North Carolina Morning

North Carolina Morning

Photography and text by Corey Amaro.

A North Carolina morning starts out with a shower on the outside deck at my friend's house:


Followed by a peek into the new collection of photographs in the gallery. I love it, can you imagine a museum between the outside deck's shower and the bedroom?

French Husband and I are jet lagged zoombies… we went downstairs to have breakfast, and not just any breakfast, we were having the Frank's Special!

Frank's oatmeal is the best, it is one of the reasons I keep coming back….

In a pan toss a handful of dry oatmeal (per person),

a chopped apple without peeling it,

a handful of dried cranberries,

some pumpkin seeds,

a sprinkle of raisins,

More than a sprinkle of roasted cashews (I dare you not to eat a single one before cooking!)

some water.

Cook the oatmeal slowly. While waiting have a piece of wheat berry toast with almond butter and ginger jam.

When the oatmeal is tender, add pomegranate syrup.


Ellen Cooks

Beside creating homes and buildings, Ellen loves to cook.

Besides Frank's breakfast, we love going to their home for Ellen's cooking.

Baked Peaches:

Cut a peach in half, place it on a cooking sheet with the tender side up.

Where the pit use to be add a mixture of creamy goat cheese, mixed with lavender, finely sliced walnuts and honey.

Grill until golden.

Serve with a glass chilled white wine.


French Husband and I are plump little piggies under the outside shower!

Photo from the site: Triangle Modernist…

Ellen and Frank's home.


26 responses to “North Carolina Morning”

  1. Lia deKoster

    I’ll have a bowl
    over here,
    over here
    I’m pleased to gleen from
    the arrival and breaky that the
    plane took off
    and landed and
    you are
    thanks you again
    for sharing

  2. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Yum! Other than the walnuts…to which I am allergic, it all sounds sooo good! Thank you for the recipes!
    Welcome back to the States, Corey & FH!
    : )
    Julie M.

  3. What a phenomenal home! Couple! FOOD!!!!… Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh, I would never want to leave that home! Interesting how very different it is from your equally lovely home in Provence – I think you are like me in being able to appreciate beauty of design in very different forms. Glad your epic journey is behind you and wishing you a wonderful stay in the US …

  5. A spectacular tree house, lucky you.

  6. Lucky you to get to stay at Cassilhaus! I check their blog periodically…it’s an amazing house; I love how creatively they are using it. Are you going thru antique withdrawal??

  7. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    sounds like a wonderful place to be…I am happy for you and Yann. You needed a vacation.

  8. Everton Terrace

    Swoon. Oh that house is divine. I also appreicate many different types of design and that house is what my house would like to be when it grows up. The best part about it though is that it is filled with such generous friends and good food – that is what makes it a home yes? That oatmeal is almost exactly how I make mine except the “pomegranate syrup” – wonderful, going to try to add some of that next time.

  9. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Oh, I don’t think I could live in that lovely home…too scary for me, up on the edge of a hill like that. One rumble from an earthquake and I would be terrified forever 😉 Good thing it is located in the Carolina’s. Just one question…why did you have to shower outside?? Taking in all of nature the natural way? LOL! Enjoy your visit and journey to Texas.

  10. Natalie Thiele

    WOW! Lucky you! That is an UNBELIEVABLY COOL house! And great food, too! Have tons of fun.
    When are you coming to California?

  11. What a treat to get to stay in such a beautiful home, with such gracious and creative hosts, located in my favorite state! All of that plus you and Yann equals a winning combination! Hop on down to Alabama!

  12. A delectable way to start a day; home, shower, food, friends. Does it get any better? Well, maybe not better, but equal as you begin your bracanting trek. Enjoy.

  13. That sounds delicious ! Must try it out.

  14. Brenda L from TN

    WOW!! What a HOUSE!!! Beautiful views…quiet forest…nature sounds… and in the mountains…but best of all…It’s in the SOUTH!!! Plus a wonderful breakfast…Enjoy your stay…

  15. Such a lovely state, isn’t it? We happen to be in our last day at the beach in NC – family came together from four different states. I love the scent of NC air – you can even notice the difference at the airport!

  16. I used to live in a home like Frank and Ellen’s (built on steel support poles). The deck was my favorite part, because you felt like you were in a treehouse. Have a great time in NC. It looks like you are being fed and entertained well!

  17. Oatmeal sound so delicious! Enjoy your visit and showering outdoors – wonderful!

  18. Franca Bollo

    Very cool house. I imagine Choopy licking his chops and drooling over it.

  19. cynthia wolff

    What lovely friends!! Boy you came over here fast! I missed all the events leading up to this…I’ve been very naughty Corey! Have a wonderful trip…

  20. Rebecca in the Pacific Northwest

    I was so startled to read that you’re staying at Cassilhaus, since I follow their progress and construction and artist guests on their blog. But then I realized that perhaps I found them courtesy of you!
    Take a photo of the deer gate, please, at the front drive, and post it. I’d like to see your photographer’s eye on it. And tell Ellen that I loved the photo of her in welder’s gear.

  21. Rebecca in the Pacific Northwest

    Question: the photo of the entire house with no leaves on the trees: that’s not from today is it? Surely it’s not that far into fall there yet?
    Hi Rebecca,
    The last photos were not taken this year.

  22. Corey and Yann,
    it feels so good to know that you are in the hands (and gorgeous home) of your wonderful friends in beautiful North Carolina (please hug a tree for me, will you?).
    Warm wishes and hugs,

  23. such a wonderful house to visit! and ginger jam, too. i wondered where in n.c. you were going, and it looks like the western part, and very lovely. if you are near the brown mountains, i wonder if you will see the ‘lights’.
    enjoy. m

  24. Apart from all the other delights – wheatberry toast, almond butte, ginger jam – BRING IT ON ! jx

  25. Bonnie Buckingham

    Now where in NC is that home?
    Have to go down rabbit trails here.
    YOU are in some heat here ….
    too, even in the mts!
    ( my home state where Autumn is trying to arrive in all her splendor but summer is digging in her heels…..with her midday heat!)

  26. Bonnie Buckingham

    found where that house is.
    Near Duke.

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