Never in a Million Years


Photo and text by Corey Amaro

Never say never is how the saying goes, but saying never in a million years is different.

Never in a million years did I think I would not be afraid of dogs.

This is Lucy.

I love Lucy.

She licked my finger… or should I say kissed my finger, and I did not scream, instead I laughed! Lucy is shy and lives most the time under the bed, when I laughed she ran to her hiding place. I honestly believe I am going to hold her before the end of the trip.

Lucy is shaking my world and French Husband should be jealous.


28 responses to “Never in a Million Years”

  1. Lia deKoster

    Delicious little pet

    but wait it is just the
    longing left by the children
    you are teasing the boy…
    I don’t believe for a moment French Husband is in trouble
    I read your friends blog and I love the gate construction…It is beautiful,
    as too is their home.
    thank you all for sharing

  2. Lia deKoster

    but wait…
    I do believe it is
    longing for the children
    I think you are a wee tease
    as if French Husband is in any trouble not holding your attention…
    I think I have seen him look longingly at you through trees
    that you yourself photographed.
    I read your friends blog about the construction of their gates.
    Amazingly beautiful and restful.
    Thank you all for sharing

  3. Awwww – too cute! This is the second dog you’ve bonded with, as I recall, Corey, so maybe we can look forward to a little addition some day soon to your household? I am a dog person myself, and my long-term plan for dealing with the empty nest is simple: acquire more dogs!
    Hi Karen,
    Yes, you are right. The other dog was/is Babette. But Lucy licked my finger and that is a first. Lucy and Babette.
    Yann says we cannot have a dog (s). I wouldn’t know the first thing about having a dog. And if they bark I instantly go back to being terrified.

  4. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    I’m sorry, Corey. Being afraid of dogs must be ruff. What fun that you’ve made a new friend! Did the Southern accent do the trick? They are always so charming.
    : )
    Julie M.

  5. I see a Lucy in your empty nest future 🙂

  6. You are helping each other with your fears. It’s like group therapy – you and the dog.

  7. I am a total dog person. Small dogs especially. They do nothing but love you. I heard this joke recently: put your dog and your mother-in-law in the trunk of a car and leave them for several hours. Come back, open the trunk. Who will be glad to see you?
    bliss farm antiques

  8. She is very cute!


    When the time is right, the right dog will find you.

  10. wot a poppet !

  11. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    You should consider a French Bulldog!

  12. My 4 lb. long hair chihuahua is my baby. We go everywhere together, that’s why I want to move to France, so she can join me in restaurants. They won’t let us do that here in the US. Curses!
    Lucy is adorable.

  13. Everton Terrace

    Yes, that little face looks like she could warm even the most skittish heart. I hope you will eventually come to love dogs – slow and steady. It is one of the great joys in life I do believe.

  14. My parents’ little sweet pup looks a lot like Lucy. Her name is Daphne and my dad calls her a moth because she is so shy. It is incredibly endearing, once a little animal like that trusts you how can you not be in love?!

  15. You are being very brave. Congratulations, Lucy for helping Corey! Such a sweet thing.

  16. How cute! There is nothing scary about that face, you cannot help but melt when she looks at you like that 🙂

  17. Lucy Rogers

    They are not barking, they are talking.

  18. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    cutie pie she is. Snuggle up with her.

  19. Sue from Seattle

    I was scared of dogs for most of my life. I was won over by my sister’s dog and my friends dog and decided I was ready to have one of my own. That was 5 years ago…I have 3 now!! Love them more than anything.
    2 Shelties and a wiener dog.

  20. Oh, Corey, doggies are the best. They nip, they tease, they cuddle, they follow you from room to room. They look at you so lovingly and trust you with all their little hearts. St. Francis will send you just the right dog. Pray for it.

  21. Diane Laurent

    OMG Corey..Lucy is an adorable bichon frise, I had Daisy for 15 years, a very sweet bichon, they are the best. I now have a cavachon which is a cross between a cavalier and a bichon and her name is..Lucy!
    You must get a dog. They really do bring so much joy to the home.
    Diane L.

  22. Corey,
    Like you I was terrified of dogs (and cats!) until my son got an English bulldog puppy. He won me over the minute I saw him. He is now 3yrs. He is ugle, snores, he passes gas, he is not cuddly at all, but I LOVE the little guy and look forward to his visits at my place.
    Don`t know if I will ever feel that way about cats though…..

  23. Natalie Thiele

    I’m a cat person myself, but a friend of mine had a bichon frise, Mischa, and she was the sweetest dog I’ve ever known.
    When are you coming to California?

  24. Brenda L from TN

    What an adorable face….She is so cute!!!
    I,too, am a cat person but we always had dogs when my 2 boys were growing up…BIG dogs…I’m not used to small dogs but Lucy has the sweetest face EVER!!! I could love that face for sure!!!

  25. I do hope you over come that fear.
    I have been bitten by a terrier dog
    when I was about 6yrs. So I know
    the fear you have. I have had six dogs
    that I dearly loved. My Dalmation is
    now 14 yrs old.A joy to my old age.

  26. Paula S In New Mexico

    Lucy is a little heart breaker !!!!

  27. Lucy. Little wittle Lucy-do. My dog’s name is Amber. Amber-Wamber-Doodlely-Doo. She turns my heart to mush and the rest just follows. :} You may be on your way to being smitten.

  28. amylia grace

    Funny the places we find healing and the best teachers, eh? Something tells you you might love her so much that you decide it’d be better to take Lucy home in your luggage than any of the great finds @ Marburger Fair! Could it be….amor?

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