening bag- $5
An oak dresser with a swivel mirror for $35-
Grey freckled tin ware- my Aunt Marie's passion way back then.
And a trumpet were some of the bids they won that I can recall.
Especially the trumpet.
My Mother used it as our alarm clock…

"Da da ta a ta dum da ta da da ta
dum!" She would toot around seven in the morning to wake-up my four brothers and I.

The sound was
too harsh for the morning light- sleep was out of the question!

It was not the blast of the trumpet
that struck my heart for loving to find old things. It was the joy I
saw on my Mother's face, as she would come home late at night, with her
arms carrying her latest acquisitions.


Photo and text by Corey Amaro: Photo: An 18th century
engraving that I bought in an antique shop in Aix en Provence.

does cupid point his arrow in your life?


15 responses to “A Gift My Mother Gave”

  1. What wonderful memories, you certainly inherited your mother’s passion for the loveworn. Would love to have seen your mum rushing around in the mornings blowing her trumpet ! Jx

  2. Family genes are hard to deny, aren’t they? Such treasures to find, to keep, to pass on, for your greatest treasure is of course your parents.

  3. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    She must enjoy your french twist on her hobby!

  4. This post nearly made me cry…. my mum who is now practically blind and cannot travel any more to visit me in France also still is a person full of joyful spirit and an awesome mind – full of passion for lovely things and bright smiles for happy events…. and she DOES love my sense of brocante treasures hunting!!!! Thank you Corey, this is beautiful! Thankfully, we haven’t got a trumpet though…. 🙂

  5. What sweet memories! Being able to recall that look of joy on her face must bring a smile to yours 🙂

  6. leaves me with a 🙂 on my face!

  7. Cupid points his arrow at my heart when I find a treasure that speaks to me. I hold it or see it and just know its mine.
    That angel knows these things. Just ask my man.

  8. I love your mother! I got a vision of her with the trumpet, blasting you kids out of bed…how hilarious. Cupids arrow for me? My kids, without question…
    bliss farm antiques

  9. Does Sacha get awakened in the morning with your Mom sounding the trumpet? What a wonderful memory to have.

  10. Everton Terrace

    Does she still have said trumpet? I am a morning person like my father but we are the only ones in our family. My husband and daughter always asked me to tone it down a bit until they were more awake. I would have LOVED a trumpet. Fun memory for you.

  11. Oh the thrill of the hunt. That is where the arrow goes. It follows me along and whamm! when I see the beautiful something I just must have.

  12. Franca Bollo

    Aunt Marie was my favorite.

  13. I think I got my gourmet love of cooking from my aunt. My love of decorating and animals from my mom. And from my other aunt, the love of the old! Treasure hunting is such an adventure. I love it! And, my other love-horses! I am getting my new baby today! Soooooooo Excited. In fact, sorry I havent commented lately-I have been treasure hunting galore!

  14. Victoria Ramos

    Love your mom’s sense of humor!!! The visual I get from your story makes me smile.
    Once I got hooked on auctions – I took my mom alot, and it was fun for her to see all the cool things. thank goodness she never saw a trumpet :-).
    My mom was very talented and she handed down that ability to me and I was able to do what she never got a chance to be – a working artist.
    Cupid’s aim will always be my darling daughter. We share many things in common (including red hair) and our love of decor, art, creating stuff. Mom’s genes has been passed down to her as she too is very creative.
    She is the light of my life – sorry hubby.

  15. weightloss

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